
The landlord of Mankayane [Novel]

What would you do if you were a rich landlord and you had no heir for your succession? This was the life challenge of Paddy, a wealthy British baron who migrated to Swaziland and married Pola, a beautiful local woman. Unfortunately, the union was childless and Paddy was sad, for he feared dying without a successor until one day, while he was on his sickbed, he had a dream in which he received news he would soon be a father. However, there was an obstacle he had to overcome for his dream to become tangible. Find out more in the main content about this incredible tale which unfolds in one of the most beautiful lands in southern Africa! *Proof of ownership for Pocket FM*

Elmielos · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Part 3 (4)

The employees of the manor house searched the garden in the middle of the night to find Chuwi but the dog wasn't there.

Cathy the housekeeper who was already sleeping at the time of the incident was woken up by a maid and she came down to handle the messy situation.

She pressured everyone under her charge to unrelentlessly continue to turn all stones, leaves, sticks, sand grains, and any object no matter how small it was to look whether the puppy wasn't hidden below.

She was so demanding that the oldest of the maids, Thula, cracked up and fell unease. The poor woman was even older than the Master of the domain, Mr. Paddy, since she was a sexagenarian.

Though this incident happened, for the head housemaid Cathy, it was a minor one. So she commissioned one of the young maids to help the old Thula go to her room but commanded the rest to intensify the search for the canine.

Ultimately, the infernal efforts deployed by the overly pushed employees paid off, for they checked all inches of the yard and narrowed the space to spot a frightened Chuwi lurking in the hole of a tree at the very end of the garden.

At the sight of the maid who located its hideout, the dog barked powerfully and unstoppably. Its instinct was savage and it viewed the human in its front as a predator against who it had to defend itself.

So Chuwi in one leap exited the hole and landed on the pink silk robe of the maid before sliding and touching the ground. And then after an abrupt movement of its head, placed its little pointed fangs on the young lady's leg and bit her.

She screamed so loudly as blood came out of the wound that the landlord Mr. Paddy who was nervously walking up and down in his room blenched, and ran to the window to witness what was going on.

The baron was even more shocked to see from a distance one of the maids lying on the ground and writhing in pain while the male employees were chasing the Caniche on the lawn.

Finally, one of the male servants felt compelled to take an extreme measure to stop the dog's frenzy.

The man took a stick from the ground, put all the strength of his right hand on it and hit the dog which passed out so mighty the impact was.

Mr. Paddy immediately left his room and came outside to assess the situation.

The dog was agonizing and it was awful to watch for the Master who ordered the housekeeper Cathy to take the Caniche to the veterinary.

At the same time, the female servants were done giving the first care to their injured colleague and were taking her inside the dependence.

The Master of the house Mr. Paddy saw the worrying state of the maid and enjoined that she be right away taken to the Mankayane dispensary.

And after some time, the tension that was in the air since the biting of the landlord's heir, Churchill Junior, by the dog began to go down.

The toddler was in the medical center of the town with his mom, the injured maid was on the way there, the mad dog was being taken to the animal's doctor and the rest of the employees were gone back to their accommodations.

The landlord was now alone and sweaty in the yard under a starry sky he looked at and to which he asked: "Why?"

The baron stared at the heavens for quite some time in wait for an answer which never came.

So ultimately he sighed, turned, and went back inside the manor house.