
Lost soul

I never hated someone so much in my life before. I've always for gave them and moved on with my life. When Kyle was in the hospital in a coma, I hoped and prayed he never woke up from the coma. He was and has always been a troublemaker for our family. He is the risen why my parents our parents are dead. His dreams became a reality like how is that even possible? I thought while stabbing my blade deep within a Creepers skull.

I got up from the rotteting corpse and ran into a building too rest my eyes till night came to cover my body from their sights. I just need to figure out how to musk my smell from them? I said to myself while my eyes became heavy from the lack of sleep. I could hear the rain coming down like cats and dogs outside. I have always loved the smell of rain it used to calm me down and put me to sleep. But now I can barely even close one eye because I am for scared for life. Those memories of seeing my mother and father laying lifeless on the ground, their blood forming a puddle on the ground. I saw Kyle standing over them holding a big a blade in his left hand, all I could think about was my unborn baby brother. I saw his eyes where black with a slight of dark blood red in the middle of the black. When I tried to talk to Kyle. What he said to me was, sorry Kyle is not in at the moment and laughed and broke the window from the 5th floor and jumped out. I ran to the broken window and looked out, I Saw his lifeless body laying on the ground  and then what I saw next was unbelievable! His body was broken, then his body started to heal on it's own. He looked up to me and smile and ran into the night. That was the last time I saw kyle as himself.

Kyle/ come on guys we need to keep moving, we cannot rest here! I said yelling behind me running into the cold bloody night.

Oh shit I heard kaite yell behind me. I turned around too see Danny being pulled down to the wet bloody ground. James and I both screamed his name and ran over to Danny as fast as we could. I pulled and pushed all the Creepers off of Danny, while James grabbed him by his hand and pulled him ontop of his back. I yelled to Katie to run in front of me. I said to her trying to keep a steady pace from me and the Creepers, I kept hearing that voice in my head. Trying to control my body and mind. I bit down hard on my bottom lip drawing blood from myself.

Katie James Danny and I finally mated it to the fence, Katie jumped over and James threw our brother over the fence as well. Go on James, I will go after you. I said. James/ you sure bro? I asked kyle?

Kyle/ yeah I am sure, now get going! I yelled.

When I saw James finally safe and over the fence. I started to get ready myself.

Now it is our turn I thought to myself. I placed my feet into the circle holes in the fence, I started to climb up. But something grabs hold of my foot, I looked down and it was a Creeper. A big ass Creeper at that. I tried to kick my foot and swinging my leg, but this damn bitch would not let go of my foot. I pushed my shoe off with my other foot and the bitch fell off, thank God. I thought trying to pull myself to the top of the ledge.

Katie/ Oh my gosh kyle are you okay? I said running to my brother in law.

Kyle/ yeah I am fine. Thank you Katie. I said patting her soft hair. God I love her so much.

James/ hey man you alright? I asked him looking at his bruises forming onto his arm.

Kyle/ yes I am fine guys, come we gotta keep moving if we are gonna catch up to Marcus. I said looking around as the world spun around me. I fell to my knees placing both of my hands on my head, screaming in pain.


