

"Whaatt? Earth?? Whyyyy there?I've never been to another planet before". When AK47 - a Harmonite, gets his final assignment of his semester which was to visit the planet Earth- the worst of all planets, his life turns upside-down! Fantasy, thrill, mystery, love, friendship, jealousy, revenge.... This story has all of it.

Alice_Villin · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Ryan's P.O.V : 

 I  am damn excited to use my superpowers for the first time.

"The milkyway galaxy is so fascinating with the stars twinkling and the planets with different colours. I wish   I could get this amazing view everyday. Wait, what's that huge rock-like thing coming towards me.. is it a meteor? Fuck! How to change the direction of the spaceship. Shiiiit! which button I had to press and why is that meteor coming in this speed. "

                 ( Boom! The meteor hits his spaceship , the spaceship crashes and AK47 falls down) 

Ahhh!my body hurts like hell... where am I? Did I sucessfully land on Earth or is it some other planet... Shiiiiit! 

I open my eyes and find myself between the woods.. A girl comes running towards me. She offers  me her hand. 

 She's wearing Pink top with denim shorts and is carrying a backpack. Her hazel eyes are shining with sunlight falling on them.Her hair is tied in a bun with those fringes hanging over her face.. She's mesmerizing me. 

 Ah! Shit what  am I thinking.. 007 said me earthlings are harmful...

 As soon as I was about to hold her hand , she pulled it back laughing at me. 

She offers me her hand again. I held her hand and pulled her  down to the ground. 

"Ouch!", she exclaims. I smirk and stand up. 

"Hey Mister! who do you think you're? huh!", she says, standing up and patting the dust on her clothes. 

"Tit for Tat", I say . "By the way, is this Earth?", I continue . 

"Why? Are you an Alien? or a mentally retard", She chuckles. 

"I cracked a joke for you to smile, Miss ", I smirk.

"Oh! But it was lame", she says. 

She offers me  a long container with a transparent liquid inside it. 

"What's this?", I ask. 

"The hell! Have you never seen a water bottle before? Are you really an Alien?".  

"It was a joke again, why don't you laugh?", I reply. 

"Gawwd! You're really strange", she says. 

          ( We walk in the woods for some time)

"Oh! we forgot to introduce ourselves. Hi! I'm Rhea", she introduces. 

"I'm A... sorry. I'm Ryan", I say nervously. 

"So are you also here for camping?", She asks. 

(What the hell is camping now) "Yeahh", I mutter. 

"Wait, where are your belongings then?", She asks.

"Ummm... my belongingsss... I..I lost them!", I reply. 

"Woah! I didn't ask you to write a 500 words essay that you're panicking like this", she exclaims. 

                          (After few hours)    

"Sheh! It's gonna be night and I still didn't find my friends", Rhea frowns. 

"What?Your friends? Are they lost?".

"Nah, I'm the one who is lost. We came for camping together but when we all were resting I saw something flying in the sky and followed it for almost 10 mins and suddenly that thing disappeared.Perhaps it was just an illusion. While I was trying to find my friends I found you lying on the ground... and that's how everything happened", she says taking a long breath. 

"So she saw my spaceship.. but where did it land", I murmur. 

"What did you whisper?", Rhea asks. 

"Ah nothing, Cheer up! We'll find your friends soon".

"Hmm. It's getting dark. We need to setup a camp. Let's fetch some dry logs for bonfire", says Rhea. 

"Okay then, you stay here and setup the camp, I'll bring the logs", I say and leave. 

I roam everywhere in search of my spaceship but couldn't find it. Oh yaaa! 007 said my watch is a control to my spaceship. I see a spaceship  icon on the watch and click it. 

Woah! My spaceship appears right in front of me. It isn't having a single scratch too. I clicked the spaceship icon again and it disappears. 

Now where do I find dry logs. Oh wait! I've Hercules' strength . I go near a huge old tree with its branches spreading everywhere. It isn't having a single leaf tho. I hold the thickest branch and pulled it towards myself. Woah! It broke off so easily. I break it into smaller pieces and head back to the camp.

Rhea's setting up the tent. Her bun is totally messed up, there are few strands of hair falling on her pink cheeks. I wish I could pause the time and watch her forever. Huh! Why am I thinking about a human now. 

"Finally you came. I thought that even you got lost", she sighs.

"Come here, let's light the bonfire", she adds. 

We light the bonfire and  sit by it. 

She opens a plastic packet . There are small pieces of something in it. She puts them in her mouth and starts munching them. 

"Here", she says offering me that piece of something. 

I don't know what is it but I too just put it in my mouth copying her. 

"Tastes good", I say.

"Yeah I know.  But I won't be sharing all of these with you", she says taking the packet away from me. 

"Ah I'm sleepy now, I'll go and sleep in", she says with her half eyes closed. 

 I sit by the bonfire and take out my diary to write my journal :


It's my first Earth day. I still have 149 more Earth days to complete my assignment. My spaceship crashed before I arrived on Earth but still it's completely safe. I used one of my superpowers today - Hercules' strength. I even met a human girl today, Rhea. She offered me water and chips. Although I don't feel hungry, those chips were delicious. I tasted something for the first time today. I'm eagerly waiting for 007's call.....

Suddenly Rhea appears from behind and snatches my journal. 

"What are you writing? Lemme see it", she says opening my journal.....