
not my time

It's been six months since we left California and went to DC. I was lucky enough to find all of the items I needed and stock up on more food and other things as well. Danny and I went searching for survivors, trying to find people to save, trying to make our 3 little man group even bigger. But we where not so lucky, Danny and I where chased back too our boat, lucky we made it in time. We look behind us and saw a dozen or more Creepers falling into the ocean while we set sail.

Their was no one left in DC. I cried out. What if this is the last of us? I thought to myself.

Danny/ oh shit man, a Creeper made it onto our boat. I yelled to Markus

Markus/ Danny we need to grab the Creeper, and use it as our test subject. I said looking at him with a evil smile planted on my face.

Danny and I ran towards the Creeper, he grabbed his hammer and smashed the Creeper in the side and. Knocking it to the ground. I jumped on top of the Creeper like a dog did when he got a new toy. I took my belt off and pushed my belt into the Creepers mouth. Making sure it could not bite me. Danny and I picked up the Creeper, taking it my moms lab. That she had built. I laid the Creeper onto the table, where you would lay a injured person.

We strapped the Creeper down, and we to town. I grabbed some needles and a iv bag. I stuck the needle into the Creepers arm hoping I found a vane. Because I did not see a vane.

Hello my name is Markus J. Williams, the time is 12:10 in the afternoon. I have my first test subject. It is a young female. Between her early 20s. She is 5'4. Possibly weighing around 180.

She has blonde hair and black jet eyes. She is a Creeper. I said speaking into my voice recorder.

I am going to try to find a cure for humanity, I may fail or I may thrive. But I have to at least try.

I am now injecting the Creeper with Poliovax, it is a type of vaccine that kills rabies. Hoping that it will take some kind of effect on the Creeper.

The time is now 155 pm I've been injecting the Creeper with Poliovax for an hour. I see no form of resistance in the Creeper.

I am now going to try to inject the Creeper with Imovax another form of rabies, hoping this might give a more positive effect to the Creeper. I wait for an hour and come back and check on the Creeper. The time is now 200 pm.

We are interning the waters of north Alaska. I am clocking out for an hour. This is Markus J. Williams. I am hoping this will save this girls life. I will be back to check up on the Creeper at 300 pm.

Danny/ how is the testing going so far? I asked.

Marcus/ not good so far, I am trying rabie vaccines. To see if it might work. I replied.

Katie/ is the monster gonna get loose? I asked Marcus.

Marcus/ I hope not, but I highly doubt it will. I said with a faint smile on my face.

Come on we need to eat and take a break from all this. I said walking to the cooler and picked up a bottle of wine.

Danny/ you need to get some sleep. I will cook us something to eat. Just go lay down, and I will call you when it is done. I said taking the bottle of wine from his hands. And placing it back into the cooler.

Marcus/ but keep an eye on the Creeper. Lock the doors to the lab. And make sure Katie does not go into the lab. The Creeper will respond badly when it sees or hears us walking into the lab. I said heading to my room.

Danny/ will do. Katie did you hear Marcus what said to you? Do not go into the lab, if you do it will kill you. Then I will have to kill you. Do you want that? I said looking at her. Tears flowing out of her eyes.

Katie/ no. I dont want to die, I will listen. I said.