
Chapter twelve- His answer

He knows I have mates yet he still wants me? All because I yearned for Quinn and was able to be mated with him. If I remember the whole reason he wanted a mate all by himself was because he believed no one would ever love him just because he was born a snake beastman. If he was unwanted if being born a snake Beastmen makes you a villain then so be it, but he was gonna have his happy ending even if it's all in he's head. My heart aches for him, what a miserable way of living. Do I give him a chance why am I hesitating? is it because my view of him is messed up because of what I've read of him? Yes it must be it. Bai Qing Qing is scared of snakes she hates them in fact. This is already far from the original plot line why not mess it up farther why not make it a better story?

" I love and care for my mates I don't play favorites honestly I hate the idea of loving one more than the other and unfair treatment" taking a deep breath as I speak once more I notice He's eyes another beautiful shade of red take on a shine. "You need to understand I plan to take on more mates in the future, but if your still have me I will never discard you and will love you still even if your no longer alive I refuse to have a love that's superficial" he's silent but slowly he smiles I feel he's hands circling around my waist caging me towards him. My eyes are wide in confusion and anticipation. "W-what's going on? Not that I don't like it in fact I'm really liking it✨"

Wait this man still hasn't agree to be my mate?! My attention gets ahold of a deep yet fragile chuckle, and then he's left hand is around my neck. As he tilts my neck back he lays bare a kiss with a decisive hum he whispers ever so gently. "Yes I shall still accept you as my mate even if you still wish for more, so long as you keep your promise my little greedy mate~" he voice takes on a silky undertone as he continues laying kisses upon my neck. "As much as I enjoy this little kisses I would like to get out of this cave before my friend gets help I would hate to worry people unnecessarily" I hurry up before I can become even more swept up in He's pace. Damn isn't he horny, but I promise my sweet little Harvey he would be the next one I would mate to officially become mine. " Curtis is my name please speak it I would love to hear my name come out of those lovely lips of yours" he nestles me closer to him as all of a sudden I am feeling fast movement and I am once more in a very sunny place on a green pasture filled with so much life as I hear birds chirping merrily. Then faster then I can say cheese I hear her loud and clear as day with a blood curling scream I am instantly snap out of such a lovely scenery. Bai Qing Qing screams in terror at the sight of a huge red snake like tail. "Bai Qing Qing can you please stop screaming like a banshee!" I yell to her quickly hoping and praying her screams don't draw attention to the village Beastmen. She calms quickly and apologizes with a blush of embarrassment once she realizes I'm not in any danger and neither is she.

It was only a fools hope though considering it's a village of Beastmen for them not to hear a distress female call for help. Curtis immediately gets into attack position and quickly I get flashbacks of the manga. I see Quinn in the crowd of warriors along with Parker. He looks at my face searching for any type of distress on my face. Though when he sees me with a smile as I shake my head he smiles back as he's eyes takes on a new shine. He looks at Curtis now assessing him. " I'm not in any danger in fact this snake Beastmen is name Curtis and he is my next to be mate Qing Qing only scream because she was confused but look she's calm down now once she realizes I wasn't in no danger whatsoever" Parker growls abit but luckily gets out of he's attack position as he motions Qing Qing to come to he's side. I feel Curtis tense muscles from behind me begin to relax. Though as battle harden as he is he's still ready to strike wherever, but only if it ever came down to it.

Time skip from the hectic day it's now late afternoon. Harvey is humming away as he makes dinner, and where am I one might be wondering? Oh nowhere really just sandwich between two snake beastmen as their tails are curled around my legs. Quinn on the right of me as he's tail lay claim on my right leg and Curtis on the left with my left leg he's claim with he's own tail. Both lay their heads respectively on the side they claim. Honestly though how the hell did this turn out like this?

Never once did I ever dream of capturing Curtis attention I thought it had to be canon he's meeting with bai Qing Qing was destined to happen with them being together…

"My love what are you thinking about hmmm~" goosebumps abrupt upon my skin as I hear Quinn sweet undertone. "Yes I do have to agree with him my greedy mate whatever are you thinking about~?" Curtis nuzzles deeper into my left side coyly as he whispers to me in a soft dark undertone.

Fuck me what did I get myself into?! "Okay honey dinners ready I hope you enjoy I have your lovely fruit salad with a side of medium rare meat, as for Curtis and Quinn here's y'all rare meat" Harvey comes in with a Cherry smile as he sets everything down including He's meal with a nice size of medium rare steak seasoned with herbs like mine.

"Answering your question Quinn and Curtis it's simple im just truly happy to be sitting here with all of y'all I'm glad you found me Curtis and accepted to being my mate even though I am greedy like you said" I laugh joyfully with a smile before I dig in though I quickly receive a quick peck on my left cheek. Turning my head I am welcome with a rare but beautiful sight. He looks at me gently as he begins to smile. He's gorgeous face becomes soft with a kind glow as he speaks. " I'm glad I found you too and that your welcome a Beastmen like me into your family"