
Sleep Well, Dear

"So, what type of symptoms have you been seeing, lately?"

"Um, the usual ones, I guess?"

"I'm sorry, mam. But you didn't mention what those USUAL ones are…"

"Oh, right! Ah…he, is…was, a DRUNKARD, a fiend and a chain-smoker. Well, he wasn't always like this. Last month, his mother died, after that he became like this, out of depression I think…we tried to ease his pain, but he took booze as his last time resource. He died the two weeks after that…at the factory, colleague dozed off, wires cut, he was buried underneath molten iron. He was a fan of Marvel comics…guess he'd BECOME his favorite superhero, Iron Man!!"

"Oh, okay…that's both awesome and disgusting. Anyway, what are the indications that…HIS spirit, hasn't left you?"

"Well, uh…it's interesting, that…last week, I found a cigarette remain under the cushions., that's the brand he usually smokes…smoked. Well, ever since then, I've been having STRANGE feelings. Like, someone is turning off the stoves, putting om the fans in cold nights…well, that WAS his favorite hobby. To get drunk on cold nights, then doze off with fans running at full speed, hotness inside, and coolness outside. But the most STRANGE vibe I got was two days ago. You see, I was taking a shower. But, then I felt like someone was observing me, stood right behind me. I immediately jerked off the tub and looked. But, like very normal in these scenarios, no one was there. I got scared and got up. Then I remembered very well, that I HAD left the doors closed, which I then found fully OPENED. I grew clumsy and came out, closing the doors AGAIN. Then, I came out of the room and shut the door of the room. As soon as I did that, I heard a loud BANG immediately. I, though scared out of my mind, gathered what little courage I had left and opened the door. And you won't believe what I saw."

"Let me guess, the bathroom's door was hut open?"

"Why, YES! And then…it was like someone kicked the door closed, with a loud 'BAM!' and I lost it. I jumped out of the room and eventually ran out of the house. Then, on the outside, I advanced towards the garden, where I heard indistinct laughter and conversation. I went to the backyard and…"


"Well, my son, Jacob…he was supposed to be at school, but he…uh, he was swinging on a cradle that I fit with a branch at the hazel tree in our backyard. Only that, he can't get such a proper swing by himself. Unless, someone had been pushing him."

"Okay, that's interesting. Keep going."

"Well, I suppose it was my husband, because that's what Jake answered when I asked him why he was laughing. He said that, daddy will take him to visit his new home on the next Sunday. Scared like shit, I scolded him, why he was out alone in the cold and told him to go inside. Then, I thought why I did that, was it actually his fault, or was I overreacting? I thought of walking to him and apologize. Then, something caught my gaze, I saw footprints on the ground. I could only wish that they were Owen's, but no…It was like nothing I have ever seen. Unlike a human, more like…A BEAST! But the ground, it was stained black. I thought it was some gooey, or…Jelly like stuff, but…when I kneeled down and touched it…I could clearly see, the grass had burnt. Wherever the footprint was, the ground was burnt. Then I looked for its origin, and I…uh, followed it back to the window of Jake's room. It had crawled down from the 1st floor. At this point, I had no other option but to call you."

"Hmm, all right, mam! I understand that you're having a very hard time. But, could I have a bit of talk with your son, what did you say his name was? Jake? Before we get started with the process?"

"Uh, yeah…sure. Why not?"

"Mom?" A feeble voice spoke at the doorstep. It was a boy, not older than eight or nine, with dark borderlines under his eyes, signs that he hasn't slept properly.

"Honey," Miss Rosali called him, "This is Mister Hans Hendrick, an agent of the church."

"I told you, I'm not comfortable with the customs of the church. I'm still faithful, but…don't speak to me of the church," Hans waved his hand in the air.

"Oh, sorry, well," Miss Rosali chuckled nervously, "Anyway, he's here to uh…solve our problem."

"What problem?" Jake's light voice ringed, "Dad just had a little talk with me, he said not to worry, that he'll take me to his new home after our guest has gone."

"Well, that IS the problem apparently," Has said, "Miss Rosali, where…do you think this SPIRIT is most likely to be found at?"

"Let me see," Rosali thought, "Owen loved Jake more than anything, well…above booze at least. So, it'll be no wonder if we find his ass up in Jake's wardrobe…"

"Then, take me to his room, please," Hans stood up, "I think we might find something interesting there."

"Yes, of course," Rosali led them, "This way, please."

They started towards Jake's room, on the 1st floor, climbing a circular staircase.

"So," Hams cleared his throat, "When I came to your house, I, uh…noticed some deformities. For starters, when I looked at the ivy branches creeping out the windows, I thought the sun's in the opposite side, that's why they dried up. But then I saw another obvious sign. A dead squirrel under the Hazel tree on that side of the house. I went under there to check it, there were no signs of killing or struggling. It just…dropped dead. I had a doubt. So, I gave a round around your house. And, I found five dead squirrels at five corners of your house, at a pentagonal shape. You should know that's not a good sign."

"Yes, it's pretty obvious, but what's actually happening here?" Rosali asked.

Hans looked at Jake to see if he diverted his attention here, "Let's talk about it later."

"Well, here's his room."

She stood in front of a room, and pushed the door open, as it was unlocked, " No point locking doors," She said.

The door creaked, Hans set foot inside the room and immediately felt the temperature drop, like he entered a refrigerator. The room was cool as the water of the North Atlantic. It was a summer day, it was very unusual to be so cold at this hour.

"Wow, it's chilly," Hans rubbed his hands.

"Well, these days, it usually remains like this," Rosali said.

"Hmm, all the more reasons to worry. Why don't you just…sit on the bed, while I have a look around?"

"Well, okay," she sat on the bed, her body stiffed in unknown fear.

Hans went to the window. He wanted to check, if what Rosali said was true. There were no footprints at that moment. Yet, he could smell this nasty scent, like corroded old metal mixed with rotten meat. He opened his bag and took out some salt. From that he took a pinch and dropped it on the rim of the window. Then he spread it out on the wood, and it worked like charm. Two prints emerged on the rim, they MOST definitely weren't human. This made him even more anxious.

He checked the wardrobes. There were nothing special, Just clothes and other kids' stuff.

"Well, nothing special," he looked at Rosali.

"So, my son is okay?" Rosali controlled a sob.

"Yes, your son is…" Hans looked around, "Wait, where's your son?"

"My son?" Rosali suddenly sensed that something was wrong, "Jake? Where's Jake?"

"Don't worry, calm down," Hans understood that if she get hyper, then it will be huge trouble, "I'm sure he just went to the washroom."

"Don't WORRY?" She burst, "You nuts? I'm gonna check this out!"

She went out calling Jake by his name. Hans started to follow her, but something caught his glance, he kneeled down by Jake's bed. Then he put up a piece of cigarette, it was Virginia Slims. He checked out the bottom. He's been a chain-smoker for a while. So, he knows a person just by the way he smokes. This cigarette hasn't been smoked, only been lighted till it becomes ashes. Most probably the kid has been forced to do it, or maybe he was unconscious during this time. Anyway, this isn't normal for a spirit. Why put up such a show, while this one can easily take physical form? Is it what he thought? No, it CAN'T be! He shook off the idea and stood up.

TIP! Something dropped on the floor. He heard the small splash.

TIP! Another splash.

The drop of liquids slowly advanced towards him from the back. Just before the moment it creeped up on him, he looked behind. But there was no one.

He looked down, a series of drops…of molten metal, or whatsoever. The floor was sizzling from the sear heat. He looked above and saw burned footprints on the ceiling.

A doubt was growing in his head since a while. He needed one last proof to ensure his concept. So, he quickly came out and tried to find Rosali and Jake. He came down to the floor and called her, "Miss Rosali! Where'd you go?"

A moment pause, then she answered, "I'm here."

Hans followed her voice and found her in the reading room, "You all right? Where's Jake?"

Rosali pointed at the pitch black darkness at one corner of the room. He could pin-point a dark silhouette apart from Jake.

"Jake, sweetheart!" Rosali called in a shaky voice, "Come over here."

"But, mom," he spoke, "Daddy's here to take me."

"I have a doubt," Hans approached and whispered in her ear, "That it's not a spirit, it's something else."

"How…how did you know?"

"I confirmed a few of them since I came here. But I need to be one hundred percent sure, before I do something," Hans looked around, "That's a mirror, right? In the dark?" He pointed at a mirror.

"Yes, it is…" she shook her head, "What do you intend to do with it?"

"Try to communicate with the dark figure. If it really is your husband, you'll know it by your heart."

"But what about you?"

"Just keep him busy," Hans stepped behind and disappeared in the dark.

Rosali looked at the dark, like trying to see who the figure was. But she couldn't see a face.

"Jake, honey! Come over here!" She said.

"But mom, Dad's…"

"Owen!" Rosali screamed, "If it's really you, then let him come to me. You know…it's not…he can't go with you."

A moment of pause, then a voice whizzed, "But…I'm so…lonely…"

"I know," Rosali whimpered, her chest doing ups and downs to prevent a sob, "But don't drag our son into all of this…"

"Please…Rosali…" The voice begged.

"I can't…" Suddenly, she stopped, "Wait…who ARE you?"

"I'm Owen…your…"

"My husband called me many things, Sweet Pie, Honeybean, Rosie…but never…Rosali!" She spoke sharply, "You're not HIM!"

Now Hans shouted and turned on the light switch.

Amazingly, a young man was standing there behind Jake. He couldn't see his face because he was facing his mother. Hans couldn't recognize him, but he could guess this was Rosali's husband, Owen.

"You?" Rosali's eyes almost came out of her sockets, "But HOW? It's impossible…"

"I told you," the avatar spoke, "It's me…" Surprisingly, his voice also changed, it wasn't a whizzing sound, like a lung cancer patient anymore.

"One can mistake a spirit and a demon in many ways!" Hans said, "But you can't hide from me!" He pointed at the mirror, "Look at the mirror!"

Rosali horrifiedly looked at the mirror, where she could see a terrible monster, with glistening hand, thin black, scrubbed skin, stretched over sockets filled with glittering bright eyes, mouth filled with sharp, intimidating fangs. Like a nightmare from the deepest bottoms of hell.

Hans moved his eyes from the mirror and looked straight at the monster, this time, in his real form, "No more hiding, the mirror has revealed the truth!"

His slithering mouth hissed in an inhuman shriek and all the lights went out. He got covered in darkness, except for Jake.

"Jake!" Rosali screamed, "Come over her!"

All of a sudden, a hand with twisted, burnt skin and long claws on fingertips, grabbed Jake's shoulder and pulled him in the dark. His freaked out screaming filled the whole room.

"NO!" Rosali broke into tears.

"Rosali," Hans seized her shoulder, "Look! Look at me!"

She couldn't look at him, she was shaking hysterically.

"Whatever happens, don't move from here. I promise, you won't lose him today."

Then he ran out and followed Jake's screaming. It was gradually moving upwards. He ran at the staircase, muttering to himself, "Please, God! Don't me too late."

On the first floor, he looked around the hallway. There were only three rooms. Okay for a small house like this. He'd checked all of them, though found no signs. Then he looked up and found a way up the attic.

He had to hurry, every second was important, or he'd lose the kid forever. He ran to Jake's room and brought a chair. He stood on the chair and pulled down the ladder. He was getting old and slow. His spine was aching. But he gathered determination and climbed up the attic.

There he saw the demon, again a dark silhouette grabbing Jake's hand. As soon as he stepped on the attic, it looked at him and hissed in inhumanly voice.

"Leave him, you!" Hans wailed at him, "Creature from the depths of hell!"

The demon screamed and all the glass products of the attic shattered. The shards of glass shot right at him. Instantly, he put up his cloak with his left hand. The shards couldn't penetrate the heavy and thick cloak of his. He jerked off the pieces and put up his right arm holding a silver cross, "In God's name! Leave the child and thus family alone!"

The demon didn't show any sign of being affected by the cross. He made a sound which he thought was a devilish laughter.

The cross in Hans' hand started to warm up. As the hissing intensified, so did the heat. All of a sudden, the cross burst into flames and Hans had to throw it on the ground. He looked in horror at his blistered hand.

"That…holds…no power…" The demon hissed abruptly, "HERE!"

"Lay one finger on him," Hans threatened him, "And you'll regret it!"

"Very well!" The demon whizzed, "Let's see what you do."

He put a claw on Ken's arm and pushed it. Blood gauged out his arm as deep scream dug out of his throat. Hans could smell the scent of burning skin and hair.

Out of despair, Hans screamed and ran towards the monster, with a bottle in his hand. As he approached it, he splashed the holy water on its face. It screamed in pain and slapped him with the back of its hand. Hans flew back and landed on a box. It shattered, and he fell face-first into a pile of old clothes, books and other stuff. Hams tried to stand up, trying to get his hand om something to get support. He felt a cold touch in his hand as he put his palm on a shirt. He grabbed it and pulled it out, a locket, maybe belonging to Owen. He opened it and ensured it.

"This might come in handy!" he thought.

Then he turned back and faced the demon, "Hey, shit-face!"

He turned at him with a grunt, clearly disturbed in his process to Jake to nowhere.

"What? Did your lover vomit on your face?" he taunted.

The demon growled and advanced towards, luckily, leaving Jake behind. The kid was still whimpering from pain.

Hans started to circle him, while dropping holy water vials on the floor, like he was challenging it to a duel.

"What, you think I need these…toys to knock you out?" He started a counter attack as the demon noticed the vials. He was surprised to see everything was going according to his plan, and the demon couldn't but fall in it.

"Let me ENLIGHTEN you!" he pulled the cord hanging from the roof and the whole attic was enlightened by the bulb. Enraged by the bright light, the demon howled like a wounded wolf and the bulb shattered, and a tentacle shot out its hand. It pinned Hans on the shoulder and pushed him onto the wall. The blazing tentacle was like a syringe that seemed to inject molten lava in Hans' shoulder. Grinding his teeth hard, he muttered, "Fool! Now…you…FALL!"

When the bulb shattered by its scream, so did the vials of the holy water. They made a circle of water around the demon. Until then it hadn't noticed the circle. Then, before its very eyes the water diffused and completed the circle.

Instantly, the tentacle disappeared and Hans fell on his feet. He groaned in pain, but looked straight to see the monster. It started pounding on the floor, flames waving every time it punched, but they got dissipated as soon as they touched the holy water. It screamed annoyingly, and helplessly.

Hans took shaky steps and approached the creature. He was about to perform a magic that no exorcist had ever pulled off before. Because, this demon is beyond his capability to send back to hell, let alone destroy it. What he could dox, was…CAPTURE it. In some instrument, or accessories. But what could it be?

He felt the cold touch of the locket in his grip. "That's it!" he thought. Then, he went forward and made eye-contact with the demon, spoke a spell which made the demon stop his shriveling and he murmured, "You…will…SUBMIT!"

Then he pounded the locket on the floor, and the body of the demon started to dissolving into smoke. It started bellowing, but not out of anger, but fear. But it wasn't some weak spirit. Hans had to struggle hard to hold the process steady.

"I can't do it," he thought, "It's too strong!" then he thought why's he thinking like that? It would only make him more vulnerable.

Maybe the demon could hear what he was thinking. It looked straight at him, like those soul-piercing bloodshot eyes could see right through him. Hans shivered.

"You can't…HOLD…ME!" it screamed.

Hans grinded his teeth in struggle, then through the left corner of his eye, he could see Jake advancing towards them.

"Kid! What're you doing?" he waved is left hand to move him out of the way.

The demon looked at Jake, and assumed the look of Owen, "Jake! Come over here, dear boy! Tell him to stop! He's hurting me."

Jake didn't pay any attention to his blabbering and sat down, picking up the hot, fried cross from the floor. It must have burned his hand, but he didn't even flinch. Ignoring the begging demon, he spoke, "You are not MY father! FILTHY, BURNED BABBON'S BUM!"

Then he stabbed the cross right in the demon's eye!

The demon shouted indistinctly, maybe cursing them and tried to pull out the cross, but instead he got vacuumed inside the locket.

The process left Hans totally exhausted. He sat down on the floor with a loud "Thump!" and sighed in relief. But the kid, Jake, fell down om the floor, unconscious. He ran to him, and picked him up in his arms.

"Jake! Hey, kiddo! You okay?" he felt that Jake's body was cool like a dead man. But he was still breathing. So, he ran down with a hurry, holding Jake in his arms, leaving the hot, burning cross on the floor. Still covered with demon brains and blood.


"Oh, so, he'll be okay? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, at least that's what the DOCTOR said," Rosali shook Hans' hand cordially, "I don't know how I can ever repay you!"

"It's alright! I just did what was necessary."

"Here," she started to search her bag, probably for money. So, Hans stopped her, "No, no! Please don't embarrass me. I didn't do it for money. Actually, I got something more valuable than money."

"Oh, what's that?"

Hans thought about saying the locket, but then cancelled the idea, thinking it would only make her more emotional. So he smiled, "Experience!"


"If you ever need my assistance, concerning anything," Hans looked at Jake, " You contact me…I'll be there for both of you."

"Thank you," Rosali smiled, "Allow me to express my condolences for your troubles."

"You're welcome," Hans wore his hat, "Good day to you."

As Hans left the hospital chamber, Rosali slowly went to Jake and touched his forehead, " Sleep well, dear!"

Then suddenly Jake's eyes popped open and grabbed Rosali's throat, "But I can't sleep!" he dragged her face towards him, "MOTHER!"

Rosali could see her very life trembling before Jake's beautiful face, which was now twisted into something unimaginable and hideous. She couldn't make eye-contact with the blood-red and dead eyes bulging and burning. She couldn't breathe because of the iron-hard gripping. Jake whispered in her ears, "Sleep well, mother!

Then he snapped her neck.

Next chapter