
After University

After university in 2019, I was young and free, ready to take on the world, or the world to take me on, who knows what happens.

I happened to be one of the lucky people that graduated along with a serious boyfriend. And this was a picture perfect gentleman, with aristocratic demeanor.

When I say he's cute, I mean angel handsome.

By then, we were both at UCU, I know, him being that good to my eyes, ofcourse other ladies were always ogling at him, but he always came home, I was his home. We happened to graduate together and actually stayed together even after school for 3 months.

And as luck would have it, I got a job at one of the big secondary schools in the country, with a fat salary. He was still contemplating whether to be patient and look for a job for himself but having taken around 4 months, he accepted the call and went home to work in his father's businesses.

With two months along the road, communication started fading, I was dreaming of doing yoga with him, I wanted to hold hands with him and move to show the world his mine, but our working conditions couldn't allow. Slowly the gap between us was killing me. But I stood strong, atleast we were talking on phone.

3 months down the road, we had a term break and I automatically ran to where I expected to find him.

And he didn't disappoint he was their.

We kissed, we danced, he lifted me whenever I wanted to go somewhere around the house. He was romantic.

That night, dears, that night, that rainy night, rain lost its sound to the thunder of our heartbeats as we made our own songs by firelight, the storm was wild but so were we, God, I loved this guy. All night was sweet and tender, he was heaven sent.

When I woke up, I think because of our long action night, I was tired. It was around 11:00am. I found a note, it was wrapped in a white parcel next to a big Rosemary Flower, the note read.

My love, well I couldn't tell you this but I think it's your right to know.

Well, I prepared myself to read a message, a lovely one from my Light skinned and overcast gentleman with long and beautifully cut hair and eyes that stared through me like I was glass.

But deep I was wondering what still this surprise was holding.

I asked no one, but myself"Where is this going?"

But here I was on the note, it read, "I'm the wind I'm just blowing through."

You might not know that I smoke but I started 2 months ago and right now, I've lit up a cigarette and am smoking as you are reading this.

"See the doctors told me that my body won't hold me. My lungs are turning black

Been a lucky strike's fool since I was at school

And there ain't no turning back

They can't tell me how long I've got

Maybe months but maybe not

When today ends, am taking this bike and going to Ibanda, Cause I wanna see my grand-mum one last time

Wanna hold her close and feel her tiny heartbeat next to mine

Wanna see my brother Mark and the see man he's become tell him I'm sorry for the things I've done and I'd do it if I had to a little more time here

I'm taking this bike but my heart is torn. Am crying my love.

Through the hills of Ibanda that I knew since I was a boy

Past the sky line of their home area.

I just couldn't believe, I was dumbstruck.

I lay my head in the bed where my back is sore and my eyes turned red

Listen to the trucks roll past my door

Through the fields of our neighborhood as the sunshine paints them gold

I run just like a river runs, rapid, quick and cold

And fly through and the Jersey turnpike tolls and I wouldn't stop 'til I get to Ibanda.

'Cause I wanna see my man one last time

Wanna see his eyes sparkling and stare back into mine

Now our time is shorter

Tell him all the things that I should have taught him and I'd do it if I had to walk

I found him, he had gone up to the churchyard one last time to lay flowers down for the woman who gave him the best years of his life, his late mother