
Chapter two


When they got home, Bryony was greeted by a little girl hugging onto her legs, and smiling up at her. Bryony ruffled her soft blonde curls as her big brown eyes stared up at her. "Hi Greta."

Greta grabbed her hand as Amara walked past and patted her cheek. "Come. Pwetty Chismas twee."

Greta started walking into the family room, pulling Bryony with her, and Bryony smiled and followed her. She pointed at a small Christmas tree standing next to the window. It was covered in beautiful red, green, and gold lights with sparkly ornaments decorating it. At the top sat a beautiful golden shining star, and Bryony couldn't help but smile at the sight.

The twins were putting the last of the ornaments on the tree, but immediately stopped when they saw Bryony.

"Isn't it pretty?" Octavia asked, smiling brightly at her.

Her brother nodded. "We finally get a tree this year!"

"It's beautiful." Bryony said, letting go of Greta's hand so she could run over to her siblings. She grabbed one of the last ornaments and held it out to her.

"You do dis one." She said and handed it to Bryony.

Bryony smiled at her. "Thank you." She hung it on the tree as Amara walked in. Bryony turned around to look at her and she gave her a sad smile. They didn't have a lot of money ever since their father left. Their mother tried her best to make each of her kids and Bryony happy every year on Christmas, but that was always the hardest holiday for her. They never had a tree before until now, and it was the most beautiful tree Bryony had ever seen.

The twins and Greta sat down next to the tree, just staring at it with a smile.

"Amara, Bryony, how was school?"

Bryony turned to see Auntie Collette hugging Amara with a huge smile. "It was good." Amara managed to get out as her mother squeezed her tightly. She then walked over to Bryony, arms open wide and then squeezed her in a big hug. "I'm glad."

She let go of her and gave her a smile. "This Christmas will be a better one than the other years. You all deserve it."

"The other Christmas's were fine mom." Amara said. "We were all together and that was what mattered. We played games and it was fun. We don't need a fancy Christmas with trees or presents, because family is more important."

Auntie Collette's smiled faded away at her daughters words. "You don't like the tree?"

"No we love it." Bryony said and grabbed her hand. "That's not what she meant. She meant that even without a tree we were happy and had fun together. We are thankful for everything you've done for us the past years."

Auntie Collette smiled at the girl. "I'm thankful for your bright spirit darling, it keeps me going. You're always so positive and happy and you are always sharing it with others no matter what you have been through in the past. Thank you for your bright spirit."

Bryony gave her her best smile. "Of course, anything for you."

"Mommy." Greta said and got up from her seat? "Twee pwetty!"

She ran to her mother who picked her up, and held her tightly in her arms. "It is pretty isn't it baby?"

The twins turned around to look at the others. Octavia smiled at Bryony. "Sit with us Bryony."

Clarence nodded and patted the spot next to him. "Yeah, come sit."

"No." Octavia shoved her brother. "Sit by me, not him."

"Hey!" Clarence exclaimed, shoving his sister back. "I patted the spot next to me first. She sits by me."

Octavia shook her head. "No!"





"Guys stop." Bryony laughed and they turned to look at her.

Octavia patted the seat next to her. "Sit."

Clarence shook his head. "No, sit by me."

Octavia glared at her brother. "I said it first!"

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did!"


"How about I sit in the middle?" Bryony said, stopping them from arguing again, and they looked up at her. They exchanged looks before scooting away from each other and patting the sit in the middle. "Sit."

Bryony shook her head in amusement before walking over to them and sitting down. They both cuddled up against her as they stared up at the tree. Clarence looked over at his sister. "See? I'm smarter, I let her sit in the middle."

Octavia glared at him. "No you aren't. I did."

"You're dumb." He said and she sat up and slapped his arm hard. He glared at her. "Mom, Tay hit me!"

"He called me dumb!" Octavia defended herself.

Auntie Collette shook her head and handed Greta over to Amara. "I'm going to make dinner."

"You don't hit me!" Clarence snapped at his sister as he held his arm, tears forming in his eyes.

"You don't call me dumb." Octavia snapped back as she, too, started crying. "That was mean. I'm smart, not dumb."

"No, don't cry, I'm sorry Tay." Clarence cried and crawled over me to hug his sister. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too Clare." Octavia cried and hugged him back. "I love you."

"I love you too." Clarence said.

Bryony looked up at Amara who just shrugged and started laughing. Greta smiled at Bryony as she tried not to laugh. The twins pulled away and turned to them. Clarence glared at them. "It's not funny."

Octavia nodded. "Stop laughing."

"You guys are weirdos." Amara laughed.

The twins exchanged looks before Octavia pointed a finger at Clarence. "He's the weirdo."

Clarence slapped her hand away. "No I'm not, you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Great, look what you started." Bryony said to Amara, but she only laughed again. She had always thought it was funny when the twins argued about stupid things. Bryony didn't disagree, it always was amusing, but it still shouldn't be something Amara had to start. Sometimes she would tell one of them that the other called them a name and that would start a funny argument. It wasn't really nice, but they always said sorry and made up afterwards. After every fight. Even if they always argued and always fight, they were still really close. They told each other everything, never kept a secret from the other. They were best friends.

Greta wiggled out of Amara's arms and ran towards Bryony to sit on her lap. The twins immediately stopped arguing and turned to Greta. Clarence pouted. "Greta, we had Bryony first."

"Yeah, you stole her from me." Octavia pouted as well.

"No, you mean she stole her from me not you." Clarence said.

"No, from me!"

"I stole her from bof you." Greta giggled and Bryony started laughing. Greta snuggled up against Bryony and watched the twins start fighting again with amusement.

"You let her take her from us." Octavia snapped.

"Me? That was you!" Clarence argued back.

"Okaaay." Amara said and pulled Octavia away from her brother and set her on her lap. "Enough fighting about stupid things. Bryony isn't a toy you have to fight over. My goodness kids, why can't you argue over me for once? I'm just as awesome as Bryony, if not more." She winked at Bryony and Bryony shook her head, smiling.

The twins looked at each other before Octavia gave Clarence a smug look. "I get Mara because she let me sit on her lap." She stuck her tongue out at Clarence as he glared at her.

"No, move." He shoved her off Amara's lap and took her spot. Octavia screamed and sat up, rubbing her head and starting to cry. Clarence watched as Octavia got up and turned to him. She pointed a finger at him. "You a stupid baby!"

"I am not!" Clarence said, but Octavia ignored him and went to Bryony. Greta scooted over for her sister to sit down too, and Octavia sat down next to Greta on Bryony's lap.

Bryony started brushing her fingers through the girls beautiful soft dirty blonde, almost brown, hair as she closed her eyes. Bryony started doing her hair in dutch braids as Greta put a hand to Octavia's cheek, making her open her eyes. Greta smiled at her sister, and Octavia smiled back, taking her little sisters hand and holding it.

"Ignore Clare." Greta said. "He not nice."

"Hey!" Clarence exclaimed and Octavia laughed.

"Yes Greta, Clarence is not being nice right now." Octavia agreed with her sister as she turned to her brother. "I'm older than him, so I am always right."

"You older by ten minutes." Clarence said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"So? It's still older." Octavia said.

"Guys, you're only seven." Bryony said. "Amara is the oldest here, so that means she is charge of all of you."

"And you." Amara winked at her.

Bryony smiled. "And me."

"I free." Greta said, holding up two fingers.

"No no Greta, three fingers." Octavia said. "Like this." She held up three fingers and then helped Greta hold up three fingers. "See? You did it."

Greta gave her a big smile before turning to the others. "I free!" She said again, and held up two fingers which made them all laugh.

"That's right Greta, three." Octavia said and giggled at her little sisters attempt to hold up three fingers.