


  The next morning was glorifying with the warmth of the sun falling over the freshly settled white snow on the ground. The sparkling snow shined like a diamond. All the animals were in hibernation and the environment outside the pack house was quieter than usual.

  I was indulged in the book given by the elf, last night in the library. There were too many things written in the book but nothing about defeating magical powers.

  “Damn!!” I cursed.

  “Relax, Onyx! Why were you so troubled?” Fiarra approached with a cup filled of hot chocolate and offered me.

  “Because we are lacking time and this not so useful book has not good information regarding neutralizing magical powers. I have to be careful when Tigor will unleash his powers. I know clearly that we don’t stand a chance but I am assuring everyone that we have hope of winning this battle, because they trust me. I need to level up myself to fight against him.” i explain in aggressiveness.