
The Last Day Of Civilization

The last days of Civilization is a story about how Lyon's first life ends with him losing everything he held dear in the fall of Nexus only to wake up in his bed a few months into the past with memories of the future. Would his gathered knowledge and experience alongside his peculiar situation be enough to save him and those he holds dear or will death tighten its icy grasp around them once more? Updates will be on Wednesday, I will announce when it changes back to Mondays and Fridays but it will remain as so unless I'm celebrating something or school works are toned down. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in the story. I will be using anime character images to show how my characters look like but the plot itself will be original.

Zxcx_17 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

CH34 - A promise made

[Lyon's POV]

"This was your fucking genius plan?" Hoga cursed out as he felt the recliner he was leaning on be pushed back, causing him to slightly bend to his front before he forcefully rammed it back to the door. The window to my side had already been broken into little shards that were scattered across the floor near me but the door was already nearly broken down as it had been forcefully de-hinged by the many attempts of getting inside by our enemies outside.

"Hey! I never said anything about a genius plan so just do your job damn it!" I shouted back as I risked another glance through the broken window, finding the six people who held guns earlier still aiming in our direction as five other people were trying to get inside of the house through various means. The person, who I'd assume to be the leader of this motley band, was just watching from a distance as three people comfortably chatted with him.

Our two eyes meet and I swear I could see a smirk appear on his face as he points a finger in my direction, causing the three other people with him to move their gaze toward me as well. I quickly moved away from the window but that did nothing to calm the erratic beating of my heart as I slung my rifle over my shoulder so I could use my revolver and machete instead.

Both sides had yet to fire the first shot but that was only because we didn't want to risk calling the horde to our little battlefield. The people outside had everything to lose while the chances of us being pinned down because of the horde it'd attract wasn't low. The sound of metal roughly slicing against the door's wooden frame rang out, causing me to move towards the hallway as I watched the upper half of the door fall to the recliner's cushion.

The blade of the naginata was quickly thrust into the large gap made by the person who'd used what looked to be a machete somewhat similar to mine, forcing Hoga to roll to his front before standing back up as the recliner was forcefully pushed deeper into the hallway as five people flooded in with various weapons. The hallways were tight which disabled the numbers advantage that our enemies had but I wasn't in the hallway which meant I could still very easily be overwhelmed.

More would be coming in soon and the situation was quickly deteriorating which meant my trigger finger was starting to act up, three figures ran into the room while the other two moved towards Hoga instead. Shouts coming from outside began to ring out already as a voice called for people to go inside of the house alongside the five people we were facing down.

"Come and get some assholes." I taunted before kicking a small desk toward the first charging figure, causing him to nearly trip over though he managed to find his balance in the last second. It was, quite literally, his last second as my blade found its way to his neck which causes a thin spray of blood to quickly spill out which worsened as I dragged my weapon to the side to dislodge it.

I had no time to shove my machete into the back of his head though because the second and third charging enemies weren't just about to wait for me to finish off their friend like those extras in a stupid action movie. One of them tries to slash his weapon down my neck to my body which forced me to swerve my head to the side which was exactly what they had wanted me to do.

The third enemy tries to slam a bat against me though I managed to parry it with the blunt side of my weapon, causing a headache-inducing "clang" to come from the impact which rattles my ears. Still, it did little to weaken me as I had already grown used to very loud sounds like gunshots. I renewed and hardened my grip on the handle of my machete and cleaved it to the side of his face, the angle of my body was at a very awkward state now with my upper half somehow managing to bend close to the same height as my waist with my legs barely managing to support it.

I slid my leg across the floor which causes the carpet of the living room to bunch up as it manages to take away the second figure's footing as he falls to the ground alongside me. A few shards of glass managed to prickle me as a gap formed in between my kendo gloves/kote and my elbow guard weakly slid against the floor. My elbow guard was the kind that extended slightly above and below the elbow itself which meant there was little space for a gap to form but it was nonetheless there.

"Fuck! You!" I shouted after I stood up and slammed my foot against the second figure's torso before he could stand back up, my more advantageous position was further improved as I pinned my body against his rapidly beating chest. I punched him twice in the face as small streaks of blood began to form from his broken lips, each punch was accompanied by a curse though I knew letting my emotions get the best of me would spell my death and so I took the largest shard of glass I could find near me and shoved it to the side of his head before standing up.

I placed my boot over the third figure's head and dislodged my machete from his lifeless figure, a strip of blood painting the beige carpet as the force I had applied in pulling it caused the blood caking its blade to scatter. I made my way to the hallway before turning my gaze to the door as five more people rushed into the opening, I fire one shot while moving towards the stairway located deeper into the hallway which managed to kill one of them while the other four relentlessly charges.

One of them manages to get close enough and forces me into the defensive as he backhands my left hand which causes me to fling my revolver behind me as it neatly fell into the splinter-filled cushion of the recliner we had used as a barricade earlier. He tries to gut my neck through an extended sideward slash using a knife but I managed to shove it away using my now empty left hand before slamming the same fist that held my machete into his shoulder and quickly pulling it before thrusting it into where his heart should be located.

I then kicked his torso in the direction of where his three other remaining friends were which causes them to shoot their friend's body instead as I had used him as a human shield so I could go back to finishing my attempt in going deeper into the tight hallways.

The first shot had been fired and any hesitation that our shooters had in shooting back quickly dissipated into the air that smelled of blood. I jumped over the recliner and used it as cover, picking up my abandoned gun and blindly shooting three bullets in the direction of the door as the loud screeches of the zombies near our area finally heard the fight that had been occurring under their dead noses.

I had hoped that it'd scare them away into running back outside into their cars though these idiots seemed to not have much of a brain left for zombies to munch on in the first place as I could hear shouts coming from outside to run into the very building we were in. I was pinned to my location and more enemies were already about to flood into the open door, it was during this troubling time that I heard a gunshot ring out from the stairway as more shots followed after the other.

"Get your ass over here!" Hoga shouted from the top of the spiral staircase as he provided covering fire to force my shooters into going inside the living room as I ran toward the staircase. Hoga's gunfire wasn't enough to stop my enemies from shooting entirely though as they began blindly shooting as well, most of them missed their intended target though one managed to hit the right side of my torso.

The bullet's damage was mitigated by the bulletproof vest I had worn under my hoodie though all it did was make sure I wouldn't die which was, to be fair, something I'd eternally be grateful for. I grit my teeth in pain as I tried to force a scream of pain back down my throat as I placed my bloodied right hand over where I had felt the impact of the bullet. I go up the stairs while barely sparing a glance at the two lifeless bodies that lay near it with one of them still having a knife embedded into his neck.

I ran past Hoga who fired two more bullets before running after me as we went inside of the sole door that could be found on this floor. The bedroom was an averagely sized one that utilized a minimalist style of decor which patterned well with the gray coloring of the house itself. None of that stuff mattered though as we quickly looked around the room only to find a bookshelf placed near a brown armchair that had a small wooden desk to its side.

We dragged the bookshelf to the door just in the nick of time as large banging began to come from the other side of the door as our enemies outside began trying to break the door down. The two of us were panting heavily in fatigue as we noticed how both of our clothes had already lost most of their original coloring due to the abundant amount of blood that had come from our kills.

"You owe me for saving your ass back there Lyon, now then. What the fuck do we do to get out of here?" Hoga asks, I open my mouth to answer though the sounds of five different guns firing their load into the door managed to shut me up. Screams of pain began pouring into the room as I could hear unreasonable amounts of footsteps coming from the first floor already moving closer.

"Window!" I screamed out to Hoga as the two of us ran towards it, pulling it open as I looked outside into the streets that had zombies coming from both directions. The building wasn't high enough to cause death when jumping out from it but an inexperienced person would probably feel immense pain from the experience if they don't manage to roll into their fall to scatter the force of impact across their bodies. It isn't like we had a choice and so Hoga jumped down after I had fired my handgun's last bullet into the zombie closest to where he'd land.

I jumped down as well with a strong thud accompanying my quick fall as they managed to cause the bookshelf to topple over as they filed into the room. The impact of my descent into the ground causes my ankles to almost buckle into the pressure and pain though I managed to stay upright before we began running towards the gap.

Hoga continued firing at the zombies closest to us while I holstered my revolver instead of fumbling with reloading it since my other hand was still preoccupied with holding my machete. I turned my gaze back toward the house without stopping and see five other people jump down as well with one of them falling face first into the pavement as the body turned motionless while the remaining four chased after us.

We ran down the slope and managed to reach halfway to our car before the sound of a gunshot and a body falling to the ground in pain came from my side which caused me to spare a glance in that direction without stopping myself from running. I found Hoga lying on the ground with his face shoved into the ground in pain while the gun he was using was still in his hands.

"I owe you nothing now you fucking hear me!?" I shouted while firing my already prepared rifle at the four people who were shooting at us from the start of the slope which manages to kill one of them. I turned his body over so that it'd be his back being dragged into the rough ground beneath us while he inaccurately shoots at the zombies who were running toward us.

He manages to kill a few of the ones that were going after us while the three remaining hostiles began running down the slope as well while shooting at those that were nearest to them. This manages to put off their attention for now as I leaned Hoga's body against the wheel of the black SUV before I finally noticed where the bullet had hit him, or rather, bullets that had hit him.

"It's pretty bad, huh? Fuck dude... I... I don't want to die yet, Lyon! I don't want to fucking die!" Hoga shouted as tears began to seep out of his eyes as I tear his shirt open in the middle, two exit holes were found where both of his lungs were as considerable amounts of blood had already seeped and mixed into his already bloodied clothing. "Look, I know we might not have gotten off on a good foot but please Lyon... take care of my little sister and Amaya. You owe me."

"I don't fucking owe you anything so shut the fuck up! You're not gonna die here you dick." I replied though we both knew that my words were just there as comfort-filled lies that no one other than an idiot would believe. I began pulling his arm up and tried to sling him over my left shoulder but he just pushes me away which causes my grip around his arm to falter.

"Get out of here Lyon... please... take care of my little sister, ok?" He tells me in a voice that was as quiet as the one you'd hear in a horror movie wherein the characters are trying to hide from the antagonist. He pulls on what appeared to be a necklace placed around his neck which causes the shackle to break before he hands it to me, his previously fear-stricken eyes were gone as they were replaced by one filled with resolve yet lacked the life that usually accompanied it.

"... I will, I promise to keep her safe." I whispered to him before sheathing my machete so that I could tightly wrap my fingers around what remained of the necklace which was a small round-shaped silver object that was beautifully engraved with a horse. I picked up the waterproof bags which used to house the inflatable canoes and placed them over the two sides of my rifle before connecting and securing them with a thick layer of duct tape.

I then placed my phone, and my revolver into a sandwich zip lock bag and my rifle and handgun bullets in another before tucking both of them away into my bag while Hoga made sure to shoot any of the zombies that were getting close to me in the thirty seconds that it took for me to "waterproof" my guns. I nodded to him one last time before running into the water as he weakly stood up before exposing himself to our last three enemies, managing to fatally shoot one while the other only got shot in the shoulder.

The person he had shot in the shoulder aims and fires at Hoga's head multiple times out of anger which was more than enough time for a zombie to rush and knock his body over before the zombie bit onto his bleeding arm. The third person, which was their "leader" of sorts, shoots the zombie that was biting his friend but another zombie slams into his back, causing him to scream out in pain as his neck was gouged open.

He turns his handgun and aims it at the zombie that was too busy biting into him and fires, the sound of the gunshot managing to visibly disorient him but he still somehow managed to turn his gun's barrel end in my direction. He fires multiple rounds with none of them hitting their mark except for a single bullet that "barely" grazed my right calf.

I ignored the pain and continuously swam toward the opposite side of the river, my already tired body pushing itself to the limit as all that fueled it was adrenaline, pain, and my desire to see Alyssa again. My legs weren't faring any better either as I could still feel the pain coming from the forceful impact of my ankle earlier as well as the light injury caused by the bullet that grazed me but I kept swimming while taking desperate breaths of air.

The river's current was stronger than usual with a few debris of metal, wire, and even bodies flowing across the river's surface even though it had been a few days since the bridge was blown up. I had no time or willpower to bother trying to find a logical reason behind this though as it took all my effort just to avoid drowning or being swept into the current.

"Lyon! Over here!" An oddly familiar voice shouted from somewhere in front of me which caused me to open my eyes even as river water flowed crashed against it. I found Ren and his empty raft quickly moving toward me as relief washed over my tired body, he pulls me up into the raft and asks why Hoga wasn't with me though a few seconds of silence were more than enough for him to understand what had happened or at least the gist of it.

I didn't bother trying to take note of how long it took for us to reach the side of the river where Alyssa and the others were waiting since it took everything that I had within me just to stay awake. I closed my eyes for what seemed to be a few minutes before I felt the canoe come to a stop as its front end slid against the opposite shore's equally rough stone surface.

Ren placed my right arm over his shoulder and helped me stand up as I watched Alyssa run towards me while everyone else slowly walked closer. Alyssa's body crashes into my own which causes the two of us to fall to the ground as she buried her face into my neck while I hugged her shaking figure as I took in the familiar and calming scent she emanated.

I raised my head and noticed Misako and Amaya moving closer as Amaya happily glanced in every direction across the shore, an expectant smile flashing across her face while Misako had an understanding look that showed neither happiness nor sadness. I tapped Alyssa's elbow and whispered for her to stand up to which she complied a few seconds later though she instead took Ren's previous role and helped me slowly walk toward Amaya.

"Amaya... I'm sorry but..." I told her slowly and quietly went down on one knee and opened my hand to reveal the same pendant that Hoga had given me moments before his death. Amaya looks at the object I was holding and grasps it with both hands before looking into my eyes for a few seconds in confusion before she began to seemingly understand what had happened in their absence.

We spent the next few hours in uncomfortable silence as Ren and Chisato volunteered to clear one of the buildings after they had helped me walk into the front yard of a two-story building built in a western manner with an attic. Alyssa stayed behind with me the entire time while Misako looked after Amaya as she cried herself to sleep while tightly hugging the last family member she had in our little group.

Ren and Chisato managed to clear the building a few hours ago with both of them just handling everything like dragging the duffel bags and boxes of supplies from the river's shore to the inside of the building. Alyssa tended to my wounds while they were doing this and finally noticed the bulletproof vest I had been wearing underneath though she easily dismissed it as if she knew it was there the entire time.

To say she was worried would've been an understatement after she had seen the bruise that was slowly forming on my torso as well as the light wound on my leg which caused Alyssa to cling to me after she cleaned and covered my leg wound with sterile adhesive. I even needed to ask Chisato for help just so I could change my clothes in peace though I did find Alyssa's worry endearing.

The afternoon quickly turned to night with everyone but Misako and Amaya in my group basically treating me like a child while also dismissing every single one of my attempts in doing any of my usual tasks, I wasn't even given the chance to inspect my own guns as Ren checked them for me and told me that barely any water managed to seep through the bags and duct tape I had used to protect my rifle though doubt still filled me about the validity of his statement as I wanted to make sure of its usability myself.

"Alyssa, we should let Lyon rest, he'll be fine. He's safe now." Chisato whispers to Alyssa as she pulled her arm which was wrapped around my right elbow. I formed a smile on my face and told her that she should rest as well which managed to weaken her hold on me though a hesitant expression was still plastered on her face as she left alongside everyone else.

Everyone in my group already saw Misako as someone we could trust and so she had been given the responsibility of handling the first night shift with Alyssa, Ren, and Chisato following respectively. Memories of everything that had happened today raced past me as I raised my shirt and looked at the bruise on my torso before turning my gaze to the window as I allowed myself to be lost in the myriad of thoughts inside of me.

[3rd Person POV]

The two-story building was empty of anything but white candles, furniture and clothing stored in the two bedrooms on the second floor which meant there were few things to loot or take with them. The first floor consisted of a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a guestroom, and a bathroom while the second floor had a bathroom too as well as two rooms, one of which was solely occupied by Lyon. Ren and Chisato had already retired and settled into the guestroom since they felt bad for Amaya and wanted the two to occupy the bedroom on the second floor.

Alyssa had finished bathing and changing clothes in the first-floor bathroom before she was about to retire for the night in the last bedroom on the second floor which meant she had to go past Misako and Amaya who stayed in the living room. Quiet darkness had spread across the house and while they may not see each other as mere strangers anymore, their "friendship" was definitely not at a level wherein Misako would give relationship advice which is why it came as a shock to Alyssa when this was exactly what had happened.

"We don't know when fate decides to separate us from the people we cherish so taking their continued presence in our lives for granted while expecting them to still be with us the day after even though we live in a world of uncertainty isn't a smart way to live." Misako tells Alyssa with a neutral tone as she turned her gaze to the sleeping figure of her cousin who was using her lap as a pillow.

"... Why are you telling me this?" Alyssa asks after pausing in her footsteps before she could go higher up the stairway. The two may have shared a few words here and there but they certainly weren't close by any means, at least not enough for the other to begin spouting out the kind of words Misako had just spoken.

"We should cherish the people we hold dear, loving them and caring for them while we can still hold them in our hands while feeling their warmth emanate from their bodies before it is replaced by the icy cold feeling of death. I will be handling the first few hours of tonight's night shift and your two other companions have already retired for the night." Misako voices out before she turned her gaze to the motionless figure of Alyssa who was contemplating her words.

"The next shift after mine is yours and I don't particularly feel sleepy yet, at least not for the next 4 hours. Do with that information what you will." Misako continues as she turned her gaze to the windows that previously showed the outside of the house that was now covered by dark blue colored curtains that hid the light coming from the candle on the table well.

"I see... thank you then." Alyssa tells her as she went up the stairs in slow and careful steps that were definitely quicker than it originally was, leaving Misako and Amaya in the quiet and dark living room. Misako, whose hands were previously placed atop Amaya's head, was moved and placed over her slowly beating heart instead, a small sense of loss and despair worming out of her heart for reasons she was unable to understand.


AN: Ok, so the stuff found in the house might seem forced and plot convenient but there's an actual backstory and reasoning behind it. I specifically mentioned the building being made in a sort of western style which is the main backstory as to why the candles were specifically colored white. There is a Christian tradition wherein a newly completed house will be blessed by a priest with the inhabitants following the priest around the house with lit white candles as he throws/splashes every room with holy water. The inhabitants of the building are foreigners with a Christian background and the backstory doesn't really matter tbh but I just wanted to point this out so that you guys won't start thinking that the loot they find will always be important or needed for the following chapters. (Admittedly, it will be sometimes plot-convenient but it'll only happen in cases where it is reasonable or realistic like this situation or when they looted a gun from the zombified police officers in a past chapter.)

P.s: Pst, Arknights fic coming either after the first English sub version of the first episode of the anime comes out or when the anime is finished :>.