
The Lace Kink

Witness the life of Namchan who seemed to be a regular 22 year old student working two jobs but has a fantasy for every moment, changes when Ahana appear in his life who was a mystery needed to be solved and unfold by him. See how love finds it's way through two cold hearts, one deprived of love and one which was too cold to feel any affection and then both of them cross all the obstacles to be together. Will it be a happy ending? To know, follow them through the journey of their life through love and pain. This is not a fanfiction story....its a romance-fantasy-fiction story. Any similarity to any situation in the story to anyother story or real life is coincidental as this story is simply my imagination. Enjoy the story and plzz vote if you like it. Thank you.

Deeya_kim · Fantasy
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58 Chs

37-Lace again?~

I felt a gush of disgust, guilt and hate for myself hit me like as hard as rock. I wanted to go back in time and wished that I would have never opened the diary. I was frustrated at myself.

I felt worse because huyng actually started crying and I was the reason for him to shed his precious tears. I knew he was probably very emotional and didn't wanted to disturb him. So I just left for university silently. Even I was very emotional to hear Yewean say those words it was overwhelming but in a bad way ofcourse.

As I entered the university I spotted Ahana sitting in that same corner of the class as usual. We had a brief eye contact because immediately I looked away and sat far away from her, but we can still see each other clearly from our places.

She looked a bit disappointed as if she expected me to sit with her. She seemed a little disheartened but soon just looked back at her book as if to hide all those emotions. I surely felt bad but I was more scared so it felt better to just be away from her.

The day went on quickly and without any problem, but Ahana looked so upset the whole day as I kept avoiding her and it looked like she had a wave of questions in her mind but I tried my best to stay away from the drug named Ahana.

"Again lace?" I asked to Haneul, being totally confused.

"Yes, it's really being demanding, customers started that we look great in it" he said, chuckling playfully elbowing me.

"OMG, its second time this week" I said smiling.

Our shift started. It has been about half an hour since the place opened and all kind of females came and a few went out too. Today's amount of tips was great. I worked with happiness as I got a lot of tips today trying my best to ignore the sharp pain in my hands. My boss knew about it and asked me to not put too much pressure on my hand today and just do things that didn't needed hand strength. I was thankful to my boss for being understanding.

Ladies shouted and cheered in excitement, and some just sat and relaxed by the bar. It was a usual evening as usual.

Suddenly my eyes went towards the entrance as a lady came in. She seemed a little hesitant to walk in but she came in anyway with each step being too hesitant. She tried to look confident but failed to pretend that. She was nervous as hell and also attractive as hell.

The lady wore a gorgeous black leather pencil skirt that stop just in the mid thigh and had a deep split in one side almost revealing her underwear and it was paired with a thin strip lace white crop top with a black short leather jacket. Her hair was straight with some occasional golden strips among brown hairs tied loosely at the roots with a black and white printed thin lace. But she also wore a bucket hat with a mask hiding her face completely. Weird I thought. But that didn't failed her to attract every kind of attention towards her.

I had an urge to know who this person was caz something told me I knew her.