
Chapter 16th (Hate ANTHEM)

"Dadi! It's TEN AM! Already!!!!"

Those words...again I did repeat but only this time, I cried thudding my feet as if saluting in rage at nationalism but in entire contrast, it was a hate anthem.

However, anthem does not consist of only a word or a sentence...it's---

Wait, why go on encyclopedia mode when we can give you a damn demo on ' how to compose an anthem ?' Fest. Dash-Dash

('Oi oi' dash made a Kawai smile with a v-finger formation that is the famous symbol of peace, but here I was-

'NO need to show your true form here, Mr Piggyhead'

'AGH, Queen---' )

Firstly, pick 'A STRONG point of focus' like on most of the anthems we have heard or may even have quite carved all the words like a musical note over and over again, (come on, everyone knows atheist one may it be a national anthem, or a cult anthem or maybe an anime anthem or...if you are even a terrorist then also there must be some kind of anthem or pledge of bloodshed. I guess) however, in the above-stated case i.e my dear antagonist granny, the POF was 'to wake up a Snorlax'

('At least you are saying your grandma as dear' however, I only did was roll my eyeballs within those sockets of mine)

However, step two,

And the last one!

Make a parody around the POF!

The parody may have various ranges from a single word or a single sentence of a few words repeated again and again to a whole book of drastic Vocabulary all around a heart throbbing beat of drums, words and meaning to it.

Well, you can spare the drums... but the meaning! Yup, important!

No words don't give meaning...one person with expression and inner feeling all gives in to the success of an anthem.

How here is the final piece-

'Wake up! WAKE UP!

see the sun is up! Wake up wake up!

Can't you be an early bird wake up!'

JK...THAT'S not the final price although as a woman interested in art would certainly go singing the above one, however, I sang wait--let me correct, I spat the anthem as a one-lined parody cum anthem,

"Wake up dadi, it's 10 am, dadi!!!"

But that stubborn b-worded grandma of mine didn't even give a wink of an eye, making me raise the pitch to the highest!


The vileness of night...

"Chachi...I give up" made me lose my battle like always, yup, right...since childhood who was the boss- I still could continue to remember how long it took to wake her up but actually no one could..."tch...MUmmyyyyy ji" Until only her nemesis, her worst enemies- her daughter-in-law.

(Hey readers,

Got to rewind to set a roof for you we are counting on you

