
The Last Act

It all happened so fast. Humanity thought that monsters didn't exist. Humanity thought that Hope would be the last thing to die. Reality proving the impossible possible. It all happened way too fast. My name is John Blaze and this is Humanity's Last Act. ... ( I'm a college student, so don't expect to have a consistent flow of chapters. ) ( English is not my first or even second language, so expect some grammatical errors. )

Useless_Ink · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

The Beginning of Our End

02/20/2020, Modern Earth.

As the planet Earth bathed upon the sunshine of the blazing sun, another day started.

It was a beautiful normal day for every single living being.

The plants were dancing on the wind. the animals were waking up from their sleep, and finally, the planet dominant species, Humanity, started to wake up to start their day.

From eating breakfast to going to work their own different work, they started their normal days, like always.

John Blaze was one of them. He was 35 years old but with his smile, he seemed 5 years younger.

With his nice cut black hair, his blackish eyes, and normal physique, he woke up, yet again, to work on his office at the nearby Zeus Enterprise.

With a normal job, a normal wife, a normal child, John was having a normal human life. He wasn't special in any way, shape, or form.

Going downstairs, he heard someone in the kitchen.

A beautiful woman with long blonde hair and green eyes could be seen making coffee while softly singing a song under her breath. It was his wife, Melissa Blaze. Although she was 30 years old, with her beautiful skin and hair, she seemed 10 years younger.

Seeing him enter the kitchen, she smiled, and said, "You're early today, dear." Going over to him and giving him a mug, she continued, "Coffee? I made some."

Smiling back at the stunning woman, John took the mug from her hand and gently hugged her as he responded, "You know me so well. Thanks, dear."

"Oh, dear... Valeria will soon be waking up." Melissa said, gently pushing him back, returning to do whatever she was doing before.

Slowly walking over, John embraced Melissa from behind and kissed her neck as he said softly to her right ear, "... I love you."

"I love you too," Melissa said as she turned around and passionately kissed him.

It was as if the kitchen separated itself from the house and the world itself as the couple kissed each other.

But suddenly a female child's voice, Valeria's voice woke them up from their daydream, "Mom? Dad? Are you downstairs?"

Separating from each other, they stared at each other eyes for some moments.

Their love was impossible to break. They could feel each other's love by their eyes.

"MOM? DAD?" Valeria's voice came again from upstairs but louder this time.

Suddenly, the couple started laughing.

"Go and help her. I'm making pancakes for everyone." Melissa said smiling at John with love in her eyes.

Glaring at her one last time, John said smirking, "I hope you're ready to the wolf tonight."

"You have no idea," Melissa responded giggling.

"What's going-?" Going upstairs, John asked Valeria as he entered her bedroom but stopped when he saw the inside.

There was only one word to describe Valeria's room at that moment.


Different clothes on the floor. The bed is not made. Etc...

Focusing, he saw the source of all this chaos. His daughter, Valeria. With her beautiful long blonde hair and green eyes, Valeria was almost Melissa's clone when she was 10 years old.

"Hey, Kid," John said to Valeria slightly frowning.

As she turned around, he saw her panic-filled face as she said, "Dad! I can't find it!!"

Seeing her in panic, John calmed himself and asked, "You can't find what?"

"My Luck's necklace!" Valeria said as she continued searching for it, creating more and more chaos in the room.

Suddenly, John smiled as he stared at the small child's back.

'... She didn't throw it away, huh...' He thought as paternal's love overflowed his eye as he stared at her back.

He bought it the necklace as a gift for Valeria as a spiritual anchor as it was holding the family's photo.

Carefully focusing around the bedroom, John found the necklace almost instantly.

Since it was silver, it shined under the sun, so he saw it on the other side of the room on the ground.

'... Looks like she didn't found it because she was searching for it in the wrong location altogether...' John thought smiling as he walked over and picked the necklace up.

"Here, kid." He said to Valeria, giving the necklace to her.

"Thank you, dad!!" Valeria said enthusiastically, putting the necklace on.

"Let's go. Your mother is waiting for us." John said to her, leaving the bedroom and going downstairs.

As the duo entered the kitchen, they saw Melissa with her already ready pancakes.

Sitting on the table, the family started to eat slowly as they officially started their routine.

After eating, the family heard the school's bus outside, waiting for the students.

Smiling at Valeria, Melissa stood up and accompanied her to the school bus.

Finishing eating, John stood up and put on his heavy jacket.

As he was leaving, he saw Melissa returning to the house.

"Thank you, dear. Work is waiting for me." John said smiling at her as he kissed her again.

"Go and bring the bread to the table," After kissing, Melissa said to him winking.

Entering the car and leaving, John smiled as he thought about the future.


But, he was wrong.

Everyone was wrong.

That was the last time John saw his wife.

That was the last day Humanity saw the beautiful sun.

Like a caged rat, waiting to die, Humanity waited for their future inside their own prison called Earth.

Hell was coming and there was no escape.

"Maybe this world is another planet's hell." - Aldous Huxley.


This is my own story that I'm starting.

Thank you for reading.

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