
The Land of the Emperors

The Ruthless Emperor, One of the strongest and feared emperors in the Grandmist Continent! At his prime he ruled the lands, his name brought fear and power! Tens of thousands of years later, the name " The Ruthless Emperor" forgotten by time, a young boy emerges into the world! " In my past life, I was called the Ruthless Emperor! I had no family or friends, I was abused at a young age! to be powerful, I abandoned my emotions and feelings! using my sword I became a ruthless killer! In this life, I have family, and family to protect, people to protect. But! that won't change the fact that I Will get my revenge!

B1gduff · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The art of Inscriptions

Slowly since that day a year had gone by. Xiao Shui still looked the same, aside the small growth

At the Moment, Xiao Shui wielding a sword in hand was training his Sword skills.

Throughout the past year, he set goals for himself. In his past life, he walked into the path of Cultivation at the age of 16, in this life he started at the age of 12.

Most would still consider this slow. For example, Little lei had started to cultivate when she was 6, but for Xiao Shui, he had his memories to rely on, which quicken his speed.

In this past year, His Cultivation rose from the 1st rank of the body Refinement to into the next realm, the 1st level of the Martial soldier realm.

A 13-year-old at the 1st rank of Martial Soldier would turn the entire region upside. It was rare for a person in Tuburcity region to reach the rank of the Martial Soldier before the age of 20, if they were, they came from the bigger and more powerful Clans compared to the middle-level Xiao Clan.

" Brother Shui, Brother Shui!" a young girl came running down the hill as she shouting for Xiao Shui.

Xiao Shui turned his head and saw that person that was calling for him was his Younger sister, Xiao Lei.

Over the past year, besides practicing with the Sword, and Cultivating, whenever he had time, Xiao Shui would help this younger sister in inscriptions.

For whatever reason, Xiao Shui, hated to cultivate with a passion, instead, she spent all of her time in inscriptions, she was a bookworm. She was considered the genius of the Xiao Clan, the future of the clan.

2 months ago, she at the age of 7 had created a grade 2 inscription! a 7-year old that was able to create grade 2 inscriptions! This was unheard of in the entire Turburcity region!

Thank this genius, Xiao Shui was able to hide the fact that he had reached the 1st rank of the Martial Solider in a year.

Secondly, xiao Shui had played an important role in helping Xiao Lei in crafting inscriptions.

In his Past life, Xiao Shui had messed around with a few inscriptions and inscription master and was able to learn.

Now compared to his past self, and the inscriptions he had learned, the Inscriptions in the Xiao clan were....well just bad. The Lowest of the Lowest.

There were two main Inscriptions in this Turbcutiy region. Equipment Inscriptions and Beast Inscriptions.

Equipment Inscriptions were a type of Inscription that can be equipped onto any equipment and increase their power and defense. These types of inscriptions could also be equipped to once's self to provide a boost.

The beast Inscriptions were much stronger and rarer. They required the blood of a beast and its heart to create this Inscription. The stronger the beast the greater the effect.

These were the two main Inscription in this region.

Xiao Shui knew that this was a lie, there were more. For example, the most powerful inscriptions he learned about in his past life, were Array Inscriptions, Star Inscriptions, and Talisman Inscription.

Even with a lack of knowledge and resources in the region, Xiao Still worked on the art of Inscriptions with his cultivation.

" Brother Shui, those dirty old meanies keep on forcing me to Cultivate, Even though I told them I won't"

Xiao Shui broke into a smile as he started to pat the little girl's head. " Little Lei, you know those meanies are just trying to help you, even I as your brother told you many times how it important to have high Cultivation to create much more powerful Inscriptions."

" Gawwwww. why brother why, it's so boring. Just sitting in one spot and cultivating..its so boring." Xiao lei brushed of Xiao Shui's hand as he started to complain more and more.

" ooh yeah, Brother come with me, and teach me more about Inscriptions! more and more! that Inscriptions you helped me create 2 months ago caused a big event! those Meanies gave me good food for once and stopped asking me to cultivate! But now they are back, so teach me"

Xiao Shui softly sighed as he went along with Xiao Lei while listening to her talking.

" Even granfather was impressed by it! he told me that he had never seen that type on Inscription before"

" grandfather and even father got crazy, they kept on asking and asking how I was able to create that type of Inscriptions. I told them but you told me, I told them that I was messing around, and bam it happened."

" it took a while but they finally accepted. haha. "

Xiao Shui and Xiao lei arrived back at a small house that was built for Xiao Shui. He preferred this small house that was on the outskirts of the main house. It gave him peace and quietness. Outside of Xiao Lei. his parents, younger siblings, no one else would rarely visit.

Entering the small house, the brother and sister pair when to the back.

" Today, I am going to teach and help you learn the explosive Inscriptions. I will help you with drawing out the inscription frame, and then help you fill it out. After that study that competed for the frame and then practice and practice until you have it down"

" Ok let's start!"

The explosive Inscription was Known as a PseudoTalisman Inscription. Equipment Inscription was considered the most basic inscriptions, while the Talisman inscriptions were the more advanced versions of these equipment inscriptions"

These pseudoTalisman inscriptions were in between. Too weak to be considered a talisman and also too strong to be considered Quipment.

" Always remember, that to be an inscription Master, three things are important. Focus, precious and accuracy of every turn, connection, and inscriptions formed. Besides these things, one's ability to control one's fusen power will play an important role in determining the grade and strength of the Talisman."

Slowly the day came to an end.

" Tap, Tap"

Soon small taps were heard outside of the small yard.

Noticing the small taps, Xiao Shui stopped his cultivation and walked outside. in his view, two young small children are running towards him, both with smiles on their faces.

These two small children are Xiao Shui's younger sister, Xiao Mei, and brother Xiao Wan.

" ooh come here, you two, come to your bigger brother!" grabbing both by their waist, Xiao Shui picked them up. Xiao Mei, who was happy to be picked up, hugged Xiao Shui, while the brat threw a punch at his face. "

" ouch, why can't you be like your sister's and be nice. You brat"

" he his brat, that silly brat, kepting on wanting to see you." a gracious figure walked behind the smalls children and came to Xiao Shui side.

" Mother why are you here?'

" Why am I here? you brat, you haven't shown up to dinner, Breakfast, or even lunch this past month, and now you're asking me why I'm here?"

Hearing what his mother just said, ' Mother, I'm sorry I lost tract of time and have been practing"

" Silly boy, I know there is no need for you to be sad. This is the way of us martial artists. we cultivate and cultivate. At least with you, you do forget about your parents, but keep an eye on your siblings."

" Mother..."

" Haha, It's fine. I came to deliver a message to you. Your father wants you to go with the cart tomorrow to deliver and sell inscriptions in Cauldron City. it's a way for you to go out and explore."

" Cauldron City, Perfect I will go and help"

' good, now bring these two little brats and little lei to Dinner!"
