
The Last Hero : Hunter Devil's

Story about a young boy named Ace, who lives in a world where there are multiple races, such as elves, beasts, and humans. Ace is a teenager who has straight black hair, black eyes, and a slender body. He is training with his parents at the age of 12, presumably for a war or battle that will take place in his world. The gods are restless and have recently decided to reincarnate two of their representatives: Aaron, who wanted to destroy humanity and Horrus, the god of war. ==== ==== I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel. I accept corrections in the comments paragraph i hope you enjoy my novel

JustNormalAuthor · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4  City Destruction

Above the castle entrance to the city, the elven archer man who was on patrol was silently dripping with cold sweat. Seeing the demons coming faster than expected, a knight walked up while carrying a glass of warm water to check the situation from the top of the castle."Hey! What's wrong with you? It's like seeing a ghost!!"said the knight to the elf archer man. The elf archer man didn't speak, just his hand moved, pointing slowly to one point with trembling.

The knight was confused when he saw it, then looked at the point the elf archer man was aiming at.The knight was shocked, then dropped the glass of warm water he was carrying. "Aaa...aaa..what! Quickly! Shoot a warning arrow!" said the knight to the elf archer man. "The warning arrow was launched, then exploded in the sky like fireworks. The knight ran in a hurry.The torches were lit, the troops ran around preparing their battle equipment, and the knight continued to run past the troops. 

"Knock...knock...knock..." Someone knocked on the door again. They looked at the door. "Please come in!", Hors said firmly. When the door opened, they saw the knight, who was panicking and shaking.  "Lord Hors! The demons have been seen, and their number is unknown," the knight said in panic.

The room suddenly fell silent, and they panicked at the bad news."Hemhh, please come out," answered Hors. The knight walked back and closed the door. Hors closed his eyes.Hestia stood up from the chair and said, "Lord! We don't have any more time," Hestia said to Hors.

Hestia felt anxious thinking about her children."Don't worry, darling, they will be fine!" said Erik to Hestia. Erik knew Hestia was worried about her children, but they couldn't prioritize their personal interests because it was her responsibility to protect all of humanity."Wow, this husband and wife are really compatible," said Drwin, glancing at them.

"Don't talk nonsense! In front of Lord Hors, damn grandfather," said Natalia to Drwin. They always fight over trivial matters, just because of their competition, they bet on which race has killed the most demons over the years. Jig was just silent and didn't say a word. Nothing. Because of his leadership qualities, he can think clearly.

Hors opened his eyes, they fell silent and glanced at him. "All generals, you have fought against the demons and put your own lives at stake, now it's time for our final fight! Wet the demons! Jig mobilizes your troops to fight on the front lines with Drwin's troops. Erik brings "Your cavalry troops to the side to cut the demons' lines, Hestia to your 2 troops, to help the front and back lines, Natalia deploys your troops to stand at the defense line," Hors said to them, saying it firmly. "Okay!" they said loudly, in unison and standing straight.

Hors began to emit golden aura energy, the room was filled with golden aura, Erik and the others' bodies glowed because of the golden aura, and the light shattered like glass into armor. golden, they were stunned. "I'm sharing a little of my power with you, go! *They stand up* I hope you come home safely," Hors said to them.

Erik and the others went to their respective places. The ground shook, the trees fell, and the demons were seen in front of the troops that were marching.

They trembled to see the demon army like a Kolini of ants, their numbers were very different. "Shoot!" Natalia shouted, and arrows started to fall like rain. "Attack!" said Jig, shouting.

Jig and his troops blocked the demons from entering. The magician troops started casting spells and shooting fireballs. Hestia cast area protection magic to protect the entire city. 

Erik rode his horse, and the horse troops began to cut through the ranks of the demons like arrows cutting through the wind. Erik began to cut down the demons in front of him, and their troops were overwhelmed by the demons who kept coming. 

The roars of the demons became increasingly fierce, the sky roared with lightning out of fear, Hestia cast area magic to reduce the number of demons, Natalia helped him remove magic arrows, and as a result, the ground became hollow.

Jig swung his sword at the ground, the ground split open, the demons fell into it, Drwin hit the ground, releasing a burst of hot lava, the demons burned, black smoke started flying, people fell unconscious, the troops were just sweating blood everywhere, and the few hours of fighting there were like hell for the troops.

Something flew at the speed of light from the direction of the enemy, then stopped above the battle and was covered in black smoke. Slowly descending from the sky, the smoke saw the figure.The battle took place. Erik, Hestia, Jig, Darwin, and also Natalia, looking up at the sky, suddenly fell silent in fear.

His figure was very scary, giving off an aura of bloodlust, he was Aaron."Hoi...hoi... that damn god just sent a cockroach to me! haaa..haa..*laughs evilly*," said Aaron. Erik and the others only focused on Aaron; they gathered together to prepare to fight while our troops fought against the demon troops.

Aaron pointed his sword at them, emitting fire that aimed at them. Hestia quickly cast defensive magic that surrounded them. Natalia used her magic arrow and shot straight at Aaron.

Aaron disappeared from before them. "Where is he?" Jig said, Aaron's sword swing was launched. "Watch out behind him!" said Erik, and he took steps to block the sword swing by crossing Erik's twin swords, Drwin slammed his hammer into Aaron's side, hitting Aaron hard on his body.

"Tch... I underestimated them too much," said Aaron. They continued to work together to launch attacks on Aaron.

"The world feels dark! Where am I? I can't see anything! *A small light is visible.* What is that light? *A voice is heard: "O hero, free this world from darkness! Don't use it with anger! And revenge!!" * Who are you? .. I saw a picture of someone, but it wasn't clear! Aaaaa!! ..he's scary" Ace woke up from the dream.

Looking around the room, he saw that Eris was sleeping next to him.   "That was it! What was it?" Ace spoke in his heart; he felt an uncomfortable feeling like a nightmare was happening. "Hello, Ace, you're not sleeping," said Erisa to Ace, who woke up half asleep. "There's what? "Ace! Erisa said to Ace, "It's nothing!" Ace answered.

The war started to heat up, Aaron started to get bored of fighting with Erik and the others, Aaron raised his left hand, then gathered his mana energy and formed a fireball. He threw the fireball into the city, the protective area that Hestia had created started to crack, the soldiers were scared and ran away, and Hors was suddenly there when the area barrier that Hestia had created was destroyed.

An army of demons began to run into the city, destroying everything in front of them. The whole city was in chaos, like the apocalypse was coming. Hestia was worried about her children, and she felt stressed because of her responsibilities. "What should I do?" Hestia said in her heart.

"Finally you've come, damn god, no! But you're a damn demigod, you're willing to be reincarnated as a human, you just want to prevent me, your power is very small, and I will avenge your actions and kill all humans.

"Evil smile," said Aaron to Hors."No! I will prevent you from doing that vile thing, and this time I will make sure you die! Aaaroonn!" Hors replied to Aaron,"

Jig, you fend off the demons outside the gate! Drwin, Natalia, go protect the people in the city! Erik, Hestia, you know what you have to do, hurry! There's no time left!"

Hors said to Erik and the others that they did what Hors ordered.Erik got on a horse with Hestia, and the horse ran. Erik used a sword to open a path blocked by the demons, helped by Hestia's magic.

"Hurry up, darling, I don't want my child to get hurt," said Hestia to Erik. Hestia was getting more and more worried, her heart was so restless. Erik increased the speed of his horse "Hia..hhia..",