
The last city part 2

In previous part Jack started his journy in the sea to find a new root to his kingdom like that the storie continues now Jack rowing his ship twords north and he keep a name to that journey (a journey to north ).

He drawing all things what he is seeing on sea and also the way he is coming like that so many days are going on but they not reached the kingdom and also all crew members told that we want rest some time to Jack and he said ok we will stop on any island like that after some time they all see an island in the sea and Jack told to all crew to row the ship towards the island and all started rowing the ship twords the island all of their faces are became happy with lots of smiles but it's for some time only .

suddenly the climate is changing slowly and thunder storm are coming near to ship and Jack told to the crew members row the ship as fast as possible towards island so all started rowing towards island.

Finally they reached the island with broken ship and tresure boxes which they bout from the losing kingdom all crew are taking rest on that island but Jack wants to visit that island so he told to all crew to move there ass and walk into the island for food and water to drink so all are moving into that island and Jack is leading them .

what happened to all crew members what are the problems they face in that island what happened to Jack for knowing this all please wait for part 3....

Thanks for reading 💞💞💞💞🙂