
Happy Endings

There was once a tribe that was wrapped with fear and despair. Wolves surround the place. At every moment, they had to be aware. If not, the wolves may attack when they're off guard.

One day, the tribe was asleep. Then the wolves attacked! Luckily the Legendary Wolf Hunter Roger arrived just in time! He was the savior of the tribe. He was always there when the wolf is in need.

Because of this, the wolf king was devastated. He sent all his wolves to slay everyone on the tribe.

They hears the wolf's howl so they flee back to their tribe. A girl named Ruby always wanted to protect her parents from the wolves, but she wasn't old enough.

The wolves entered every tent in the tribe and slay who they find. Roger heard the screams of the terrified people.

Wolves entered Ruby's tent and came to take them away. Her parents tried to defend her but they took them instead. Ruby hid under the bed crying, calling out for her parents.

When Roger came, It was too late. But he knows, he can still save some. He attacked the wolf king, forcing him and his allies to flee.

The tribe people and Ruby wanted to learn how to fight to avenge her parents. Roger comes here everyday to train them to fight the wolves. She grabbed her big Scythe that is bigger than her and showed it to Roger.

He thought her how to Hook, and self-heal.

One night, The tribe was ready for the fight. Roger slept in Ruby's tent. Then, the howl started!

Roger grabbed his gun, and went outside the tent. Shortly, his eyes widen with shock! "They're more than ever!" Luckily he trained the tribes people to fight. Roger ran towards the wolf king. Worried, Ruby helped Roger wake the tribe.

While fighting, the wolf king scratched Roger's chest! Ruby quickly grabbed Roger back to the tent where she puts a bandage on the wound. Roger puts Ruby's hand to his heart so she can feel his heartbeat.

It stopped.

Ruby cried that is still trying to help Roger. Ruby grabbed her scythe and went outside. Angry, she shouted "You took everyone from me!" Ruby swings her Scythe scratching the wolf king's leg. Wolves surrounded Rub. Outnumbered, she spins the scythe killing the all. Ruby felt dizzy, she found out that her left eye was scratched by the wolves. She fell to the ground, and started to lose herself. The only thing she could remember was Roger fought the wolf king killing him.

The next morning, Ruby woke up with a bandage on her eye. She looked for Roger, but he left without any traces where he went. All he left was pieces of his clothes.

Ruby sobbed. She did not have a chance to say goodbye or express her feelings to Roger. She grabbed her scythe, and went to the Land of Dawn, giving happy ending to those who don't. She may not have the happy ending she wanted, but she was happy that she can see others that could.

But, is it actually to late for her to have her happy ending?