
The Last Bloodborne

A man from the Digital World suddenly travel to the world he seek. A man who can give the world full of machine and digitize. A man who never learn modern knowledge and start to learn primitive knowledge. A man who wish to go to the world of his favorite world, a world full of life, without the smell of burning oil, the colorful light of gigantic build board and the unknown number of hover car. A world where blood is everything, magic is being hunt as Heretic, a world where Hero is born.

LittleApple · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Territory Plan

One Point Damage

Advance technique where you need to hit the same spot over and over until you break the armor of the target.

This can be used for any kind of enemy, this technique is useful for those weaker one but it's dangerous energy because it's a gamble to do this.

Rowan know some advance knowledge in this world so he can apply it on a fight, adding his telekinesis skill this technique is perfect for this kind of scenario.

Holding his wound arms he try to stand dup but he start to feel dizzy, overusing mental strength cause some side effect one of this is dizziness.

Rowan overload his mental strength right now and it's normal to fall unconscious but because of his unique body the side effect is mild.


Old Jack arrive and amazed seeing the dead Epic Rank Warrior, base on the aura remaining from the body he can understand that this man force his way to break the rank.

He can already figure out the rest, seeing the miserable condition of Rowan he hurry help them and bring them back home.


Weeks later

"Brother are you awake?"


Bianca heard someone reply but it suddenly stop, she call agian but she never heard any reply, she look at the warm food she prepare and about to go back when she sense four different Mana inside.

Her face turn worst, she run and kick the door open and see her sisters holding her brother on the bed that's why there's no one is replying.

"You guys! Why are you here did we just agree that we will take turns why are you here!?"

"Hehehe." They laugh sheepishly, they just agree to it just to fool some of them to get more time for them.

"I said I'm fine, my mental strength is good no need to visit me like I'm sick." Rowan helpless said.

After that fight and seeing him wounded they start to become so overprotective, they more like his mother than his own sisters.

"Any report?"

"Let me go first." Daisy raise her hand first.

"With the help of Sister Grace and Sister Bianca we finish creating a farm for our food resources, we use the seed you order last time and we harvest one already."

"How is the result?"

"It's great! The new crops not only produce double the amount of usual harvest but also the quality and the taste is the best."

"By the way, where did you hear this "rice" and the multiple ways to cook it?"

This world normally consume bread and grains as stable food, when it comes to nutrition value the stable food give enough to make someone to feel full but need to consume again because this kind of food is light inside of the stomach.

While rice is heavy weight, with the nutritional value that almost triple the bread and grains, while you will not feel hungry easily.

Not only that with the recipe Rowan gave you can eat your own meal in different ways so you will not going to feel tired consuming it.

"I grow ten apple tree, ten bread tree, twenty oil tree, twenty wax tree, twenty rubber tree and huge variety of healing herbs." Daisy proudly said.

"Let me report too." Grace also want to report her achievement as the othe girls follow.

"Okay one by one, let's start with you Grace."



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