
The last Guardian

Ethan bent his knees forward and leapt unto the balcony, the panicked shouts of the girl behind him drawing all the attention in the room towards him. He turned to face them and with a wink to everyone he fell back, and off the 80 stories tall building with a smile on his face. The wind whipping into his eyes, his body streamlined to fall faster. The ground ominously glaring at him,ready to accept another puny suicidal human.but just before he went splat like a piece of gum on the sidewalk, he disappeared into thin air. The people who hadn't stood up when he jumped, now rushed to the balcony to see the vanishing jumper for themselves. As they lined the balcony trying to make sense of what happened, Lorenzo swam to the edge of the infinity pool hoping to see what they had seen too, when suddenly he was dragged under by a blur that came from above in colors of white and black. His lungs screamed for oxygen, his thoughts became a blur. Just as he was about to die, he looked up hoping to see his killer's face at least,and what he saw shocked him. A minute later, Ethan jumped out of the pool soaking wet,mission completed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ethan Pierce is a highly trained operative for the department of paranormal defense, and has a life that's going pretty great. But when he and his girlfriend get posted back to his home in Forestville, California. His secrets are brought to the limelight. Will this be the end of their relationship and can they work together to save Ethan from the plans of a mad, manipulative character in the shadows

DamonKane20 · Action
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The Boogeyman

Kat's POV

"you know it'd really suck if you kicked out my girlfriend without getting to meet her first" he says and then he stuffed another spoon in his mouth crunching loudly. The reactions of my attackers to his voice are somewhat disturbing. The little girl jumps out of red dress's arms and runs over to Ethan and dives into his already open arms almost knocking the giant oaf over.

The man just chuckles and walks over to Ethan placing a hand on his shoulder as he waits for Ethan to drop the little girl which he eventually does.

"you've gotten bigger than your old man huh? What's your secret?" he says while he and Ethan playfully box each other

"fruity loops and junk food," he says pointing to his bowl of cereal

"just then the woman who had stood frozen with the girl in the sundress wipes the tears that had run down her face and with a sniffle she says

"of course, you threw my advice out the window and ate whatever you liked"

"Hello mom," Ethan says with a smile

"Well don't just stand there, get over here and give your mother a hug," she says while trying to recompose herself. Ethan picks up the little girl wrapped around his legs and she squeals as she goes up smiling at him

"Ethan look I lost my teeth," she says with a proud smile

" looks like we're going to have to stop being friends now that you're ugly," Ethan says with a teasing smile as he walks down the stairs to his mother and wraps his arms around her and once again Ethan is inspected thoroughly

"If I knew all it took to get you home was for your father to spend so much damn money I'd have asked him to do it ages ago," she says before wrapping Ethan in a hug

"Well you always said if a sucker's going to spend money then take him for all that he has" Ethan says to his mom eliciting a "Hey I'm no sucker" from his dad

"you've gotten slimmer," his mom says ignoring his father, and grabbing his hand she drags him toward the house

"come on let's go fatten you up," she says with glee in her voice at his return but Ethan abruptly stops yanking her back "hold on mom I need to introduce you to someone" and he drags her along as he makes a beeline for me his eyes never leaving mine as if to silently reassure me that everything is going to be alright. I look over at his mother and take in a deep breath but her eyes remain glued to Ethan. When they finally stop in front of me she breaks her gaze away from her son's face and looks at me as Ethan says

"mom meet Catherine Keller, my girlfriend"

"Please call me Kat ma'am" I add quickly

"and you can call me Christina or Christie cause I'm pretty sure I'm not old enough to be a "ma'am" yet "she says with a shudder

"I'm very sorry about what I said earlier Kat, but we've had a rash of uninvited guests with ill intentions. Which reminds me..." she says and then slaps Ethan's head "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" she screams at him. Ethan immediately covers the little girl's ears and says in a whisper "mom, Kelly"

he then turns to me and dumps the little girl in my arms as he and his mom continue their argument. The girl in the sundress finally moves towards me and sticks her hand out for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Kris, come with me let's find some food for Kelly and leave these two to it," she says with a small smile

as we walk up the stairs Ethan's father approaches me and also apologizes for his part in the earlier incident. I shrug it off as nothing which he accepts. Kris, Kelly and I then join Magda in the kitchen for ice cream while we wait for the mother-son duo arguing outside. When they finally come inside the winner of the argument is clear from the dog with its tail between its legs face Ethan is making. He enters the kitchen and places a kiss on my lips before turning around and picking up Kelly and her ice cream to take her to the living room where their parents went. As I stand up to follow him a loud crash is heard as a plate falls from Kris's hands, Ethan passes Kelly to me and stoops down to help her. But she avoids him and shrugs him off with an "I got it"

"Are you sure?" Ethan asks with concern in his tone.

"yeah, I got it," she says as she puts the pieces in the trash" go spend some time with mom, she missed you," she says her voice barely above a whisper as Ethan turns around and picks kelly up with one hand and with the other hand he steers me towards the living room.


The next morning, I wake up before Ethan and find his features contorted, as his breaths become shallow, his temperature skyrocketing, and his lips muttering "no" over and over again. I quickly jump up and retrieve his belt placing it in his mouth so he doesn't bite his tongue off. I then proceed to pull the chains out of the bag and tie him up so he doesn't hurt anyone. His body convulses his mouth frothing as I try to shake him awake but to no avail. When he finally wakes up his eyes are grey, he breaks out of the restraints with no problems and throws me across the room, my back hitting the wood with a thunderous boom. His eyes return to their normal blue almost immediately and he rushes to my side grabbing me very carefully, almost as if he could tell that all my ribs were broken.

or maybe it could be because of the blood I coughed all over his grey shirt

His legs found the door. kicking it down as he rushed me out of the room and down the hall and knocking on his mother's door just as everything went dark.


I wake up the next morning with the rays of the sun filtering into a room with sky-blue walls. I look over at the doorway and find a new door on its hinges, my eyes immediately dismissing it and continuing their trip around the room before resting on the figure sitting on a chair by the bed, his head carefully placed on the covers. His hands covered mine as he slept. I shake him awake, his eyes immediately landing on me.

"Hey you" I say in a raspy voice

"hi," he says in an equally raspy voice

"how long have I been out?," I ask as he offers me a glass of water

"2 days," he says. I look down to find him still wearing the grey t-shirt from that night. My blood still all over it.

"you look like trash," I say with a smirk

"I feel like trash" he replies solemnly "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you"

"It wasn't your fault Ethan," I say trying to release him of the overwhelming sense of guilt he must be feeling

"no, it's my fault" he replies "I haven't had night terrors at home before. I could have been more prepared"

"hey you can't control it and you know that" I tell him reassuringly

"but I..." I cut off his words by kissing him deeply, hopefully reassuring him that it wasn't his fault. And by the way, he's climbing the bed and ripping off our clothes I'd say it worked, my eyes close slowly as I savor the moment and then suddenly I make contact with his finger

"But we have morning breath," he says in almost a whisper. His eyes filled with a mischievous glint

"ha ha very funny" I reply as I grab his shoulders and flip us so I'm on top. The light scruff he had grown in the past few days making him look extremely sexy in the light streaming in from the window.

I let a small moan out as Ethan dives under the blanket kissing his way down my body, when suddenly Magda bursts into the room with a tray of food in her arms and the giant currently under the sheets goes still except for his tongue which continues its torture.

"oh dear, look how pale you've gotten Kat," she says while holding my face in her hands, the tray of food now on the bedside table long forgotten.

"don't worry I made soup, it'll perk you right back up dear," she says with a motherly smile that I wish I could receive from my own mother, but Ethan's tongue swirling around down there chases the thought away. Magda picks up a basket and proceeds to pick all the clothes around the room up. Getting to the door she removes a sock from the door handle shaking her head with a frown

"that silly boy Ethan, always leaving his clothes around like an animal" she says as she throws the sock with pinpoint accuracy at Ehtan's head between my legs

"Will it kill you to clean up after yourself sometimes? and next time respect me enough to at least stop or something" she says and then she walks out slamming the door behind her as my face turns completely red from embarrassment which doesn't last long thanks to ethan who picks the worst moment to push me oer the edge.

I throw off the covers immediately, looking down at the grinning giant

"presumptuous much, Ethan"

"no, I'd rather say very sure of myself," he says as he moves up and captures my lips as we collapse side by side, snuggling into each other as he plants a kiss on my forehead and says

"I love you K"

"I love you too Ethan" I reply

"We should probably take a shower though. I don't want to seem like a bad boyfriend but you reek of sex and sin" He says playfully as he picks up a giggling screaming me and carries me to the bathroom