
The last heir of Dumbledore

After transmigrating, Tselmeg found out that he was reincarnated into Harry Potter world. The issue is that he become the grand-nephew of the great wizard of all time except Merlin himself, Albus Dumbledore. English is my third language. And just comment about this book. It would motivate me and effect to how far the story goes on. Minimum 5 chapter a week /Mostly on Saturday and Sunday/

Inkglass · Book&Literature
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41 Chs

John Dawlish

When Anthony arrived at Randolph's two-floor apartment at Diagon Alley, several Aurors could be seen blocking the entrance to the firebolt store.

When Gilderoy Lockhart was seen several fan witches screamed and rushed to Lockhart and Anthony.

"Lockhart, report your progress to me every week. We will meet at Lightning Beverage's warehouse in every Sunday 10' oclock. It seems you have many tails now. See you later" said Anthony with a monotonous voice.

Anthony walked to the two-floor apartment but was blocked by an Auror.

"The store is closed kid! You better leave" said a confident tough-looking Auror with curly long hair.

"I live here! Outta my way!" said Anthony pushing the auror and was about to enter the apartment.

"Anthony Dumbledore?" said the tough-looking Auror and recognized Anthony.

"I apologize for my rude manner, My name is Rufus Scrimgeour, head of Auror office at DMLE" said the tough-looking auror.

When Anthony looked at the face of the auror, he recognized the man as the successor of Cornelius Fudge, the short-term Minister of Magic.

"It's alright, but did you find the culprit?" asked Anthony with a childish face.

"Not yet, the poison was delivered through a letter and we are now investigating to find the sender. But a Fidelius charm is preventing us to locate the sender therefore we are in a temporary halt to find more evidence." replied Rufus Scrimgeour with a sorry face.

"I see, so can I enter the apartment now?" asked Anthony with an annoyed face.

"Dawlish, come over here!" Rufus Scrimgeour called a young man with grey hair.

One auror from the guarding auror came and greeted Anthony.

"Oh, Mr.Dumbledore you are here. My name is John Dawlish. An Auror from the Auror Office. I will be looking over you till you have a new magical guardian" said John Dawlish shaking hands with Anthony.

Rufus Scrimgeour instructed few things to the Aurors and only Anthony and Dawlish were left in the apartment.

Anthony went into the workshop of Randolph and was followed by Dawlish.

"Wow, so this is the Firebolt company workshop!" John Dawlish agaped.

"Yes, this is the Firebolt company workshop. But the most important person who is my foster father is now not present anymore!" said Anthony.

Anthony looked over the various new designs which Randolph has created and picked up the Firebolt 3 design with a sad face.

"The design is almost complete. If Randolph was alive, he would have been working on it right now" mumbled Anthony in his mouth, mourning to his friend.

Soon Anthony wrote a notice that the shop is closed for an indefinite time and glued on the front door.

When Anthony went into the second floor, John Dawlish followed him.

Anthony became angry that someone is following him 24/7 and asked.

"Are you even going to follow me in the restroom?" asked Anthony with an annoyed tone.

"If you agree, yes I will. But that is not necessary if you don't run away!" replied Dawlish.

Anthony facepalmed and felt like he is in a prison, observed by a prison guard. He gave John Dawlish a spare bedroom.

Anthony went out of the apartment and went into the Gringotts bank. Followed by Dawlish. When Anthony reached the head teller of Gringotts bank, Griphook.

Griphook was almost finishing his official business and when someone came in front of him he grumbled and stood up to see who it is.

"Oh, Mr.Lefrancois Dumbledore, It's our pleasure to have you here again. Please come to our reserved room to have the discussion." Griphook's attitude rotated 180 degrees and become polite.

For Gringotts bank, Anthony is one of the VIP customers, where he is listed in the TOP 10 richest people in Magical Britain. The reason is that he owns Firebolt company and Lightning Beverage company. Due to the two companies, Gringotts has got a 30% increase in annual transaction fee income and values, Anthony, very much.

John Dawlish wanted to follow Anthony to the Gringotts reserved meeting room but was blocked by Gringotts guards.

"I am an Auror, doing my official business!" said John Dawlish retributing to follow Anthony.

"Your Wizards' law enforcement doesn't apply in Gringotts private area! The wizard is careful or it will be you who broke the 18th Century Goblin treaty" Griphook told John Dawlish with gritting teeth.

John Dawlish as a Hogwarts graduate with full Outstanding grades in all NEWT subjects naturally knows what breaking 18th Century Goblin treaty means. It means that the economy of Magical Britain will collapse and there could be an another rebellion from the Goblins. Therefore John Dawlish retreated and decided to patiently wait for Anthony.

In the reserved meeting room, Griphook and Anthony sat facing each other.

"Mr. Dumbledore, what business do you have?" asked Griphook rubbing his hands.

"I want to know my total wealth after the decease of my foster father Mr.Randolph Spudmore and Mr.Griphook, if possible can the Gringotts Bank help me to investigate who the murderer of Randolph Spudmore is and his location?" asked Anthony with a serious tone.

"Your total deposit in Gringotts has increased to 15 million galleons 27 sickles and 5 knuts. And about your inquiry Mr.Dumbledore that would have its own cost, how much time do we have?" asked Griphook smiling and showing his ugly teeth.

"As fast as possible. What time can you provide me? Mr.Griphook?" asked Anthony leaning back to his chair.

"1 month at the earliest and the service fee shall be 50 thousand galleons pre-paid by you,today," said Griphook showing his index finger.

Anthony thought for a while and said "2month at the latest and the service fee shall be 40 thousand galleons, I will pay right now" said Anthony changing the terms.

If Anthony just accepted Griphook's terms, he would pay the fee, but can never get the murderer's information. Because Griphook didn't state any due date but the earliest date.

Griphook smiled and looked at Anthony with a devilish gaze. "Very well, Mr.Dumbledore, we can deal in this term!" said Griphook shaking hands with Anthony.

In Anthony Lefrancois Dumbledore's vault with 15 million galleons (Randolph Spudmore's total wealth was transferred to Anthony's account), 40 thousand galleons were reduced.

Anthony also asked Griphook to deposit 7 million galleons into a trust vault for Gilderoy Lockhart and asked Griphook to buy Nimbus company, Slug & Jigger's Apothecary by 7 million galleons. In total Anthony has now 1 million galleons at Gringotts and 10 million galleons on himself.

After the official business with the Gringotts, Anthony meets John Dawlish.

"Thank you Mr.Dawlish for waiting for me. I had a business meeting with the Gringotts bank. Here are 20 galleons. The reimbursement for your time." Anthony handed over 20 galleons to John Dawlish.

"Uhm, Mr.Dumbledore, this is too much. And I think I cannot accept your money" said Dawlish trying to reject his money.

But after several tries, John Dawlish accepted Anthony's money which is his day worth of salary.

Anthony asked John Dawlish to eat some dinner in the Muggle restaurant and they went to a Muggle restaurant that serves Chinese food.

Anthony and John talked about John's life during Hogwarts, life as Auror, his family including John's wife and his daughter who is 4 years old.

After breaking the ice, Anthony thought inwardly 'All subjects Outstanding in NEWT? That is impressive'

"Mr. John Dawlish, how long are you working as an Auror?" asked Anthony.

"Around 10 years Mr.Dumbledore, why asking?" replied John Dawlish.

"I just happened to have a company that has an open vacancy, do you have any thoughts about changing employer?" asked Anthony with a confident tone.

John Dawlish thought that Anthony was joking, but remembering that Anthony is one of the richest wizards in Magical Britain, he laughed out loud but became quiet immediately changing his facial expression.

Looking at Anthony's serious eyes, John Dawlish understood that this is a real deal and he wanted to reject it. 'What job can be more honorable than being an Auror?' thought John Dawlish inwardly.

"5 thousand galleons each month," said Anthony.

John Dawlish looked at the raised 5 fingers of Anthony and understood that his salary would be 5 thousand galleons for a month. This is a 10 times increase in salary but he seems to have hesitated

"You will be director of operation of Firebolt Group that has Firebolt Company, Lightning Beverage at the moment. In the future, if the Firebolt Group expands you will be in charge of inter-relation between companies and business development. How do you say about this?" said Anthony while putting a dumpling in his mouth

John Dawlish agreed to the terms with Anthony and they made a 2-foot long contract that states that the Firebolt Group operation shall be confidential in every way and effective from the 1st of September, 1992.