
At the motel

The sun scorches the shining head of the man holding the boxes he throws the boxes into the cart. The ship’s captain brings more men to unload the cargo. Three men closely watch the ships unload the boxes into the big cart, they enter a building directly opposite the ship’s warehouse, filled with ornamental plants.

“We need a room for two” Greg, winks at the receptionist as he drops two gold coins on the counter the lady smiles like she knows the man speaking in a deep tone. Gregory is a strange man with a tall but slim physique, he has deep brown hair which he has dyed to be black, and he has a smooth face with a small nose, and soft lips. He is very grown regardless of his youthful nature.

“Greg, it’s been a long time since I have seen and you already leaving again.” Said the receptionist

“I will return, it been a while since I left shore to see the outside world.” Said Gregory, he looks at the lady with cold eyes after realizing he was being watched from the sidelines. In the meantime, Deagmund who was staring at the girl keep pace with Gregory they get to two opposite rooms facing each other. Gregory seat on one of the beds while Deagmund sits on the other, “who was the lady to you, saw how affectionately you were looking at her” Deagmund asks. “no one, just a common receptionist” Gregory responds. Deagmund looks directly into their eyes, hoping to find some clue, “are you sure, do you know where she is from.” Gregory turns himself to the other side of the bed pretending, the sea breeze blew through the window making the room cold. Deagmund stood from his bed and entered the balcony of the room, he watched the stars blinking in the faraway skies. He raised his fingers as he kept following the pattern the image of the receptionist formed in his head. He couldn’t keep himself from thinking about the receptionist, he went to lie on the bed after yawning a couple of times. On the bed he kept fidgeting hoping to fall asleep nothing happened. Waiting patiently sleep overcame him, and he closed his eyes and fell fast asleep.

Noise could be heard from the ground as rushing footsteps could be heard towards room 15 of the motel, the person taps heavily on the door, no responds comes, the person uses her shoulder to boulder the door, she could break the door but was enough to alert the two men to rush out, they stare at the sweating lady standing with the legs crossed, while holding one of her hands as she kept stretching them

“They are after you guys”

“Who is and why are you here?”

“I don’t have time to explain, we need to leave a boat is waiting for us”

“Who the hell are you?”

“I’m Davina, I don’t have the time to explain just follow me.” She bangs on Gregory’s door and Deagmund opens with his packed bag while Gregory was wearing a coat, to support the cold weather. Tiffney was robbing her eyes as she sat on the bed. Terrin’s slow response to the situation made the people catch up to them.

Davina led them into the upper chambers of the motel, where she entered a library, the people holding sticks searching for them bypassed the library. The inside of the library was filled with a weird noise, like a peculiar was roaming through the library.

It is the librarian quick hide” said Davina.

“I don’t see anyone” whispered Terrin with an odd face

‘Because he is not allowing himself to be seen’ explained Gregory.

“What kind of weird eyes do you guys have, someone, is sobbing around the corner let go and find him.”

“No Terrin!” Gregory almost screams out which makes him be heard by the clan members searching for them. Terrin who was heading towards the noise was pulled by Deagmund, Gregory threw a light at the empty space and a dark flame erupted. A huge laughter was heard and the self behind the empty space was divided into two opening a doorway. the five people staring at the gate found it difficult to move from their spot. Their body began to freeze as their mind was drawn to the shining diamond inside the door, they began moving toward the door when a wind blew past them shutting the door and throwing them backward.

“Save me,” the voice said, the man in shackles with a sword inside his heart, was sniffing around Terrin, Davina who could see the man said, “He is a friend, Errol” the kept sniffing Deagmund, “he is the son of the ghost, born to live through the dark ages never passing away” Davina coughs hard to disrupt the man but it seems nothing was working, he moved to Gregory who saw the man for who he is unlike Deagmund who couldn’t see the ghost.

The search party disrupts Errol, he pulls a book on the counter allowing for a passage to open at the side of the window leading to a tall staircase which was circular and broader with a central pillar supporting the edges, aside the water which could be seen below the entire place was dark and humid, had the smell of salt. They moved through the stairs but as they got to the middle the iron plate was rusted with the stairs fallen apart.

“Let’s jump into the water, the water is deep enough, for was to swim,” said Gregory,

Terrin determined how far they would have to swim and shook his head as he looked at Tiffney, “let’s find another way to the ground”.

“This is a staircase there is no other way”,

Of course, use one of your spells to freeze the entire place,”

“There are people following us, we wouldn’t have the energy to carry on.” Said Deagmund

Davina jumps from the land and Errol holds her with his wind as she gently lands on the floor of a sheet of sand.

“I have your daughter,” a voice comes as a group of soldiers ties up Davina. An elderly man with a sharp mark on his left cheek looks up on the stairs, standing beside him is the first elder of the Samians. The soldiers entered the passage way and Errol disappeared.

“long time, Deagmund, how are you doing?”, inquired the first elder. He pushes a chair from the wall and sit on it as he pulls his long beard and continues “when I heard you are going on a journey, I could not believe until I heard you and your father had gone to break Gregory from jail.”

“And how is our little journey suppose to be of concern to you” said Gregory.

“your tongue is still sharp as ever” said the second elder, as enters through the door. He looks into Terrin’s way and ask about the health of his wife.

“She isn’t good” he answers

“I know, what makes you think this wizard will be of any use to you, for you to break the clan rules to set him free.” Said the second elder.

“I can see you all want the same thing I am also looking for” said Terrin,

“And what that”

“A healer,” says Davina who finally breaks out of her silence. “Everyone here wants to find a way to heal a loved one affected by the plaque.”

“Sure enough, but what makes you think to trust this man” the first elder pointed his hands to Gregory as he laid his eyes directly into his. “You only angering the sorcerer to set foot here in our peaceful town”

“You are not the one taking him on the journey, and I’m betting all of you are scared of the man, none of you want to even start searching for a possibility of hope,” added Terrin.

The entire place becomes quiet as everyone keeps staring at each other. Tiffney, who had been watching the event unfold stretched and yawned loudly to make known her presence “there is a way, according to Terrall, there was a healer in the ice mountains should we find the location and get to him before the dark one we can save everyone” she ended her statement with a broad smile all over the face.

The tension inside the room eases up making everyone relax. Tiffney removes a blank sheet and hands it over to Terrin, Terrin who has not seen such a letter before gave it to Deagmund the first elder collects the sheet and places a firelight on it and a spot of ink appears. A map was drawn of a place isolated from the lands filled with frozen ice and known to be a site for treasure. The possibility of how much Tiffney knows about every step of the journey made Terrin wonder if he was being drawn to the sea by choice. The elders knew how important this journey was to the people, the nature of people to undertake the journey was by chance the highest success rate. The only problem was Gregory, who was he working for, and whom will he serve? These questions run through the mind of the two elders even as they gave them rooms to stay in the motel. The sun shone brightly at its peak, the men laid bare-chested inside the room, and Tiffney kept drinking water to wetting her dry throat.

Davina who went to procure a boat on entering the motel saw how hot the place has become. She instinctively saw how the water in was evaporating and the entire place was slowly drying as more and more people vacated the hotel premises. More guards were being stationed around the motel, she walked into her room where she found Tiffney fast asleep, she carried the young girl and carried a small backpack

“We need to leave! they are trapping us” Davina banged into the men’s room, where she found three men sweating profusely

“How will you know,” asked Deagmund

“Look outside, it is drizzling but the temperature here is enough to suffocate a person to death.”

“Of course, they do not wish for us to leave, they only acted nice to us” Gregory became anxious as he became extremely pale, he became drowsy and sat on the bed.

“We fell for their trap, can you not use the magic you did when we first rescued you?” Terrin inquired as he closed the room curtains, Deagmund and he started surveying the room in search of fire gems. They found two of the fire gems hidden inside the closet. The gem was too hot to touch and one could see the fire emitting from the gem.

Gregory tried chanting the mind of Davina to find the location of the boat, but he found himself locked and his mind blocked, the fire gem glowed from the increase in energy leaving a crack inside. The two gems lying in the closet re-set back to it original state when Gregory cooled and stopped using excess energy. Terrin touched the fire gem and felt a familiar energy flowing through him, he held it for a while and realized he could connect himself to all the fire gem surrounding them, he closed his eyes remembering what his mother told him about dragons.

“Every dragon knows how to control the flame inside a fire, it does not matter where the flame is located so long as you can channel the energy of the flame you should be able to control the flames” all the gem stones inside the room ignited as they broke one by one, the red flame traveling from the different location to form a round ball in the hands of Terrin. The dragon tattoo on his back came to life to swallow the ball of flame. He entered into the head of Terrin and he fainted.

The room’s temperature cooled down, and the heat which was causing their blood to boil also stopped, footsteps were rushing towards them, Gregory regaining a bit of his energy entered into a transient state he threw all the guards at the gate aside and broke through their formation, and stopped annihilated all 60 men. Blood was all over the floor when touched the ground. Deagmund carried Terrin at his back while Davina held the hands of Tiffney. More guards started heading their way as they were also descending from the second floor of the motel to the front gate. The guards known as the Samainain red cross were highly trained for combat to deal with monsters and the supernatural. They have water as their main attribute, and they began to freeze the floor and the people inside the building.

The few customers of the motel who were not aware of what was going on were frozen to death. Gregory swallowed a sunflower leaf which increased his energy, he charged forward and seized the sword of one of the guards, he allowed flames from his lips to burst as an explosion was heard breaking the guards’ formation and unfreezing the ground preventing them from freezing his comrades.

He used the sword to slaughter all the 12 guards as their ice crystal defense was not able to stop him, he slashed through dividing their bodies into two. Gregory began to infuse energy into his hands combining the wind energy and the fire energy as one, he formed a circular blue flame to surround his comrades and him. The motel caught fire as the wood used to build were the structures caught fire from the fight which ensued, they were already on their way out when the first elder brought a group of men wearing golden armor with their silver diamond spears.

Among them was a man wearing a clad over his head, he closed his eyes and elevated into the sky, the elder brought a sorcerer to fight another sorcerer, he began chanting his words as the wind became rapid creating a storm, and rain began to fall over their head as he turned the rain into ice crystal charging over to them, Gregory increased the flame surrounding and built a wall which stopped the crystals from hitting them. The earth cracked into two as lava flowed from the ground to the surface the lava turned the stones into ashes, and Greg used his to send a flow of flame to the lava but was consumed by the lava. He tried combining the wind and flame together, finding it difficult to hold back the lava he called out to the sea as he became green, enabling him to become one with nature, he used the water inside the trees surrounding them as he allowed the water to flow through the ground to quench the lava before secretly using spatial magic to create a portal to teleport the three helpless people from the ground. Davina who took advantage of the teleportation created a sharp crystal from the water and teleported from behind the sorcerer piercing through his heart.

Davina who is not used to her own power flow fell back to the ground, scratching her leg and spraining her hands. Greg who was exhausted was holding a sword in his left hand while leaning on one of the trees, slowly he brought Deagmund and Tiffney to his side while he sent a portal to transport Davina to his domain before the guards could get to her. Now leaning on Deagmund, he started experiencing a strong headache, his knees stumped to the ground as his nose started to bleed. Greg’s eyes became brown and lost the flame surrounding them, the water he conjured returned back to the ground.

The second elder entered the place, holding a book in his hands, while reciting words from the book, “Incannato, des manste, fleee” he kept repeating these words as a black flame erupted from the body of Greg, making him faint to the ground. The three behind are arrested by the soldiers following the central commander.