
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Eve's first experiment

When Eve awoke she was in a cell in some underground base/laboratory she didnt see zero or anyone, she recognized it was a whitenroom with two beds and a built in bathroom and a high ceiling with four cirular lights thst where sealed by a glass barrier of some kind eve tried to see if there was something she could use but to no avail suddenly a scientist and a few guard's came to the front of her cell they scientist looked at her he was a handsome human male with short brown hair blue eyes and he wore a turtleneck labcoat and a pair of simple pants he carried a clipboard thst had eves basic info he looked at it with a small profile picture her name wasn't on the her profile indtead it was replaced by a serial number

testbsubjuct:Seraph-009 Age: 7

Race: Dreadnaut/Tettrarouge

Class: None/Sealed

lv 5 exp 0/100

Hp 100

Mp 150

vitality : 5

strength :8

Dexterity :10

intelligence :10

luck : 5

Skills: passives : actives:

fhe scientist was both impressed annd surprised by the subjects stats. but also a bit disappointed by her lack of skills.

he simply. saw her as a blank canvas with very high potential he chose this time to adress her and introducs himself

you are subject Seraph-009 i don't care what your nams is or where you come from you habe no rights or freedom anymore i am Berlai. Doctor Zero's assistant you will be undergoing basic augmentation and forced awakening for our experiment today doctor zero for reasons i don't understand. insist's on informing you himself in detail we will retrieve you now you havd two choices be co-operative or we will bewt you into submission and drag you to the experiment room choose which one you i hope for your sake you will be co- opperative, eve looked at Berclai and the guard's in shock and fear in the end she knew she couldn't resist and needed to bide her time. Berclai saw Seraph-009 was willing to comply he looked at her coldy and said smart choice Eve was taken down a series of hallways with checkpoints and different security clearances until she arrived at a room with an office like room and another room with all sorts of medical machinery and tools as well as an odd tube shaped chamber of some sort with all sorts of consoles and various wired and tubes going into it with what looks like a breathing mask of some sort at the middle of the room another end of the the room has some sort of surgical table and equipment to go with it eve paled alittle at seeing this Berclai had one of the guards nudge Eve to the office like room he told eve to wait here so eve did as he said. Berclai closed the door Berclai didn't understand why Zero ordered us to treat subject Seraph-009 so gently he couldnt fathom it but decided that Zero must have seen something in her we couldnt and left it at that.moments later Zero walked in to his office he closed the door seeing Eve sitting and looking a bit lost he couldn't blame her. he. hit a hidden switch that he installed himself that scrambles tech and spying skills alike while pressing a button thst immediately sound proofed the whold room he sat down and looked at eve for few minutes zero spoke in his deep voice but softened his tone as not to scare her he said Eve i know you shouldn't trust what I'm about to say but I'm going to try anyways my name is Zero X i come from a clan that specialises in Cybernetics and energy manipulation similar to the tettrarouge im a scientist and I'm also under cover for the X clan i want to help you what i plan to do will cause you to become stronger and will allow you to under go an awamening this will take a few years and the process will be painful but i promise you when the time comes i will get you out of here and me and my clan will train you and help you get revenge and start a new life elswhere. what so you say to this Eve... Eve looked at Zero both confused and shocked but mostly in disbelief Although zero has been kind to her and treated her with some Humanity she still wasn't sure if she could trust him but what if be is telling the truth if so this means she has a chance ... Eve why would you help me? why?... Zero: because. what happened in num village wasn't supposed to happen it never should have and one way or the other garic and those in the Helix society will be made to pay for this i want to try and do what i can for you and because i see potential in you that i don't wish to see you be wasted or wronged anymore than you already have. this has been the hardest under cover op i have had to take part in in my life Zero looked at Eve with all the pain thus girl had to go through its a wonder she is even coherent as he thought about this Eve came to her decision i will do it these experiments, if it means i can become stronger and get revenge for her village and her grandparents most of all she never wants to feel powerless again. Zero was suprised when he looked into the deep violet eyes of this girl he could see her conviction and a glow that promised power and resolve zero: very well you must never mention what we have discussed here when i need to speak to you or inform you of anything i will have Berclai bring you into this room now im going to perform the augmentation procedure today you will be in a state of pain and deep sleep for a few days Zero took a syringe with a glowing sapphire colored liquid in it he told eve to hold out her left arm and warned her it will sting eve nodded her consent zero injected her emptying the syringe contents he then removed the needle braught out a alcohol whipe and a bandage to wrap around her arm he then hit all his hidden switch the room went back to normal he called Berclai in and had him escort eve back to her cell. when eve got back to her cell her head start to feel light her vision began to swim as soon as she laid down she passed out a few days later eve came to her physique had been enhanced. greatly her sight hearing and other senses became greatly enhanced Eve's strength and relfexes also experienced enhancements eve checked her status

Name:Eve ******** Age: 7

Race: Dreadnaut/Tettrarouge

Class: None/Sealed

lv 5 exp 0/100

Hp 150

Mp 200

vitality : 5+10

strength :8 +12

Dexterity :10 +15

intelligence :10+5

luck : 5

Skills: passives :

Supercell compression

Extreme energy manipulation

Augmented Accelerated learning Augment strength

Augmented reflexes

Augmented senses

Augmented Reverse Phoenix body

Blade mastery basic

energy mastery basic

Actives: knowledge absorption


accelerated move

Eve's eyes widened in suprise even though the her stats didnt jump up that hi it was still a good improvement on top of it all. she gained some more passives andsome of her other one's where enhanced too. Berclai came to get even again to recieve another augmented shot this one was green likebab emerald this time Berclai injected her with it in her cell he sighed and told eve that doctor zero was out and made it clear to give her this one in the cell as the effects are alot more potent as Berclai said this eve had the same sensations as before but stronger as her head began to swim she felt a strong heat build up in her body before she passed out Berclai who was observing eve was suprised at how well subject Seraph-009 took to green Augmenting syrum her. hair actually began glowing with energy a very rare trait not only that her energy pathways began widening opening up and becoming refined and compressed making her delicate features become refined and greatly enhanced as her body underwent a rare metamorphosis. Berclai was shocked and smiled so doctor zero was right about you. this day Berclai decided eve was worth something and would give his full support to zero's project. when eve woke up there was a profound differences in her body her hair had a glowing luster to it her eye lashes where longer herb deep violet eyes glowed her irises where bigger sharper and the violet coloring seemed as if there was a type electic spark in they're depths eves face had lost some of its baby fat and jad become refined and fuller her body mostly remained the same she simply grew taller by a a foot where eve was 2"5 she is now 3"5 eve checked her status again

Name:Eve ******** Age: 7

Race: Dreadnaut/Tettrarouge

Class: None/Sealed

lv 5 exp 0/100

Hp 200

Mp 250

vitality : 5+20

strength :8+22

Dexterity :10+30

intelligence :10+25

luck : 5

Skills: passives :

Supercell compression

Extreme energy manipulation

max Accelerated learning

great Reverse Phoenix body

Blade mastery basic

enhanced energy mastery basic

Actives: knowledge absorption


accelerated move

her stats had an even bigger enhancement and some of her passives evolved into a higher tier or form. eve noticee there was food and a book for learning eve ate the food and decided to read to pass the time.... the next day Berclai brought eve to zero's office zero informs eve she will be undergoing her first experiment so they prep eve and the tube Chamber she first saw when she came in here. Zero got eve ready and told her to stand in the middle of the chamber they hooked up the breathing mask and a few monitoring nodes zero explained to eve she will be submerged in a a concentrated form of the two serums she was injected with this would force her to under go awakening early and woulf be unbearably painful that he has done what he can to insure her survival and unfortunately theres nothing he can do about the pain. eve nodded since couldn't really speak clearly. zero stepped back and closed the chamber a few moments later a bright blue and green liquid filled the chamber submerging eve in it as soon as eve was submerged an unbeatable burning pain shot through her body her hair started glowing brightly a very bright violet color started surounding her body with a white electric energy.