
The Last Demon King Alive

Warning: Mature Content! ***For he, the ruler of demons, was her sweetest sin.*** In a kingdom shrouded in mysterious deaths, Arabella, a courageous slave Princess finds herself entangled in a treacherous web of power and secrets. Gifted to a feared and enigmatic king, whose true nature is whispered only in fearful rumors, she faces a daunting challenge: to not only conquer her opponents but also unravel the mysteries that lies beneath the surface. As she battles her adversaries, Arabella discovers that her fight for the throne is only the beginning. Haunted by the unknown, she must confront the shadows that lurk within the kingdom's darkest corners. Is the king truly a devil, a troll, or a beast as the tales suggest? Or is there more to him than meets the eye? In this gripping tale of forbidden love, high-stakes battles, and supernatural mysteries, Arabella must embrace her strength, defy the odds, and confront the terrifying unknown to secure her place as both queen and savior. Will she unravel the truth behind the rumors and unearth the secrets that hold the kingdom captive? Or will the shadows consume her, leaving the kingdom forever trapped in its dark and deadly past? ****Excerpt**** As their eyes locked across the dimly lit room, a simmering tension hung in the air. She could feel the heat emanating from his body as he stepped closer, his voice low and husky. "Once we're married," he whispered, his words dripping with promise, "I'll explore every inch of your body, unleash desires you've never known." His gaze traced the outline of her curves, causing her breath to hitch. Despite the arranged marriage, a forbidden excitement coursed through her veins. In that fleeting moment, their eyes spoke volumes, setting ablaze a flame of anticipation that would ignite their future union.

Ella_Dominic23 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

A Kiss.


Chapter 22.

The table was more like a graveyard after the king asked for the wedding dates. They all began to whisper to each other. I wished at this moment I could read thoughts and know who my enemies were. However, I was able to detect one. The king's grandmother.

Her eyes were like knives sharpened just to pierce through my heart. It was more than the wedding from what I saw. She did not take her eyes off me and I began to wonder if I was getting married to Alistair or her.

"I haven't thought of a date but it would be announced after the engagement party," the queen mother told us. She continued with her meal like there was no big idea. She was planning an engagement party without telling me or Alistair.

"An engagement party?" Grandmother finally looked at someone else. It was a relief. I drank from the cup and watched the drama. It was obvious that the announcement did not go well with her.

Alistair was surprised at first but when the women began to question each other, he relaxed as though he enjoyed the drama. This was his family and I expected him to intervene but he didn't.

"Yes, granny," The queen mother answered blinking an eye. When she saw that everyone was surprised by the party she wanted to throw, she explained "My son is getting married for the first and last time. I think he deserves an engagement party just like every other person."

"It doesn't matter but you should have informed me first," The grand queen was not happy. Her brows furrowed as she spoke. "The princess was brought in without my knowledge. You even went ahead to present her to the king. He proposed to her this morning and never told me anything about it. Is this how we are going to be running the affairs of this family?"

I knew she was hurt. They acted with her which was wrong. But who knows? Maybe she deserved it. Alistair did not say a word. He kept on drinking his wine like their complaint and argument were music to his ears.

"Well, you fell sick before we could bring the news to you," the queen mother spoke. I could swear that she would laugh any minute if given the opportunity. She was enjoying the show. "The engagement party is tomorrow. I already invited the ladies from my court. Tomorrow, the news will reach the other nobles."

The rest of the family ate quietly. None of them came in between the two women. Was this respect or an act of a wise man? I began to wonder if this women were at war with each other.

"The girl you chose…" the conversation shifted back to me. I wished it didn't. The grand queen continued "Why her? There are many good girls in Aerendia, why bring in a foreigner to be our queen?"

"Granny, she is here," Luta reminded her. Perhaps, the old lady must have forgotten that I was present.

"I am not blind, Luta," she shut her up. "Now, eat your food quietly or leave the table."

The answer was obvious. Luta ate quietly. She never spoke at the table again. As for her three brothers, they did not like the fact that the conversation was about Alistair. They wanted the women to be concerned about them as well.

"She is a Thule, for the Lord's sake," Grandmother dropped the cutlery and removed the napkin from her neck. She was upset with the fact that I was getting married to her grandson. "We have been at war with these people for years. You couldn't find a good match for your son? By the way, I do not like her face. She doesn't have a perfect one. The queen of Aerendia should be perfect and …"

"Enough with this argument, granny," Alistair cut her off. I thought he was going to sit there and watch them bash me. I could barely breathe in air. My head was down the whole time she lashed out. My heart thudded within my heart like lightning. "My marriage with Arabella is finalized. I chose her and if you have a problem with it, say to my face, not to my mother's or my future Queen's."

Okay, I raised my head a little to see what it was like for Alistair to get angry. He was not that angry. The skin between his forehead pinched as he spoke with seriousness.

"I-I…D-did not mean to upset you, my son," the grand queen shuttered. She was afraid of him. But why? He was the king, I understood but my grandmother was never afraid of my father.

"I am not upset, granny," he stood up from his seat and went to where she was sitting. Taking her hand in his, he kissed it and said "Goodnight, granny. I shall retire to bed. This matter is closed. It should not be discussed outside these walls."

They all nodded and he walked to me. He offered his hand. Quickly, I let go of my fork and took his hand.

"Shall we?"

I nodded, quickly, standing up from my seat. I wanted to leave this table all these while. Thank goodness, the thought came to him. We went outside the building and the cool breeze welcomed us.

I could finally breathe properly. The atmosphere inside was capable of killing anyone who did not have the mind to face those eyes and words. The grand queen was a pain in the a*s. She was going to be my opponent on this battlefield.

"Did you feel it?" Alistair chuckled, squeezing my knuckles gently.

A shiver ran through my spine. My throat went dry and I did not reply to him. He wondered what happened. Quickly he sent the guard time to get me water from the dining. In less than thirty seconds, a cup of water was handed over to me. I drank all.

"Thank you," I appreciated.

"It is okay."

I gave them the cup back and we strolled down the stairs. This time we did not hold each other's hands. I was not sure if I would be able to concentrate if I did. The silence between us was beginning to suffocate. He did not speak as he escorted me back to my apartment.

"When we got to my quarters, he stopped at the entrance "I guess this is where I will say goodbye."

"Yes, this is it," I replied with a smile.

"Will you accompany me to the farm before the preparation for the engagement party starts?"

So he was going to allow the party to commence. My eyes left the floor and I stare at him for some seconds "Sure. But what will you be doing at the farm?"

"I'm a farmer, miss," he told me.

"Farmer?" I laughed. He did not look like one. Alistair was a complex human being. He confused me from the beginning when I first met him Emberfall. Yesterday, he was in the graveyard, today, I found him in the fields and tomorrow, he was going to the farm. There was something about this king that I should have found out.

"Are you surprised or are you laughing at me?" he asked with a gaze on me. I try not to let those beautiful golden eyes that looked like two holes swallow me.

"Y-yes…Nooo…," I knew I was saying a lot of rubbish right now.

"I understand," he smiled, tilting his head to the side. "But I will take that as a yes."

I smiled and he got his answer. He had this charm that anyone will fall for him. I was beginning to fall for this man. I wondered if it was the right thing to do. Sometimes, the light one hope for fades away, and darkness clouds everywhere. What if there was more to this sweet behavior of his?

I was still thinking about it when he closed the gap between us and kissed me on the cheek. My eyes widened as those cold lips met with my skin. I could explain the feeling but my body became stiff. My heart kept on pounding in my chest.

My hands balled into fists. I was not angry nor ready to fight. It was tension making me display certain behavior. Cold chills ran through my body. I wondered if it was the result of the kiss or the coldness that came from his body.