
The Last 128

Kazuto Kurosawa, an ordinary high school student, lives a typical life until a mysterious and deadly virus sweeps across the globe. After collapsing at school and being diagnosed with the virus, Kazuto is placed in an Cold Sleep chamber to save his life, facing a prolonged slumber. Upon awakening, he finds himself in a transformed world dominated by monstrous creatures. Navigating this dangerous new reality, Kazuto battles fearsome mutants discovering his own resilience and survival instincts. Determined to find safety and answers, Kazuto braves the hostile environment, fighting against the creatures and uncovering the dark secrets of the virus’s origins. His quest for survival becomes a relentless pursuit of truth, as he strives to protect those he cares about in a world where danger lurks at every corner.

AnimeType · Fantasy
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8 Chs

05. Facing New Terrors

Kazuto wakes up early at 4 AM, feeling surprisingly refreshed.

He checks his stomach and is amazed to find that the wound he sustained while fighting the Giant has healed completely. "Wow, it heals this fast," he mutters to himself.

Deciding it's time to head towards Kurumi's hospital, he prepares to leave the barn.

Stepping outside, Kazuto notices a rabbit with a horn on its head. Intrigued, he quickly takes out his tablet and searches for information about the creature. The tablet identifies it as a Horn Rabbit, explaining that it mutated due to the infection. The entry mentions that the Horn Rabbit is not hostile and that its meat can aid in faster recovery from injuries.

With a drooling face, Kazuto exclaims,

"I got foooood!"

After a brief hunt, Kazuto starts a small bonfire and cooks the rabbit's meat. The delicious smell wafts through the air as he enjoys his meal.

Once he's finished eating and cleaned up, Kazuto packs everything and heads towards the city, feeling energized and ready for the journey ahead.

As he stepped outside and sit on his bike, he immediately encountered some stingers and a flying monster.

"This must be a level one monster, Mantas," he muttered to himself.

Kazuto aimed at its wing and shot it down. The creature fell and died instantly.

"These are easier to kill than those damn stingers," he thought, feeling a bit more confident.

However, his confidence was short-lived. As he moved a little further, he stumbled upon a large group of Mantas. Panic set in as he realized he was outnumbered.

He revved his bike and sped away as fast as he could. Without even realizing it, he saw the buildings of the city he was headed toward.

He entered the city and was surprised to find it not crawling with monsters. There were only a few hordes of Mantas and some stingers.

"This city isn't that big, but still, it's a surprise," he thought, feeling a glimmer of hope.

Kazuto started searching for Kurumi's hospital. The city was located by the ocean, and her hospital was at the center of the city. Due to blocked and destroyed roads, he took a route that had the beach on its side. As he reached the roadside near the beach, the air pressure suddenly increased.

"Huh, why does it feel like the air is pushing me down?" Kazuto wondered, feeling a sense of unease.

Despite the increasing air pressure, Kazuto pressed on.

Until now kazuto faces the dangers head on, But this time, it was different. He wanted to get away from that place as soon as possible.

Suddenly, he sensed something far more powerful than the stingers or giants. It was something bigger and far stronger. The killing intent was so insane, even though it wasn't directed at him.

"What the hell is that?" Kazuto thought, his fear intensifying.

While driving, Kazuto saw a horde of Mantas flying over the ocean in the distance. Suddenly, a massive blue snake-like creature leaped out of the water and gulped down the entire horde in one shot. The creature was not just big, it was enormous. Kazuto's heart raced.

"The doctor didn't even mention something like this. It must be a new creature," he thought, a chill running down his spine.

"So that's why the monsters aren't in the city. I guess they can sense its killing intent," he thought, fear gripping him.

"Kurumi's synchronization percentage was 120%, so she can sense it even more than me. So I guess that's why she's scared to leave her hospital bunker."

"But still, I have to hurry and get to Kurumi and get out of here ASAP."

With renewed urgency, he sped towards her hospital, fearing what might happen if he didn't reach her in time.

After a while, Kazuto reached the hospital.

"More than a hospital, it looks like an army bunker. Well, it's an army bunker,"he joked to himself.

He saw the same heavy door he had seen at his hospital and headed towards it. There was a blue-colored panel covered in dust. He wiped the dust away, revealing a hand scan prompt.

"Oh, it's a lock system like in sci-fi anime. So I should put my hand on this, and the gate should open, right?"

He placed his hand on the panel, and without a sound, the heavy door opened.

"Well, it works," he said, entering the bunker.

The door closed automatically behind him. Inside the bunker, he saw the same bike and jeep, along with a normal door on his left.

He opened it and sees a girl with short black hair, scared and shaking in a corner of the room. As he stepped into the room, he accidentally stepped on an old plastic bottle, making a noise.

The girl, with her eyes closed, said in a scared voice,

"Please don't kill me. I don't even taste good."

Smiling, Kazuto approached her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, it's me, Kurumi. Kazuto."

Kurumi opened her eyes and saw Kazuto's smiling face. She immediately hugged him tightly, crying. Flustered and blushing for a moment, Kazuto patted her head, saying,

"Kurumi, you're hugging too hard. I can't breathe!"

After Kurumi calmed down, Kazuto explained the situation to her again, emphasizing the need to head to the bunker. Though kurumi was against leaving, Kurumi relented when Kazuto said,

"Then stay here alone. I'm heading to the bunker."

Crying, she said, "Don't leave me alone. I'll come too."

Seeing her cute, teary face, Kazuto blushed and said, "Okay, pack your things, and we should head out."

Kurumi stood up with a smile and started packing. She also had the same silver box from Kazuto's bunker. As they prepared to leave, Kazuto checked the time.

"Kurumi, we'll stay here for tonight and head out early in the morning. It's safer than outside."

They ate some food, reminiscing about their past and laughing.

Kazuto teased, "When I entered the room, you were shaking as fast as a mobile vibrates."

Laughing, Kurumi retorted, "Kazuto, don't remind me! It was embarrassing."

And then they both goes to sleep and before sleeping, With a serious face, Kazuto said,

"Don't worry, Kurumi. I will protect you no matter what."

Blushing, Kurumi looked away and said,

"Hmm, I will trust you on that."

They both settled in for the night, finding solace in each other's company amidst the chaos.

In this chapter, I wanted to emphasize Kazuto's growth as a survivor and his deepening bond with Kurumi. The challenges he faces, from mutated creatures to powerful new threats, are designed to test his resilience and resourcefulness. The introduction of the Horn Rabbit not only provides a moment of relief but also serves to illustrate the mutated ecosystem in this dystopian world.

By the end of the chapter, Kazuto's determination to protect Kurumi underscores his evolution from a lone survivor to a protector, hinting at his potential as a leader in future chapters.

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