
Part one


As a young girl, Bryony, had always believed in magic and fantasy. But when her parents were taken from her, she slowly stopped believing and the light in her slowly faded away. But one night as she's reading one of her moms old books about magic, a mysterious person visits her telling her that it's her job to help the last dragon born and save her parents, finally bringing peace to the lands

Confused and curious, Bryony goes on the adventure she had always wanted to go on as a little girl. But what she finds, is the new world isn't anything like in the books she had always read. It was a world of darkness and unforgiving things, and she is determined to bring back the light and turn it back into the stories her parents once told her. Stories of happiness, and peace... and magic

Hey guys! Just a warning, this book is fast pace. Meaning, she meets the last dragon born close to the beginning. If you don't like books that are fast like that, I apologize. There is a second part to this that I haven't finished yet, but the part two is a really really slow pace so I made this one fast to make up for how slow the part two is:)

Hey guys, I worked really hard on this book, and yes, it might not be as good as other books, but I am proud of my work and I would really appreciate it if there were no rude comments or hate about this book. Thank you and love you!

emilyholl02creators' thoughts