

As they lay there, exhaustion painting their faces, Elara's soft voice broke the solemn silence. With a sense of timidity and genuine sentiment in her words, she spoke. 

— You know, somehow, you remind me of my brother. — The reddish hue on her cheeks, almost imperceptible beneath her weariness, made her intentions unclear.

Richard, catching her words, felt a warm flutter in his heart, and despite the heavy air around them, a tender smile graced his tired face. — I'd love to have a sister like you. — He replied with sincerity. In that brief moment, their connection deepened, a bond that transcended their short acquaintance, as if fate had conspired to bring them together. 

However, that sweet moment was abruptly torn apart as Richard's body ached with exhaustion. Every muscle screamed for respite, and the trials of their battle had left him feeling utterly drained. Yet, he was aware that a wellspring of latent mana remained within him, hidden like a secret waiting to be discovered. Recognizing this, he slowly lowered himself to the forest floor, his hand slipping into his pocket in search of something.

From the recesses of his pocket, he retrieved a small, unassuming round pill. As it met the cool air, a soothing, and delicate medicinal fragrance enveloped his senses, like a whispered promise of renewal. The scent was a comforting embrace, evoking visions of vitality and strength, a lifeline for his weary body and a source of inner vitality.

Elara senses attuned to the world around her, felt the subtle change in the air, and her gaze locked onto the pill in Richard's hand. As she inhaled the delicate, soothing fragrance wafting from it, a look of surprise painted her features.

"How does he have something like that?" She couldn't help, but wonder. Every moment spent with him, she found herself increasingly surprised and intrigued by the unexpected facets of his character.

The boy's eyes filled with admiration as he examined the pill, and with a deep breath, he swallowed it. Initially, he sensed no immediate difference, but then, as if a dormant beast had been awakened within, a ferocious wave of mana surged through him. His body quivered on the verge of collapse, as if subjected to an overwhelming torrent, yet the boy's determination remained resolute.

From the beginning, he had been aware of the potential risks, and now he was determined to endure this tumultuous flood of energy, no matter the cost. While conducting research in the library, he stumbled upon information regarding certain pills that had the potential to amplify one's mana reserves. However, these documents also warned of the risks involved in using such pills, as they could subject the user to excruciating pain that might be too much to bear.

Richard's teeth sank into his lower lip, an anchor against the overwhelming sensations coursing through his body. He summoned every ounce of his willpower, determined to retain his sanity amid the torrent of energy. Slowly and with painstaking control, he directed the volatile mana within him to flow into a concentrated area, a reservoir of power, his mana core.

With each passing moment, the mana surged, intensifying until it reached levels he had never experienced. The sensation was akin to a cleansing torrent, washing away the accumulated weariness from relentless training. However, his entire body still ached from the recent battle, and the newfound strength coursing through him seemed to amplify the pain rather than alleviate it.

Elara mirrored Richard's actions and began channeling mana to alleviate her fatigue. As she closed her eyes, she relied on her keen sense of hearing to remain alert. Suddenly, a faint, but swift rush of air brushed past her, narrowly missing her head. Her heart raced as she realized that it was an arrow that had come perilously close to her. Her instincts had kicked in, and she leaped to the side just in time to evade another deadly projectile.

Turning her gaze towards the source of the arrow, her eyes locked onto a goblin, a fearsome creature known to be a formidable adversary faced only by Novice mages. The tension in the air was palpable, and her heart pounded in her chest.

Simultaneously, Richard's eyes snapped open, his senses heightened by the abrupt threat. The situation had escalated rapidly, and they found themselves facing an unexpected and dangerous adversary.

The green creature gazed at Elara with a hunger in his yellow, wickedly jagged teeth. His bald, misshapen head, adorned with large, grotesque yellow eyes, lent him an eerie and terrifying appearance reminiscent of creatures from the monstrous era. The malevolence in his smile only added to the otherworldly aura, as he assessed Elara like a delectable prize.

The little goblin swiftly discarded his bow and retrieved a wicked-looking dagger from his belt, defying Richard's preconceived notions of a typical goblin. This creature seemed more intelligent and calculating than he had imagined.

With his sword in hand, Richard mustered all his strength to bellow for Elara to stay close, but the effort of standing was a Herculean task. He felt as though every muscle in his body cried out in agony, and his limbs seemed uncooperative. The pain that coursed through him made the simple act of rising to his feet a herculean effort, his breaths labored, and his movements slow and heavy.

Elara, on the other hand, was still recovering from the shock of their recent life-threatening encounter, her body drenched in cold sweat. Her hands trembled, and her legs felt like jelly as she struggled to regain her composure. The lingering fear from their confrontation with the slimes had shaken her to the core, and it took all of her resolve to steady herself and heed Richard's call.

— Don't lose your focus like that, our lives are on the line! — Richard's stern warning was meant not only for Elara but also as a reminder to himself. His grip on the sword had grown slightly shaky, and the fear, coupled with aching muscles, was taking its toll, hindering his full agility and power. Nevertheless, he steadied his nerves, determined to stay focused and overcome this perilous encounter, despite the limitations his body placed on him.

As the goblin menacingly approached, Richard began casting his magic, causing the air to grow hotter around him. However, before he could complete the incantation, he sensed an imminent threat and leaped backward just in time to avoid a dagger that had nearly grazed his neck. The goblin wore a sinister grin, clearly reveling in the pursuit of its prey, and a palpable fear of death settled over Richard and Elara as the tension in the forest intensified.

The goblin's speed suddenly surged, catching Richard off guard. He desperately attempted to leap backward, but a searing sensation shot through his neck, causing immense pain. His jump was compromised, and he staggered, realizing the direness of the situation as warm blood trickled down from his wound.

Determination surged within Elara as she witnessed Richard's injury. Time seemed to slow down as she recognized the gravity of the situation, and a sense of urgency coursed through her. With unwavering resolve, she sprinted toward the goblin just as it lunged at Richard once more. However, the creature's agility and cunning defied her expectations.

In agonizingly slow motion, the goblin's dagger sailed through the air, seemingly guided by a sinister intent, directly towards Elara's chest. She desperately contorted her body to evade a fatal blow to her heart, yet the blade found a grim path to her chest. The pain was excruciating, and time seemed to stretch on indefinitely in that heart-stopping moment.

— Elara! — Richard's anguished cry pierced the chaotic scene before him. The goblin had impaled the girl, its vile weapon sinking deep into her chest. Richard's heart swelled with guilt and blame as he witnessed the innocent girl's pain. Despite the pain coursing through Elara, her world growing hazy, she clung to Richard's voice.

Recollection of the technique he had shown her earlier flashed in her mind. Summoning her remaining strength, she threw a powerful downward punch. Her fist connected with the goblin's head, an action that took the creature entirely by surprise. It relinquished its grip on the weapon and was sent hurtling through the air from the force of the blow.

The battle reached a feverish crescendo as Elara stumbled to the ground, her body drenched in sweat. Richard tried to run to help his friends, in this short amount of time he didn't realize how much he had grown fond to her. The goblin wouldn't let him do what he wanted, though. 

As Richard neared his injured friend, an agonizing surge of pain shot through his leg, a sensation akin to electric shocks coursing through his entire body. His vision blurred, and his body wavered, teetering on the edge of collapse. Yet, sheer determination kept him on his feet, refusing to succumb to the torment.

The goblin, still reveling in its sadistic enjoyment, withdrew the bloodied arrow from Richard's leg, savoring the taste of its sinister act. Its eyes fixated on the human, a creature twice its size, but reduced to a mere plaything.

In this harrowing moment, Richard's epiphany was shattering. The illusion of a dreamlike world where he was the protagonist had crumbled. He now stood on the precipice of life and death, a realization that galvanized his determination. His sword, which had been a reluctant companion in his hands, now answered the urgent call of his will.

As Richard mentally discarded the flashy but ineffective magic he had relied upon, he harnessed a new spell. Words no longer materialized in the air; instead, flames enveloped his blade. The goblin, dazed by the unexpected transformation, stared at the radiant weapon in bewilderment.

With unbridled fury, Richard unleashed a primal scream, his anger becoming the driving force behind his strike. The incandescent sword pierced the goblin's skull between its eyes, causing the creature to shriek in agony. Though the blow wasn't immediately lethal, it drained the goblin of its remaining strength, rendering it helpless in the face of Richard's wrath.

When the goblin finally collapsed, Richard's body was drained of strength, and the adrenaline that had fueled him began to wane. He moved with great effort to reach Elara's lifeless form. Her breaths were shallow, and the goblin's dagger remained lodged in her chest. Removing it would only bring more harm.

— Brother... — Elara's voice emerged as a faint, fragile whisper. Her eyes struggled to remain open, and her trembling hand reached for Richard's face. Gently, he lowered himself to sit in front of her, cradling her hand in his.

Tears welled up in Richard's eyes as he looked at the girl he had failed to protect. It was a helpless pain, and he wished he could do more but could only sit by her side, his emotions unbridled.

— I've missed you so much. Have you come to take me home? — Elara's voice trembled as she spoke. Richard's heart was heavy, a painful lump forming in his throat. It felt as though his heart was being squeezed in a vice, the weight of guilt pressing down on him.

— Yes, we'll never be apart again. — Richard's voice quivered as he spoke, his eyes locked onto Elara's fading gaze. The helplessness was almost suffocating.

— On the way, I'll tell you about a friend I've made. — A radiant smile graced Elara's face, and in that moment, it was the most beautiful sight Richard had ever beheld. The poignant memory of her sweet, radiant smile during those bitter moments would remain imprinted in the deepest recesses of Richard's heart and mind, a fragile yet enduring keepsake he would treasure forever

With his free hand, he tenderly brushed her hair, each stroke an act of regret. The burden of grief and guilt lay heavily on his shoulders, and he couldn't help but yearn for a different ending. The seconds passed slowly, every moment etching this painful memory into his soul.

Richard's mind raced, desperately seeking a way to save the girl before him. He wracked his brain for any possible solution, but the crushing reality offered nothing but helplessness, leaving him with no choice but to offer her a peaceful farewell.

— Brother, I'm a little tired. Can you wake me up when it's night? — Her soft words caught in the rawness of his throat as he witnessed her eyelids descending. The fragile strands of hope that held him together snapped.

Her once warm hand now felt as cold as a block of ice, a stark contrast to the life he had known in her touch. It was then, as he traced the pallor that had overtaken her complexion, that the chilling realization began to set in – her spirit had departed, leaving behind only an empty vessel, a ghostly relic of the vibrant life that once resided within her. The cold, lifeless fingers in his grasp were a haunting testament to the cruel reality that she was no more.

— NO! You can't die. C'mon, wake up. — He pleaded, his voice trembling, as he shook her lifeless form, as if the sheer force of his desperation could defy fate. But it was a futile struggle, one he couldn't bear to accept.

— AHHH! — His anguished cry pierced the stillness of the forest, the tears streaming down his face unchecked. His heart, aching like a thousand knives, left him breathless, struggling to make sense of the cruel twist of destiny that had stolen her away. The weight of guilt and grief bore down on him, a relentless burden that he had to bear.

— I'll do anything, but whoever brought me to this world, bring her back. You can have me, she's innocent. Don't let her die because of me. — His plea was a manifestation of his overwhelming pain, his voice carrying the weight of his heartbreak. He felt a deep sense of responsibility for Elara's fate, and his offer to trade his life for hers was a testament to the guilt he bore. His actions and words spoke of the depths of his sorrow and his unwavering desire to undo the tragedy that had befallen his friend.

With Elara gone, her lifeless form lying on the ground, Richard's heart brimmed with anger and grief. He couldn't direct his fury at the inanimate creature that had caused her demise. His sorrow, anger, and guilt welled up inside, creating an overwhelming mix of emotions too potent to be contained. In his despair, he struck the unforgiving ground repeatedly, his fists bearing the weight of his anguish.

His fists were already swollen the pain were the only relief he could find in such a moment. So he kept punching, until all he could feel was the pain coming from his hands. The only thing he couldn't do was stop his thoughts, he wanted to find a way to stop his mind.

"It's my fault. Why did I invite her here?" He questioned himself with a voice laden with sorrow, his surroundings blurring into a disorienting whirlwind as his vision dimmed. Despair loomed large, threatening to engulf him in its unforgiving grip, and his thoughts echoed with remorse for leading Elara into this perilous situation.

His mind slowly went blank, giving his mind some time of relief, without thinking about the horrendous situation he has been gone through. 

— Elara... — He mumbled while he was asleep, tears droping from his eyes in the midst of his sleep.

Hey there,

I am beyond excited to share some fantastic news with you – we've officially got a contract! Your support and enthusiasm have been the driving force behind this journey, and I can't thank you enough for sticking with me.

As we move forward, I invite each and every one of you to continue exploring and unraveling the mysteries of this world with me. Your curiosity and passion are what make this adventure so incredible, and I can't wait to see where the story takes us next.

So, here's to you, the amazing readers who have made this possible. Let's keep turning the pages and discovering new realms together. The best is yet to come!



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