
The last heir of Dumbledore

After transmigrating, Tselmeg found out that he was reincarnated into Harry Potter world. The issue is that he become the grand-nephew of the great wizard of all time except Merlin himself, Albus Dumbledore. English is my third language. And just comment about this book. It would motivate me and effect to how far the story goes on. Minimum 5 chapter a week /Mostly on Saturday and Sunday/

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Daphne Greengrass!

Harry Potter asked Anthony to meet a potential distributor of their beverages.

When Harry directed Anthony to the 4th-floor corridor, that is on the way to the Gryffindor common room, Fred and George Weasley was standing on the corridor talking with each other

When the twins saw Harry, they waved from the distance and greeted Harry.

"Ey, Harry! Over here!" said Fred and George at the same time.

'Oh, it is Fred and George. Of course, who else can be the best distributor for our beverages except for Fred and George?' said Anthony in his mind.

Fred and Georgeth who opened a Prank shop named Weasley's Wizard Wheezes during the time of Harry's sixth year were successful. In Diagon Alley, upon the news of Voldemort's resurrection, many shops at Diagon Alley become empty. But the twins, with their exceptional marketing and production skills, successfully become rich until the reign of Voldemort!

When Harry and Anthony greeted Fred and George, the twins said in a consecutive manner

"If Harry didn't say that this business is profitable," said George,

"We would never have considered meeting two slimy Slytherins," said Fred.

"So what is the business here," said the two of them together.

Anthony explained the general outline of their beverage business. They would sell bottled beverages by 2 sickles which are around 1 pound. The production cost of the beverage is 1 sickle, and the profit per bottle of beverage would be 1 sickle which is around 50 cents. Fred and George will receive 9 knuts or 15 cents per sold bottle.

As for Harry, he would receive 10 knuts and Anthony would receive 10 knuts per bottle.

Fred and George accepted Harry and Anthony's proposal and they established a simple magical contract in accordance with the mentioned financial distribution.

Anthony thought that 'In 1991, even 1 pound sterling was much more valuable than 2020. If we consider the inflation it should have 1:2 ratio which means every pound sterling and Galleons would be worth twice in 2020!'

"Harry, do you remember I am saying I have one place to concoct potions?" said Anthony with a satisfied voice. Since establishing the distribution network through Fred and George, half of the preparation for the Beverage business is set up.

"Yes, Anthony, but I asked some students, but they said there is no other place than the Potions classroom that we can brew potions. Or did you find another hidden place?" said Harry.

Anthony said "Follow me" and the two friends went to the left corridor of the seventh floor. They circled the wall on the opposite side of Barnabas the Barmy twice, Harry becomes puzzled.

'Why is Anthony going back and forth on this place?' Harry muttered to himself.

As for Anthony, he was whispering to himself "I need a place to concoct potions, I need a place to concoct potions" silently.

When Anthony and Harry went back and forth for the third time, a dark elegant door suddenly appeared.

Harry Potter who saw the door of Room of Requirements become amazed by the power of magic. His eyes become as big as the time when Hagrid said "Yer a Wizard, Harry"

When Anthony and Harry went into the Room of Requirements, there was a row of tables full of herbs and a cauldron filled with water.

"Anthony, what is this room?" asked Harry with a surprised tone

"Harry, this room's name is Room of Requirements, some people also say that this is come and go room. When you go back and forth three times in front of the wall of Barnabas the Barmy, the Room of Requirements will reveal itself. It contains everything that you need" said Anthony with excitement.

It is actually his first time coming to the Room of Requirements and seeing it for the first time, he becomes amazed.

Soon, Anthony and Harry came near to the cauldron and prepared the potion in accordance with the recipe.



Red Ginseng

Sage herb

and waving clockwise with a Holly wood wand five times. It has happened that Harry Potter's wand is a wand made of Holly wood so therefore, Anthony didn't need to get involved in the brewing process.

Soon after when the potion was successfully brewed, Anthony and Harry took a sip from the Potion. It was a delicious potion with a taste like an energy drink named RedBull from his previous world.

But the effect of the potion was more potent than an energy drink. After taking a sip from the Potion, both Anthony and Harry felt like their fatigue accumulated after coming to Hogwarts was washed away and their inner focus has increased.

Their memory and calculating capacity have increased a bit.

After successfully brewing the potion, Harry and Anthony decided to establish a company and made a magic contract.

Hereby from the 3rd of September, 1991 Harry James Potter and Anthony Lefrancois Alexander Dumbledore are establishing the company "Lightning", with equal voting rights and shares.

They have named their beverage Lightning the energy drink. As soon as they have successfully brewed a cauldron of Lightning beverage, they have faced a problem which is bottles and tag.

Anthony sent a letter to Randolph Spudmore, for help to ship him 5,000 glass bottles to Hogwarts along with 5,000 tags with a lightning bolt on them. As well as the required Herb, Fruits for the beverage. He attached five thousand galleons along with his space enlarged purse with his owl.

Soon when Harry and Anthony finished their experiment on potions at the Room of Requirement, they went to the Great Hall to do their Potions 3 foot long essay regarding the use of Aspodel.

When they arrived at the Slytherin table, there was a first-year blonde girl, with combed hair and scent of rose was sitting.

When she saw Harry Potter and Anthony Dumbledore, she mumbled to herself and pretended to introduced herself.

"Good afternoon! Anthony Dumbledore, Harry Potter. Oh no, it's too formal!" she said to herself.

When the two boys almost reached her and were about to cross her, she said with a high tone "Hey wait! Anthony, Harry!"

When Anthony saw a blonde Slytherin girl calling Anthony and Harry's name, he becomes surprised. Because he doesn't know any girl except the overweight and ugly Mullicent Bullstrode, who gave him chills on his back during the Sorting Ceremony.

The blonde Slytherin girl said introduced herself and stretched her hand indicating handshake "Hello, my name is Daphne, Daphne Greengrass. You can call me Daphne. The reason I have called you two is for some help! When seeing you two being excellent in Potions, I just happened to though that you two might help me." said Daphne with expecting eyes.

'Daphne Greengrass? What a familiar name? Oh wait, Draco Malfoy's wife's name was Astoria Greengrass, perhaps is Daphne Greengrass her sister?' thought Anthony inwardly.

In his memory, Astoria Greengrass who married Draco Malfoy had a blood curse called Maledictus, the type of blood curse as same as his Grandmother Nagini's

In main series, Astoria Greengrass tried her best in order to save her younger sister and become a prodigy in Potions following Professor Snape's footsteps and getting 7 year consecutive Outstanding in Potions.

However, but to no avail, her effort did not pay and her younger sister died due to her Maledictus blood curse.

Fortunately, for Daphne Greengrass, she met Harry Potter as well as Anthony Lefrancois Dumbledore in this timeline .


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