
The Labours of love

Ever raising Tension between two failed lovers but best friends as they embark on a new journey with the birth of a child and the troubles of failed love.

DaoistDe4Fip · Realistic
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2 Chs


"Once upon a time she thanked the heavens she met me" I shrugged boastfully "And now what she's curses the day she ever laid eyes on you??" Anna shrieked in her peculiar way of laughing that made her freckles sit directly on her nose "Well not all things end in happily ever after" i said whilst ushering the waiter to come over for the bill "aw did prince charming get his not so charming ending "Ha ha very funny" i mocked her in response "Hello sir, i trust you found your time here very well. Here is your bill"

"Absolutely; lovely service, Outstanding view. Only thing i could change is the lighting here, i need to be able to see my Date's beautiful face after all" i said whilst handing over my card "You see!! that's why she left you, you're too flirty" Anna said as she blushed slightly "Savings or current sir"

"Current please"

"And what do you mean I'm flirty? Aren't you the prettiest woman here" i grinned from ear to ear whilst responding "You know exactly what i mean Jeffery".

"Here you go sir, Thank you for dining with us"

"No please thank you, meet us outside before we leave please"

"Oh-..Okay sir" startled but confident the waiter responded as he took our dishes away "What a lovely boy, he didn't even mind that we were talking over him" Anna said as she turned and watched him walk into the kitchen "He's a good lad"

"Now shall we Miss Beautiful" I asked while I offered her my hand to leave the table "Yes we shall Mr. Flirty" She giggled as she took my hand and we walked out into the parking lot "Excuse me sir, I'm the Boy from earlier" The young man holding his apron introduced himself and it was clear he wasn't done for the Night "Oh okay, Here you go" I said while handing him over a band of $500 "You're a good Lad, you deserve it"

"Thank you so much sir, I can't begin to tell you how-"

"It's okay darling! just think of it as God's Blessing" Anna interrupted him As he showed his clear gratitude with tears in his eyes and we drove off. We drove for a couple of miles before i broke the silence "You'd make an Excellent Mother by the way, How long till you're due again"

"A month" Anna said while Her smile quickly faded "Hey, What's wrong."

"I don't know, it's just I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a mum and there's Phillip who's so Nonchalant about everything. it's really getting to me Jeff.. I don't want to be a bad Mom" Anna said as she broke down into clear tears from her crystal blue eyes but quickly cleaned them up afterwards "Hey hey hey " I sounded out as i put the car to a stop by the side of the road "What are you saying, You're going to be a great mum I'm sure of it and don't worry about Phillip. it's how he's always been but I'm sure he's just as excited as you are so just... breathe alright, I do not want you stressing out the baby Okay?"

"Okay" she said as she sniffled "But how do you feel Jeff, I know things didn't work ou-"

"Don't worry about me, who's the one crying here. I'll be alright" I said as i turned on the car again and turned on the radio in hopes the conversation would end there and it did but then It happened.