
The Last Breath Of Freedom

In the shadow of a sprawling metropolis, hidden beneath its neon lights and ceaseless chatter, lurks a world most prefer not to see. Here, innocence is stripped, lives are traded, and hope dwindles in the face of relentless despair. Yet, amidst the darkness, a spark refuses to die. This is the tale of a young woman named Luna, born into this grim reality but determined to defy it. Against all odds, she embarks on a harrowing journey toward truth, justice, and redemption. With each step, she challenges the very fabric of her existence, questioning everything she knows about herself and the world around her. Join Luna on her path, as she navigates through treacherous landscapes, grappling with her past, present, and a future hanging precariously in balance. Together, we'll bear witness to the power of resilience and the indomitable human spirit.

HaikuAmane · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 19

Luna spat blood, her body aching from the brutal treatment she had endured. She tried to push Isabella away, but the woman was stronger than she expected. Her eyes glazed over with pain and exhaustion as Isabella's hands roamed freely over her body, caressing and prodding her injuries.

Isabella chuckled softly, her breath hot against Luna's ear. "How do you feel whore?" She purred, her fingers tracing slow circles around one of Luna's nipples. "I'll toy with you till you die!"

With sudden ferocity, she leaned forward, her lips brushing against Luna's neck, her tongue tracing along the fresh wound left by Reyes. She thrust her hips forcefully against Luna's, grinding their lower bodies together.

Luna's body shook with revulsion and rage, her nails digging into Isabella's arms as she tried to push her away. However, her strength was failing her quickly. "Get off me you sick bitch!" she growled through gritted teeth.

Isabella ignored her protests, her hands moving upwards, cupping Luna's breasts roughly, squeezing them hard. "No one can resist my touch," she purred, her lips trailing downward towards Luna's cleavage. She bit down on her nipple, hard, causing a sharp yelp to escape from Luna's throat.

Luna writhed and squirmed, her mind spiraling out of control as the combined pain and humiliation became too much for her fragile grip on reality.

Isabella's lips continued their journey downwards, her tongue tracing slow circles around Luna's navel before descending lower. Her hands reached between them, fumbling with Luna's ruined pants and underwear, exposing her wet, swollen labia to the cool air. She moaned in delight, her fingers teasing and stroking her sensitive folds.

Luna's body convulsed involuntarily under the onslaught of humiliation, her cries turning into moans of agony. Her eyes fluttered shut, unable to escape the barrage of sensations assaulting her senses.

Despite the overwhelming pain and humiliation, Luna found a sliver of strength within her and she launched herself forward, her teeth clamping down on Isabella's exposed throat, biting down hard. Blood spurted forth, painting both of their faces crimson as they wrestled in a primal struggle. Her nails scratched and tore at Isabella's flesh, leaving deep, bloody lines in her quest for freedom.

Isabella's eyes widened in shock and pain, but instead of relenting, she tightened her hold on Luna, her nails digging into her skin even deeper. "You filthy whore," she growled, her voice hoarse from the pain. "I'll make you suffer twice as much before I finally end your pathetic life!"

The two women struggled violently, their bodies slamming against the dirty alleyway wall, leaving fresh bruises and marks on both of them. Their combined moans and groans echoed off the dilapidated buildings, filling the air with a sickening symphony of pain and despair.

Luna, her vision spinning, fought with every ounce of strength she could muster, her body aching in agony. Sweat trickled down her brow, mixing with blood and saliva. Their struggle escalated into a brutal dance of violence, neither woman willing to back down.

Isabella's fingernails ripped open fresh wounds on Luna's torso, drawing more blood as they both grunted and groaned. Both women were battered and bruised, their bodies covered in sweat and gore.

Luna's strength began to fade again, and Isabella, seizing the opportunity, rammed her knee into Luna's crotch, causing her to release her hold on her throat. With renewed determination, she bit down hard on Luna's neck, tearing through the remaining flesh, exposing her jugular vein. Her teeth sank deeper, drawing a loud, gurgling sound from Luna's throat.

Blood spurted forth, covering both of them in a crimson shower as Isabella's eyes glazed over with unbridled lust and satisfaction.

Luna convulsed, her vision going black for a brief moment before returning in flashes of red and darkness. Her body shook with the combined effects of pain and exhaustion, but she refused to give up.

In a desperate move, Luna grabbed Isabella's hair forcefully, yanking her head back violently. Her teeth clamped down on Isabella's shoulder, biting down hard, drawing a sharp cry of surprise from her adversary. Blood trickled down her arm as she hung on for dear life.

Isabella growled in frustration, her grip loosening slightly around Luna's throat. "You stupid whore!" she yelled, her voice cracking with pain and irritation. With renewed ferocity, she slammed her fist into Luna's stomach, sending waves of agony coursing through her already battered body.

Luna doubled over, gasping for breath, her fingers digging into Isabella's scalp, holding onto her hair tightly.

The battle between the two women intensified, their blows landing with bone-crunching force. Their bodies slapped against each other, covered in sweat and blood, making a sickeningly wet sound as they struggled for dominance.

Isabella, her eyes now filled with pure rage and hatred, continued her relentless barrage of attacks on Luna's bruised and battered body. She kicked her in the ribs, sending another wave of pain shooting through her, followed by a powerful uppercut to the jaw, knocking her head against the wall behind her.

Luna's vision spun again, stars dancing before her eyes, but she managed to swing her leg up, connecting solidly with Isabella's groin. A grunt of pain escaped the other woman's lips, and for a fleeting moment, Luna saw an opportunity.

With all her remaining strength, she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around Isabella's waist and pulling her close. Her teeth clamped down on her exposed neck, biting down hard, savoring the taste of her blood as it mixed with her own.

Isabella retaliated with a swift kick to Luna's abdomen, knocking her blood out of her. Her legs came up, aiming for Luna's neck, but the latter managed to duck just in time, her head hitting the concrete wall behind her instead. Stars danced in front of Luna's eyes as she slid down the wall, landing in a heap on the ground.

Isabella followed suit, her own vision spinning, blood dripping from multiple wounds inflicted upon her.

She stood over Luna, breathing heavily, her chest heaving. "Suits you well whore," she growled, her voice hoarse with effort and satisfaction. "Die in agony."

Luna's body trembled, battered and broken, her mind reeling from the brutal assault. She couldn't believe how far she had fallen, how low she had stooped. Yet, somehow, she found the strength to glare defiantly up at Isabella. "Fuck off bitch!" she managed to croak out, her voice barely audible above their labored breaths.

Isabella smirked, her eyes glinting with malice. "You think that's enough?" she taunted, reaching down to grab hold of Luna's hair again. "You'll beg me for mercy before this is over."

But as she pulled Luna's head upwards, exposing her battered and bruised visage, something changed in Luna's eyes.

Her eyes narrowed, and with a sudden burst of adrenaline, she lunged forward, her fists flying at Isabella's exposed torso. Her blows landed with surprising force, every punch and kick landing true, sending waves of pain coursing through the woman who had brought her nothing but pain.

Isabella grunted in pain, stumbling backward, blood trickling down her body from multiple cuts and bruises. She raised her arms defensively, but it was futile against Luna's relentless assault. Her nails scratched and clawed at Isabella's exposed flesh, drawing more blood as they struggled for dominance.

Suddenly, Luna saw an opportunity—she ducked under Isabella's guarded arm and delivered a powerful kick to her groin, doubling her over in agony. Before Isabella could recover, Luna grabbed her hair again, yanking her head back violently. Her teeth sank into her neck once more, this time biting down harder than before. Blood spurted forth, filling her mouth with the bitter taste of victory and revenge.

Isabella's body convulsed violently, her grip on Luna's hair loosening slightly. Blood spurted from multiple wounds, painting both women in crimson streaks. Her eyes widened in shock and terror as she felt life slowly draining from her veins.

Luna, her vision spinning, held onto Isabella's neck with vice-like strength, savoring the power she finally had over the woman who had tormented her for so long. The world around them seemed to slow down, time almost standing still as they fought for dominance.

After what seemed like an eternity, but were actually mere moments, Isabella's struggles ceased. Her eyes lost their spark of malice, replaced by a vacant stare. Her body went limp in Luna's grasp, and with a final, rattling breath, she fell lifeless to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Luna released her hold on Isabella's throat, blood trickling down her own neck where Isabella bit her. She looked down at the lifeless form of the woman who had once held so much power over her.