

When he got in, he carried her to the sitting room and dropped her on the long sofa

"Somebody should call Carla!" Yale yelled 

"Why? What's wrong?" Hardin asked 

"Beth decided to use her body as a vessel to transport some dark energy and we don't know the side effects of it. She said we should call Carla immediately we get home and ...."

Beth's phone rang out from her pocket and Yale grabbed it. It was Carla. He picked it up immediately 

"Beth, are you okay?" She asked immediately he picked it up 

"It's not Beth, it's Yale and no, she is not okay. I need you here now. She needs you here. I can't explain until I see you. It will make no sense" Yale said 

"Alright then, I'm in my way. I'd see you in about one hour"

"Alright, thanks" he said