
Eddrick the Wonderer

Narration by Maya Mayers.

I run all around the big training field, only stopping to catch my breath, the spikes inside the moving blackthorns were almost unavoidable; I got thrown back into the ground the spikes scratching my arms. Blood dropped like rain mercilessly running through the cloud, “Maya, Maya! You are hurt” Seven who was coming through the chanted forest saw me lying on the ground blood running on the ground.

“It is not a big deal, I will in no time; you already know that?” I said wanting him to stop treating me like a princess.

“Let me see the wound,” said Magnes who was standing beside Seven. He took out a bottle of elixir and added a certain ground stone to the elixir, the elixir changed from blue to green with an awkward smell. He dropped a small amount of elixir into my wound. My wound started boiling, I nearly leaped from the ground; the excruciating pain was unbearable, my cracked bone reformed into my arm, and the flesh began to recover. After a while, there was no wound to be seen in my arm. I have always wondered how he ended up in the midst of assassins. Throughout my training, he has been a healer.

In the training, there is a 5-member team with a commanding captain, Magnes happened to be the lieutenant of my group “Silver Lion”. After nearly two and half years of being part of this mysterious family, family for that is how I have seen them, I do not feel odd nor do I have to hide my green dark eyes from a reddish eye that makes eyes water from the pain. Inside this beautiful island, there is a pool that cleanses a person of dark magic, the magic flows from the person slowly reverting the darkness like a recovering wound.

“Willow” I saw Mason approaching me from the 2nd Lavender, the big library used by almost everyone containing every enchantment, sorcery spell, and secret. I have so far not been allowed to enter into the chamber of secrets, my amulets lose colour whenever I try entering the chamber, almost like I’m being forbidden to enter the place. My heart races, my spirit goes high and my ears erect the darkness within me burst out and I lose consciousness. “Willow, willow what are you thinking about” Mason called out to me.

I blinked severally before finally coming back into the reality, “Why does my energy still not able to heal from the dark curse placed on me.” I finally asked her. She looks at me dumbfounded before she looked into the high tower, like there was someone peaking at us. “with time, you will heal” she answers me, I knew she was lying because it is the answer everyone has been taught to give me.

Before she departed, she pointed to the twin towers before the Tortoise Hut, the name given to the store house, housing majority of the weapons, “There is someone who wishes to speak to you. She may hold the answers you solely desire” I have not been allowed to go near the imaginative wall surrounding the area. The heavy guards standing at post deters a mere Dawn breaker from entering the place. The captains are the only people allowed to be inside the twin towers.

“Enter she has been waiting for you” the servant usher me into a silhouette room with a lemon essence the curtains with a reddish touch of pink flowers hanging around the circular room. Inside the bed lay a woman struggling with a disorder scar to the face, a wrinkled hand covered inside a blanket. The room was suffocating with the toxicity of the poison affecting the woman.

“I have a lot to tell you Maya, you have grown a lot.” Said the woman

“Who are you, miss? I questioned the woman, suspiciously.

“Of course, you do not remember me, it all happened so fast. I am Fiona Mayers”

“Mama, no this is not possible, you died in the mountains” I said soberly filled with the surprise of my life.

“I have been waiting a long time for this day, I sometimes dream of the grasses, the old house with the chimney smoke bellowing into the skies. The atmosphere of you and your dad fighting over who should take care of Terrin. All those dreams vanishing into thin air by the presecnce of one man from nowhere”

“A madman, mama” retorted Maya

“A madman indeed, Terrin is stuck on Fona’s island with his friends, I have a mission for you”

“What are they doing there?”

“From the report their boat met a Draco which made them destroyed their boat. Your mission is not about them, I wanted you to know the state of your brother. You will be visiting my village Samania, there is a fire flowing from the ground, an abyss. I need you and your team to investigate”

Tap, tap; a knock is heard on the room, a servant rushes inside to whisper words into the ears of the old lady. “Come in Captain Sirus” she said.

“My lady, you summoned for me.” Said Sirus bowing with his bright eyes.

“Your team currently has one of the best healer and scouts, I need you to investigate a scene. The details of your mission are inside this book”

She hands over an old tartared book to the man in brown. “Recent development shows that the sorcerer is raising an army. He has already conquered the lions valley and the mountains of Damascus. Investigate more into the army as well. You will be going with Seven and maya they are good warriors.”

“Yes ma’am but Maya is still under training” he barked.

“It will greatly increase her potential, if she sees for herself the truth lying in her past.”

He bows as he takes his leave.

“Well where was I: yes about your mission, the Abyss contains lot of dark magic, there is rumor of a trapped healer inside the abyss.”

“How true is the rumor because non has heard it, well it can be a trap to lure people.”

“It can be but should it be true, you can heal the darkness vaping into your body.”

I looked at my veins which were turning black and looked at her old lady with wrinkles and her face covered in soars. Her life force drained to make her bony, and the healing star covering her forehead was the only life support she has at the moment.

“It’s time for you to rest my lady you have been up for too long.” The servant comes to inform her.

“Don’t die on me Maya, your father’s sacrifice for your life shouldn’t be in vain.” She sounded melancholic, she coughs blood and the servant comes to wash the blood in her cloth, the servant used warm water to wash her lips.

I excused myself from the room. The hallway is big with many hidden rooms. The staircase runs spiral with rooms adjourning to every staircase. There is a treasure room locked on staircase 200 while I am descending. The iron gate is transparent to enable one to have a view of the swords and bows, and the painting of sunset is the island’s blueprint but the golden armor is barely viewable. I watch a peculiar sword for a long time, I remember Diana’s sword which she forged for herself.

The golden dust around the sword can burn a living dead” a voice interrupted her, She gazes around but finds no one standing around her. “You are looking the wrong way” the voice comes again. I look into the treasure room, the frozen cat lying on the walls of the painting had disappeared. After a while I brush the thought from my mind, the two swords are approaching her. The swords reach the gate and the boundary spell prevents them from coming into the outside world. A paw reaches out for my hand, I pull my feet backward, and the paw keeps turning around trying to reach out for support. The swords slowly begin to go back the paw start entering the gate, I hurriedly grab the hand of the paw and from thin air, the golden swords enter my hands. They lie finely in their sheathe with golden dust covering around, the lion and dragon symbols lie on two opposite sides of the sword.

“You will be wise not to unsheathe the swords here. The black Tie is holding up the ki inside the swords.” The cat says.

“Ohh so you some form of guardian”

“Nope, I’m only a wandering cat, Eddrick the wandering cat”

“Eddrick the what”

“You have not heard of me,” Eddrick asks in disbelief

I descend the three-hundredth staircase and enter the main hall. There is busy traffic in the hall, a lot of assassins and mercenaries walking carrying their report to the receptionist sitting at the front desk. The large hall has a grand painting of a man with a long mustache in a red robe carrying a long staff, and a cat with a chunky face and body with plush thick fur, lying on his shoulder I look closer to the cat and find him resembling Eddrick “Is that you and the grand master” I ask. The cat was nowhere to be found. He had disappeared with the swords.

“Is everything alright Willow,” Magnes asked.

I turned around to find a lot of eyes staring at me. I became confused soon realizing I have been staring at the picture for a long time, I had walked all the way from the counter to the point of the frame where the training room and the post office were located; I was drawn to the picture unconsciously. The adjacent door opened from the training room Mason and Magnes approached me holding onto my hands. I was guided to a large screen it was until we passed through I realized we were outside the tower.

“Do you by chance know the Grand Marshall,” Mason asked me. I shook my head

“I think we should take her to the infirmary, the healers should know what’s wrong with her” Magnes suggested.

“No, I’m doing alright” I managed to find my voice.

“Are you sure?” they both sounded worried.

“See I am doing well” I put on a brave face and managed to fake a smile. My pale face made me look like a hungry man who is being starved. My body felt very heavy, I bend down on my knees, and I vomited out the food I ate in the morning. Before I knew they were calling out my name.

I woke up with Sirius, Seven, and Earna the watcher hovering around my bed.

“She is awake,” Earna tells them.

“What happened, how come you are fallen sick before your first mission? Huh,” Seven kept bombarding me with a lot of questions.

The healer came in to check my vitals. “She is doing well, it’s not really anything serious.”

I kept wondering where the cat had disappeared to, I wanted to narrate to them what happened after a lot of consideration I left out the path where I got the two swords.

“Alright since you are doing well, you should be able to leave in a week’s time,” Sirius said and took his leave.

“Eddrick has chosen you as his new owner, did you by chance get a sword from him” Earna queried looking into my eyes.

Her large eyes became terrifying I hesitated before answering “Yes, but I can’t find him”4

“He will appear if he has really chosen you as his new owner. He will be lot of help to us considering the mission we are heading to”

“Is he strong” Magnes inquired

“No, but he is very smart, too smart for a cat” Earner answered.

Everyone left me to take a nap. The room became quiet, the green colour resonated with the bulb’s colour. Meow-meow, I saw Eddrick sitting innocently on the window.

“You left me all by myself,” I spoke frustratingly.

“Well I had to, not everyone can see you with the sword.”

He disappeared and came to lie on my lap. He used his skin to rob my cloth.

“Why did you disappear” I inquired again.

“Well, you’re too weak to be the wilder of the sword.” He said innocently.

“Me weak, I graded 4th in the entire magic class.”

“Magic is not enough, you need strength and power, I have to guide you before you die on me”

The swords appear in my hands. “Unsheathe the swords,” he asked me.

I gently removed the black ropes holding the sheath, a dark magnetic force escapes from the sword. The tea kettle and the glasses on the table break, and the window glass shatters. The room becomes scattered. The strong energy residing in the sheath calms down. I take back the sword from the floor and I finally draw the sword.

“You see why I said you are weak.! You could not control the energy in the sword.”

“What I’m supposed to control is that I could have seriously gotten hurt if I faced it directly.”

“The sword’s name is Cedric, don’t forget”

He laughs and disappears leaving the swords on my lap. Seven hurriedly enter the room sweating and panting for breath. Soon Ray the healer’s assistant entered the room, already exhausted. I wonder how a fatty like him was so good with healing.

“Who attacked you,” they both asked simultaneously

“No one,” I said.

“ha-ha, you see I told you it’s not anything serious,” Fatty said sitting on the floor panting.