
CHAPTER 1: New Division Has Awakened

(FEB 2023 GREAT LAKRES, IL.)Division 072 were the only and the last division that was part of a national tragedy, leaving countless families, friends, peoples, and military personnel in tears and shambles; The news was on every platform, social media, and suddenly out of no were video was posted of what happened that horrifying day. Every person in the world watched the terrible thing that occurred in Great Lakes, IL.

"1439 Before The Attack"

Divisions 071 and 072 were taking a Warrior Toughness class when a large explosion occurred that everyone heard in the distance, and it sounded like it came from the USS Pearl Harbor. Immediately, both divisions commenced the protocol of RHF (Run, Hidde, Fight); they could run, so both divisions decided to barricade themselves and wait for backup. While taking cover, everyone could hear everything outside, like people screaming, guns, and other strange guns being fired; people were getting killed left and right. Then suddenly, all stop, so both divisions decide to go outside, and they all can't believe the horrific sense that dead bodies, body pieces, and some buildings are decimated that if anybody ware were to be found, they would only find parts.

Then Divisions 71 and 72 both agreed to find and help any survivors intending to evacuate from boot camp while searching for the survivor for two hours, and as they were about to turn around, the counselor saw some strange-looking soldiers searching for something or someone. However, while trying to retreat, two recruits from 71 and 72 tripped and fell to the ground alerting a group of them. We took cover while getting fired a barrage of bullets, some plasma projections. We got ambushed within seconds; then, out of nowhere, part of the 071 recruits managed to find smoke grenades and chuck a couple of them so we could escape. However, that didn't last very long; the soldiers were on our tails; numerous of our comrades were killed during the escape only a few were left, then while running tour the main gate, in front of us, a portal like a gate suddenly opened, and all of them vanished without traces.

After watching that terrifying recording that somebody revealed to the entire world, an uproar commenced because of it; the government was trying its best to cover some of it, but the public didn't buy any of their bull shit. Later on, the news spread to other countries, making The Call, and they all gathered in a secure location to discuss their plans to retuned the missing recruits and research/explore whoever the portal might take them.

"2123 FEB Future Gracke Lakes, IL"

(Inside of enormous white spaces)

(Rio speaking) "Yo, where the hell are we?"

Some of us were confused, scared, and homesick; however, while 072 was gathering, suddenly, a door opened, and a group of scientists and security personnel surrounded them, giving them no chance of escaping.

(Thonsom and Pruneda speak in sync) " WHO ARE YOU ALL? BACK THE FUCK OFF, DON'T COME ANY CLOSE TO US!".

Without wasting time, security pointed their weapons at them and fired tranquilizers knocking everyone out; those who fought were fired twice, knocking them out cold. Soon after the staff moved, everybody was in a different "laboratory room."

"20 hours later, in the laboratory rooms."

(Dairant speaking in his mind)

"Argh, my head hurts so much, and my body from the inside out. What the hell did they do to me? Argh, my head is pounding." "My memories are fuzzy right now." At that moment, an immense pain surged to his entire head; Then Drairant had a memorized surge, and he remembered everything that happened to himself and the others." Then mysteriously, a voice said, "Dairant, Dairant, Come; we are waiting for your arrival; bring as many of the Monarch with you on your voyage time is ticking."

While trying to get out of the experiment room, Dairant's body suddenly braced for impact on its own then, a few seconds went by, and a big explosion occurred, wiping down most of his room and when he turned around, half of the establishment was wiped out.

Dairant wandered around the ruined facility for a few minutes when he encountered a light from afar. He changed his direction tour the morning. What he saw was a massive intact room with a kitchen, leaving rooms, baths, and rooms to sleep in; however, while exploring the spaces, Dairant discovered a secret door while cleaning a bookshelf opening the door and revealing a lab that had multiple recruits from his division so Dairant went to check up on his friend's conditions while checking they're status one of them called Willis began to have a problem with the machine so Dairant uses his powers to forcefully opened the hatch and while doing that Dairant manage to gained access to the central system of the lab room and massive amounts of information surge into Dairant's brain giving him knowledge of this world and some top classify information. After receiving that load of information, Dairant kneels for a moment, then stud up and walk to Willis, and this is what Willis says, "It's about time, Dairant, Shit what took you so long, bro. However, I am glad that you are safe, ? Well" then Drairant responded, "Likewise my brother it's been a minute since we last saw each other, but anyway we can talk about this latter help me wake them up ill tell you what you have to do Willis." Hours went by Dairant, and Willis woke up the others that were asleep; once they all woke up, they began to scream in pain, then Dairant went to calm them down, then suddenly, all of them commenced to glow different colors, including Willis, and Dairant reach to touch them and receive a power surge that knocks him out cold.

(Dairant's dreams/memories)

After Dairant collapsed, he began to have this visions and memories about what happened to the others while they were being experimented on and tortured, like Dairant, Rodrigues, Chivis, Davis, and Dunn.

(Torture scense of Rodrigues)

"The limbs held Rodrigues and pulled tightly by machine arms. While being held, an announcer said, "Commence the injection of 0x-try" Then four machines appeared with needles the size of a straw and were injected. Then after that, Rodrigues's body transformed; the scientist could hear muscles and bones ripping and cracking apart. That process repeated for ten hours straight, and his body regenerated once it stopped.

(Torture sense of Davis and Dunn)

"Davis and Dunn were consistent in their experimentation how. The scientist was also working on three machines: dark matter, power manipulator machines, and teleportation machines. While in the prosses of what they should do with them, the power manipulation device began to malfunction; the scientist tried to commence protocols to assess the situation; however, their efforts were insufficient because the machine exploited, taking the other machines with it and creating a black hole disintegrating half of the east side of the facilities structure. The only ones that survived were Dunn and Davis how; ever, they suffered the force of the three machines giving them some power.

(Chivis torture scense)

"The terrifying sound and indestructible to hear is when your bones are cracking, isn't that right, Dr. Jack" "Yes, it is, and the most exciting Drs. Kim, that's what we are going to do with this subject right now" Chivis was on a giant metal platform then, strapped with big thick chains, then he was exposed to a gas and liquid substance that At first nothing happened, but then Chivis began to scream and moved in and then his body commenced to change and transform into an animal from his world and strange creatures. But every time he transforms into a beast or animal, his skin, organs, and skeletal structure will tear itself apart over and over for twenty hours without any breaks.

After Dairant sees everyone tortured or experimented on, Dairant suddenly wakes up, scaring Willis and Rio. They were worried that I would wake up, and they told Dairant that I was in a coma for two days. Then Willis asks him, "Yo, what the hell happened to you, Dairant" Dairant tells him, "I don't know. I was trying to calm them down, and suddenly some power surged true my entire body; after receiving the surge, I don't remember anything." " Well, it's good to see you are doing alright; come on, let us go eat with the others" The three of them left the room and headed to the living/kitchen room, where the others were waiting. However, they weren't too happy about the situation. All of them swarmed me like flies asking all sorts of questions. Then Dairant snaps and tells them, "Enough! I don't know anything, so stop asking so many questions!." When Dairant screamed, relating that to them, suddenly all of them felt a surge of started power, and every single one of us grounded with some aura, and few of us could feel other's energy pressure.

(Outside the facility)

While the recruits were excited that they had some powers and abilities.

Something deep in the forest/jungle woke up from its slumber cause of the massive explosion at the facilities, and it headed to the facilities.

(Back to the facility)

"Everyone, let's calm down for a bit. We don't know how these powers work nor how to control them," Dairant said to them. However, none of them listened to him. Meanwhile, one of the recruits, Thomson, uses his speed powers to kick Dairant, sending him flying, hitting, and going to the wall. He says, "Who do you think you are just because were are in a different world or dimension, Dairant? Do you think we have to obey you in the arc here? Whoever wants to join me and use their powers freely, come and join me." Then everybody went with him; the only person that stayed with Dairant was Willis, and they both decided to find food and the rest of the division.