
The last Gate System(remake)

Once upon a time when humanity was about to reach outer space and entered the era of explorating stars out there, a change occurred on earth. A huge change. So huge. Huge enough to destroy most of the world's civilization. The earth shook violently. Countless buildings were destroyed at that time along with every human being who was there. For no apparent reason, the volume of sea water suddenly rose rapidly and submerged 63.10008989% of the population of mankind at that time which amounted to a total of more than 100 billions people. Several continents are divided. Scattered in every corner of the world along with existing modern civilizations. 200 years have passed since then. On an island filled with ruins and beasts that have evolved with Earth's new atmosphere, a girl opens her eyes. This is the story of a girl named Kilya's journey in search of the truth of 'New Earth' and the reason for the destruction of Earth.

Leids7 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The beginning of an end(1)

That was an ordinary day in the 31st century.

The humming sound of various electric vehicles gliding to and from filled the air along with the monotonous sound of AI holograms explaining the latest news about the earth.

A white-haired girl stands silently in front of one of the AI holograms tasked with explaining to people about traffic safety rules.


{... Please pay attention to your footsteps. Please do not cross the road when the light is still red and be sure to be careful before the light turn green. This also applies to the ride-er-er-r-r-n-n-s... A... A... A... Hvxbjhshhz...}

"Kilya?" Noticing the girl's disappearance from his side, the girl's father looked back.

There he found the figure of his daughter who was still staring at an AI hologram that looked like there was some kind of error or something with that AI.

Run to where the girl stand, the girl's father immediately held her hand, "Kilya! Haaah, it's not good to suddenly let go of dad's hand like that! It's dangerous here-"


But before her father finished his words, Kilya interrupted her father while pointing forward.

"What is that?"

"Hm? Ah, that is AI. That's weird, don't we also have them at home? Why are you so curious about this?"

"Not that Dad, but that." But the girl immediately shook her head and raised her index finger slightly upwards.

"...?!" The girl's father's eyes immediately widened when he realized what his daughter really meant.

Although her daughter didn't explain anything more than that, he already understood that they shouldn't stay there at that moment.



As soon as he realized what it was, Kilya's father immediately withdrew his daughter's hand. He immediately ran from the place as fast as he could while holding his daughter.

The only thing on his mind at the time was to run.

When still no one else realized it, Kilya's father could only think of leaving that place as quickly as he could.

["The Wrath of Poseidon" will begin in a few seconds.]

At that very moment, without exception, a game-worthy message screen suddenly appeared in front of all humans on earth with the same message.

"Oh, what's this?"

"The Wrath of Poseidon?"

"Poseidon is a god, isn't it?"

"Mama, a weird message screen suddenly popped up!"

"Oh, you too baby? Hm, is this the new Tech Lens' Software, I wanna know~?"

Various kinds of reactions emerged to the message.

But, it was completely different for Kilya's father who was already aware of the danger that was currently threatening the entire city.

"... Huff... Huff!... Huff!..."

[10 seconds before "The Wrath of Poseidon".]


{K-hygiene... is... imp... ortant.}

He continued running even after almost tripping over several Cleaner bot tasked with cleaning the park.

[9 seconds before "The Wrath of Poseidon".]

"Ahahaha, lol, what's this notice? There is not even a single person who believes gods in this modern era man!"

Some young people who looked like they were drunk teased the notification messages that kept popping up as they leaned behind several buildings.

"Yep yep~! Can't we just disable notifications or something~?"

"Dude, I guess it can't. It's not an Autophone anyway! Lol!"


[8 seconds before "The Wrath of Poseidon".]

*Tap!* *Tap!* *Tap!*


A footsteps sound could be heard as they were laughing and booing the message.

"Haa...! Haa...!"

It was Kilya's father who was running towards them while holding Kilya.

"Hey, someone is running here~"


In a staggered state, they turned their eyes on the arrival of that duo father and daughter.

"Urp! Why is that old man runnin'~?"

"Dunno~ urp! Uwogghh~!"

Two of them had felt the effects of drinking too much and vomiting out almost all of their guts.

"Hehehe~... Loser~ U-UWWOOORGGHH!!"

"Ugh!" Ignoring the group of drunks, Cilya's father continued running even though he was already beginning to be unable to feel his legs.

Sweat soaked his clothes.

"Huff...!" He has already reached his limit.

His body felt heavy. His chest hurts. He had trouble breathing. Even opening his eyes is already very difficult for him.


"Ugh...!" Slightly hit by an "Area Scaner" monitoring pole, Kilya's father, who had difficulty even moving his legs, fell to his knees.


Of course it hurt his knee. Both his pants and the skin on his knees had peeled off because of it.

"Dad!" Kilya, who was still in her father's arms, looked at her father with worry when she didn't understand anything about the situation they were facing.

Enduring the pain he felt, Kilya's father gritted his teeth and smiled at Kilya, "I-it's okay, D-dad is fine."

"R-really?" Kilya still looked worried when tears began to appear on her eyes.

"Y-yeah! Dad is fine!" Kilya's father forced himself to smile even though blood began to splatter from the wound on his knee.

[3 seconds before "The Wrath of Poseidon".]

Lowering Kilya from his arms, Kilya's father covered both of Kilya's ears with his palms and kissed Kilya's forehead while doing his best to keep smiling in front of Kilya.

He tried his best to ignoring people around them who began to sound panicked.

[2 seconds before "The Wrath of Poseidon".]

"Dad?" Kilya didn't understand.

She didn't understand anything.

"Listen Kilya..."

The reason why her father started running.

The reason why people started to look panicked.

The reason for all the madness she witnessed with her own eyes at this time... Kilya didn't understand.

"... You have to live."

"-?!" But Kilya knew one thing was certain at the time.

And that is...


... The fact that she should leave that place. As far as possible!

Go somewhere that won't be reachable by "that"!

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhh~!" Tears kept flowing from Kilya's eyes as she ran as hard as she could to leave the place.

Kilya ran over.

[1 second before "The Wrath of Poseidon".]

She ran despite abandoning her father.

"Hhaaaaahh!!... Aaghh! Aagghhh~!!"

[0 seconds before "The Wrath of Poseidon".]

Leaving her life in this city. Whether it's the future that might await her, or the past and precious memories with her family in this city.

Just for the sake of survival!

["Wrath of Poseidon: Back to the start with oceans" will now be implemented.]

[The first phase of Earth's reboot begins.]


In an instant, one of the greatest ideas and hard work of mankind in history, the city of Colenostrum was destroyed in the swallow of a tsunami that rose to a height of more than 3 KM.

The same was true in many places around the world at the time.

Based on a handful of percent of survivors in future, the cataclysm that would later be known as "The day of lose" cost humanity 99.1999990002% of all the technology they had built over the centuries.

"Earth" has been lost and reborn as "New Earth".

A whole new concept of a world where humanity is not the most dominant species in the world anymore.

And 200 years passed.

On a small island with a circumference of no more than 20 KM, there is a giant chunk of ice.

Inside the chunks of ice that mysteriously do not melt in clearly hot weather like this, there are several figures of children who look from 10-17 years old trapped inside.

Around the ice chunk, there are some people wearing white robes like doctors and some people who look quite strong and well-trained with weapons in their hands.

"Hey, do you think this Ice of Logout is really going to melt today?"

One of those carrying who weapons, a man wearing light leather armor with a large sword as tall as himself asked his friend as he stared at what the people wearing white robes were doing on the "Ice of Logout".

A woman who looks just 20 years old wearing light leather armor with a bow on her back answered the man's question as she swung her legs casually while sitting on top of a tree.

"I guess yeah. I've checked it using my Skill a moment ago. It seems that the Ice of Logout in this area will melt all the way in the next few hours~" The woman replied in a very relaxed tone as if playing around.

Skills. It is a term for a mysterious power that can be obtained by humans or living things of the earth either from birth after The day of lose or by doing something repeatedly.

Skills have the power to make users do things better than someone who doesn't have skills.

Some Skills could even completely defy the laws of physics and the law of cause and effect and they were referred to as Unique Skills.

"Seriously? Sigh~... It's going to be very noisy here for a while."

"You're right~! Ehehe~"

Although the man with the big sword sighed deeply with a complicated face, the woman on the other side still looked very carefree.

"It's not the time to laugh. We're really in danger now, you know."

"But isn't that the main reason why we are called here? In order to protect those researchers, of course, isn't it?"

But the man immediately denied the woman's words, "Don't lie. You just want to legally kill when the opportunity comes, don't you?"

The woman's carefree face immediately turned cold, "... I don't like it very much when someone knows me too well."


The sound of crackling wood could be heard from the tree where the woman was sitting on it.

She subconsciously tightened her grip on the trunk of the tree.

"... You crazy bastard." Clicking his tongue, the man averted his gaze and headed towards the forest with his sword.

"Oi Ray~! Where do you want to go?"

One of their other colleagues asked the man, apparently named Ray, about it.

"Just a little daily exercise." Ray didn't even look back when he said that and left immediately.

"Geez, the two of them have never gotten along." The man could only sigh helplessly when he saw the bloodthirsty cold expression that appeared on the face of the woman who had previously spoken to Ray, Runa, Ray's younger sister.

"Alright. Since it seems that the thawing time of the Ice of Logout is approaching, let's hunt down all the beasts in this area so them can't disturb the appeasement process of those children!"

Taking his gaze off the sibling duo, the old man declared it to the rest of his colleagues.


That way, they began to explore the island to eradicate all the wild animals that were there.


-Tech Lens: A technology that is often used by humans in the 31st century. A smart contact lens with a variety of functions that can help humans. For example: Health scanning, eye gland protection, etc. This device is also often used by governments to announce something in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency situation to almost all Tech Lens owners in the world.

-Autophone: One of the apps that can be installed into Tech Lens. A software that can provide the functionality of one of the vintage devices that was popular in its time (Smartphone).

-Area Scaner: A security tool that can monitor an area. This tool is equipped with a super sophisticated AI that has been equipped with procedures for the structure of the human body and human emotions that can make it able to judge and decide what to do when something suspicious is seen done by humans.

-Colenostrum city: One of the top 10 most advanced cities in the world researching the safest ways to traverse space. The city is built on a small island located quite close to Australia.

-Ice of Logout: A mysterious chunk of ice that seems to confine children under the age of 20 affected by the first disaster of "The day of lose". Indestructible. Kids who make it out of the Ice of Logout will look a little older than they should have been before "The day of lose" happened. Most of them would awaken with extremely powerful Unique Skills.