
The last Guardian

Ethan bent his knees forward and leapt unto the balcony, the panicked shouts of the girl behind him drawing all the attention in the room towards him. He turned to face them and with a wink to everyone he fell back, and off the 80 stories tall building with a smile on his face. The wind whipping into his eyes, his body streamlined to fall faster. The ground ominously glaring at him,ready to accept another puny suicidal human.but just before he went splat like a piece of gum on the sidewalk, he disappeared into thin air. The people who hadn't stood up when he jumped, now rushed to the balcony to see the vanishing jumper for themselves. As they lined the balcony trying to make sense of what happened, Lorenzo swam to the edge of the infinity pool hoping to see what they had seen too, when suddenly he was dragged under by a blur that came from above in colors of white and black. His lungs screamed for oxygen, his thoughts became a blur. Just as he was about to die, he looked up hoping to see his killer's face at least,and what he saw shocked him. A minute later, Ethan jumped out of the pool soaking wet,mission completed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ethan Pierce is a highly trained operative for the department of paranormal defense, and has a life that's going pretty great. But when he and his girlfriend get posted back to his home in Forestville, California. His secrets are brought to the limelight. Will this be the end of their relationship and can they work together to save Ethan from the plans of a mad, manipulative character in the shadows

DamonKane20 · Action
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"if you're done talking I would like it very much if you could just drop dead right now. It'll save me the hassle of having to kill you myself" she says in a sickly sweet voice

"Awfully sorry but we'll have to pass on your offer, I very much like breathing" I reply

" Then prepare to die" she says and then she draws her swords and charges right at us

'People blessed by Ares are so fucking impatient' I think to myself as my Athenian blessing kicks in and my brain starts analyzing ways to kill her.

Long story cut short she apparently wasn't alone which is evident from the 34 extra werewolves who burst out of the woods.

we are so royally fucked.....


as they start to attack snow jumps forward and blocks the wolves on the left, his growl keeping most of them at bay and his claws and teeth swiftly cutting down the ones dumb enough to still attack. Dad took the right but unlike snow he didn't care about instilling fear, he just wanted to kill them. My pincer strategy works perfectly in closing out the werewolves and leaving me with fiery red hair and a few wolves who didn't know enough to be scared.

As they approached I drew a double-edged ninja sword from the pocket and took a stance drawing upon Zeus's power as they got closer. fiery red hair strikes first and I deflect her blow and toss her at a tree 300 yards away. I stick the sword into the ground and draw one of the horn shaped knives tied to the contraption on my waist, I swing it around and throw it at the first werewolf the silver passing straight through and slicing into his heart. I draw the second one as the first knife gets reeled back into my hands by the almost invisible but insanely sharp silver thread. I throw the second one into the head of a werewolf that got too close, then I grab the thread in my gloved hand and yank on it causing the knife to pull out of his head in a spray of blood, then swinging the thread with killer precision I bury the blade at the end of the string in the side of another wolfs head, the string slicing through three other wolves before planting the wolfs head into a tree. I yank it out and return it to its position back on my belt.

I look around to see that all the other werewolves have been taken care of. As I nod to my dad I see a glint of metal coming at me from above, I pull the sword out of the ground all king Arthur like and deflect the blow. What I didn't expect was the 6-inch bowie knife that fiery red hair planted in my left thigh

"hurts like a dick, don't it warlock?" she says with a satisfied smirk on her face.

I smile back before driving my head into hers and knocking her back by about 10 yards. She rushes back to attack but gets intercepted by my dad and snow.

My wound heals quickly and I rush back into the fray. We cross paths as we attack, always changing flanks in an effort to surprise and kill her but she intercepts all our attacks. Her blades nicking us every once in a while, and drawing blood. Whereas on the other hand she remains unscathed with just a few scratches and slightly shorter hair.

i swear it totally wasn't me.

After a particularly brutal strike my dad got as a result of his slowed responses from a nicked calf muscle a few minutes earlier, he is forced to transform back to a human. Fiery red hair raises her swords high to strike him so I do the unthinkable, I strike him with a bolt of lightning which forces him out of the way in the nick of time, her swords planting themselves firmly in the ground. The look on her face morphing into one of pure confusion.

"snow, solo" I scream to him as he increases the intensity of his attacks so I can check up on my dad. I run to his side and help him get up

"was the lightning really necessary?" he jokes with a groan as he gets back to his feet

"only if you'd like to continue to breathe" I say to him

"fair point" he says as he tries to turn but slumps to the ground with a cry of pain. I quickly rip off his shirt to assess his wounds, but looking at the wounds I quickly see a familiar pattern of stabbing appear. A technique devised to block the energies in his body and stop him from turning.

"what's the damage son?" my dad asks with pain contouring his features

"You can't turn anymore so you're out of the fight I " I reply

" So what's your plan to beat lady hulk over there?" he asks as he clutches his ribs

"all plans we can conceive, she can thwart. Our planning is useless" I reply with a sigh

"so, the plan is to not have a plan" he says as he coughs up blood.

"that's still a plan" I reply "the point of the werewolves being here was so she could assess our abilities all the better to kill us" I continue

"so, we need an ace up our sleeves. But where are we going to get one" he asks puzzled.

"from the one ability, I have that she hasn't seen, the one ability she misinterpreted" I reply.


A few minutes later, after tending to my dad's wounds I jump back into the fray, immediately deflecting a blow that would have taken Snow's head clean off.

She goes for me again but at the last-minute changes direction and tries to attack Snow again, So I grab her shoulders and jump up placing my knees in between her shoulder blades and drop to the floor, my knees driving into her back and finally bringing a scream out of her, then I threw her by her shoulders using my knees as a springboard and launching her towards a tree her blade only cutting a few hairs off Snow's body.

I stood up just in time to see her maneuver her body and plant her legs on the tree then shoot forward and right back at us. I smirk at my ability to anticipate her moves as I sidestep her and push her through a portal I opened, her body wrapping around the tree on the other end rips her swords out of her hand. I quickly rush towards her and punch her in the face and then I wrap my arms around her neck.

"you know I'm going to get out of this hold before I pass out and then I'm going to kill you right?" she says in a hoarse whisper as she struggles against the arm I have on her neck.

"but I only need you here for one more second pretty little lady" I smugly whisper in her ear

she starts to look around frantically trying to figure out where the attack is coming from. I drive the syringe in my hand into her neck and as she starts to fade Kat steps into view smiling. She rushes over and kisses me fiercely before pulling away and resting her head against mine.

"you scared me a lot when your dad showed up without you. But the ace in the sleeve of his shirt now that was genius" she whispers

"I made a gamble that you'd remember what happened in Las Vegas with that rogue alpha" I replied

"how could I forget about it, after all "fear blinds us all to the real danger lurking beside us" and also your really bad at gambling"she says with a chuckle.

also what we did later that night in the hotel room had me sore for a week" she says as she leaves a trail of fiery kisses down my neck

"oh, I remember all about that" I say as I feel pleasure emanating from the spots she kisses. She runs her hand through my hair as the other hand massages the bulge in my pants. My hands already reaching for her buttons.

"are you sure you want to have sex in rogue territory" I ask breathlessly

"on second thought" she says as she presses a finger to her chin and gazes up in mock thought "how about Las Vegas babe" she whispers in my ear and then bites it gently causing the bulge in my pants to grow even tighter

"I'm ready when you are" I say back to her in a husky whisper and teleport us into the room we spent valentine's day two years ago in, surprisingly it was empty.

she pushes me onto the bed and whispers in a voice that makes me want to cum "now, I want you to fuck me till I can barely walk"

Shits about to go down people

I quickly remember Kris and the wolfs bane bomb so I get off Kat leaving kisses down her body

"I'll be back in a second babe" I teleport home quickly and find Kris and my dad getting some rest in the hospital wing of the pack house. I check their vitals and their charts and everything seems good. As I turn to leave Kris grabs my hand and mutters to me

"did you catch who did this to me?" she asks with a hoarse voice

"I did, she's dead" I reply in a whisper

"good" she sighs out and then slumps right back to sleep.

I walk out of the room and bump into Maria, one of my friends from before I left

"Ethan, you're back home" she asks in surprise

"hey Maria" I say as I give her a hug

"when did you get home?" she asks quietly

"some days ago, listen Maria I have to go right now but let's definitely catch up some other time" I tell her

"sure, I'll hold you to that" she says with a smile and then she enters Kris's room

I teleport back to the forest and find fiery red hair starting to come to, I quickly knock her right back out and teleport her to one of my facilities outside town and prepare everything for when she wakes up. I teleport back to the hotel and come out of the bathroom to find the room empty.

Where'd she run off too? Oh, so this is what it's like to have blue balls.

God it hurts my ego.

Unknown POV

I quickly dial the number of my associate, after a few rings I'm connected through

"what the fuck happened?" I scream into the phone

"chill boss, I just sent the bimbo a message to stay away from him"

"no, you got overly emotional and wasted the traps we set to kill that father of his, now our most trusted field operative has vanished. You underestimated your target and let this happen"

"target?? Boss you misinterpret why I'm helping you. When he kills the gods for us and becomes all powerful I'm going to be by his side not those fake bimbos" she replies angrily

"I don't care what you have to do. Fix this or else I'll choose a new queen for when he takes Olympus" I growl out at her and cut the call. I place a call to my daughter quickly

"hello boss, how nice of you to interrupt my life" she greets sarcastically

"I see you're still a dumb sarcastic bitch" I retort sweetly

"what the fuck do you want?" she replies through gritted teeth

"when we begin phase two I want you to kill that lovesick bitch first, we can't have any contenders for your spot as queen of Olympus" I reply

"it will be my pleasure" she says and then hangs up.