
The Last Ember: Rebirth of The Phoenix

The weak will perish and the strong will live. this is the law of the obelisks. The very structure that govern the very laws of the universe and the beings who borrow their powers are once again at the the brink of war amongst each other. The winner takes it all... in the most literal sense. What would happen when the last remnant, the last ember of a primordial being, would join this war... The Flame of the Phoenix the could burn the death itself , let's find out what else becomes it's Kindles.

Games_of_Karma · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 12: Beginnings Pt.8

"We're entering an area that's hidden from the normal world."

Ember furrowed his brow. "Hidden how?"

Carasan tapped a symbol on the dashboard, and suddenly, the view outside shifted. The buildings took on a more fantastical appearance, with spires that pierced the sky and bridges that arched gracefully over canals filled with shimmering water.

"Welcome to the Hidden Quarter," Carasan announced.

Ember's jaw dropped. "How did we get here?"

"It's a place that exists alongside the normal world," Carasan explained. "Accessible only to those who know how to find it."

"This is incredible," Ember said, his eyes darting from one marvel to the next. He saw creatures that he had only read about in fairy tales—winged horses flying overhead, people riding mechanical contraptions that hovered above the ground, and shops that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

They passed a street where flames danced in patterns above a performer's hands, forming shapes and creatures that moved with a life of their own.

"Is that magic?" Ember asked, pointing.

"Well, magic is the word that common folk used to describe it; we call it Faus," Carasan said. "And yes, you'll find that'magic' is quite commonplace here."

Ember felt a thrill run through him. "So I'll be able to do things like that?"

"You mean the basic casting that is taught at the start of the first semester? That and more, my boy," Carasan assured him.

Manipulating fire to make it dance is basic? HOW!?

This was making Ember more and more nervous for the school.

They arrived at a quaint building nestled between two towering structures. The shop had a wooden façade with large windows displaying elegant clothing. A sign above the door read "Elara's Emporium."

"This is the place," Carasan said, pulling the car to a stop.

They exited the vehicle, and Ember took a moment to take in his surroundings. The air here seemed different—charged with energy. He followed Carasan into the shop, the bell chiming softly as they entered.

The interior was cozy yet sophisticated. Racks of clothing lined the walls, showcasing garments made from fabrics that shimmered and shifted colors. Mannequins displayed outfits that looked both stylish and functional.

"Ah, Carasan, it's been too long," came a melodious voice.

A woman emerged from behind a curtain. She was tall and graceful, although the grace was quickly replaced with a clumsy demeanour, with long silver hair that cascaded over her shoulder. Her eyes were a piercing green, and she wore a flowing dress that seemed to be made of liquid silver.

"Elara," Carasan greeted her warmly. "It's good to see you."

"And who is this handsome young man?" Elara asked, turning her gaze to Ember.

"This is Ember," Carasan introduced. "He's in need of some specialized attire."

Elara smiled warmly. "Welcome, Ember. Any friend of Carasan's is a friend of mine."

"Thank you," Ember said, feeling a bit shy under her gaze.

"Now, what brings you to my humble emporium?" Elara asked, clasping her hands together.

"Ember here has recently discovered his abilities," Carasan explained. "He'll need clothing that can withstand wind magic."

"Ah, I see," Elara said thoughtfully. "A Wind user, are you?"

Ember nodded. "I mean, Carasan told me as such."

"Well, you've come to the right place," she said with a wink. "I have just the thing."

She beckoned them to follow her deeper into the store. They passed through rows of clothing, each garment more intriguing than the last. There were cloaks that seemed to be woven from starlight, boots that left trails of sparkles with each step, and gloves that crackled with tiny bolts of electricity.

Elara stopped at a section where the clothing had a more rugged appearance. "These are designed for durability and protection," she explained. "Perfect for someone who might find themselves in windy situations."

She pulled out a jacket made of a dark, textured material. "This is dragonhide leather," she said. "Extremely resistant to magic of all forms."

Ember reached out to touch it. The material was surprisingly supple, yet he could sense its strength. "It's amazing," he said.

"Try it on," Elara suggested.

Ember slipped the jacket on. It fit well, molding to his body as if tailored for him. He moved his arms, testing their flexibility.

"How does it feel?" Carasan asked.

"Comfortable," Ember replied. "But maybe a bit too... intense?"

Elara laughed softly. "Not your style? No worries, we have plenty more to choose from."

She led him to another rack, pulling out a long coat in a deep forest green. "This is woven from basilisk silk," she said. "Lightweight but incredibly tough."

Ember tried it on, but the color didn't quite resonate with him. "I don't think green is my color," he admitted.

"Fair enough," Elara said, returning the coat to its place. "Perhaps something more classic."

She produced a black leather jacket with silver accents. "This one has enchantments to resist not just magic but also physical impacts."

Ember tried it on. It looked stylish, but he felt it was a bit too flashy. "It's nice, but I'm not sure it's me."

Elara tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I think I have just the thing." She disappeared into a back room, leaving Ember and Carasan alone for a moment.

"She's quite the person," Ember said.

"Elara is one of the best," Carasan said. "Don't worry, she'll find something that suits you."

Elara returned moments later, carrying a brown overcoat. It was made of a material that seemed both sturdy and comfortable, with subtle patterns etched into the fabric that caught the light in interesting ways.

"This," she declared, "is made from Mystic Bird feathers' fibers blended with enchanted cotton. It's fire-resistant, durable, and has a timeless style."

Ember's eyes widened. "Mystic bird feathers?"

She nodded. "Yes. Ethically sourced, of course."

Although Ember wanted to ask about what these mystic birds were, he had priorities.

He took the overcoat and slipped it on. It felt perfect, like it was meant for him. The weight was just right, and it moved with him effortlessly.

"I think we have a winner," Carasan said approvingly.

Ember smiled. "I love it."

"Excellent," Elara said, clearly pleased. "Now, let's find something to wear underneath."

She guided him to a selection of shirts. Ember gravitated towards a simple black t-shirt made of a soft, breathable fabric.

"That's made from shadow silk," Elara explained. "It adapts to your body temperature and provides minor magical protection."

"Perfect," Ember said.

They found a pair of black pants made from the same material, which fit him comfortably.

"Any accessories?" Elara inquired. "Gloves, boots, perhaps a hat?"

Ember considered. "Maybe some gloves and boots?"

They tried several pairs until Ember settled on a set of sturdy black boots & gloves with reinforced material and subtle Ripple patterns etched into the leather.

Although calling it leather wasn't exactly correct, it felt more like silk clothing.

"Those are imbued with anti-slip enchantments and can withstand extreme conditions," Elara noted.

"These are great," Ember said, taking a few steps to test them out.

"Wonderful," Elara said. "Now, let's discuss the matter of payment."

Ember's face fell. He hadn't even considered the cost. "I... I don't have any money," he admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment.

Carasan placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about that. Consider it a gift."

"I can't let you do that," Ember protested. "This must be expensive."

"Nonsense," Carasan said. "It's an investment in your future."

Elara smiled kindly. "Besides, Carasan is one of my best clients. I trust his judgment."

Ember hesitated, then nodded. "Thank you. I don't know how I'll repay you."

"By making good use of them," Carasan said simply.

They completed the transaction, and Elara wrapped up the clothes Ember had tried on.