
The Knight Of Shadows

In this world there are ferocious beasts who kill any human they see. The human population was dropping like flies. But then, special people were born with the power to use mana. These people were called mages. Mages had a wide variety of powers, but only the more powerful mages knew special abilities. Because of the efforts of these people, after 50 years things were starting to go great for humanity. A school for mages was built to further strengthen earth’s defence against beasts. However, a new enemy had arrived.

Eden_Ganael · Fantasy
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61 Chs

The King Of Darkness

"At last! After 100 000 years, I have finally been released from my banishment!"

"Victor, what are you talking about?" Aiko asked with a horrifying expression on her face.

"I don't know who Victor is. But I am Kuro, The King of darkness and the lord of shadows. Now where is the boy who has sent me free? I want to thank him." Kuro said, looking around the room.

"Wait, where is he? And why am I wearing the same clothes the boy was wearing? Why am I so short? No way. Am I in his BODY?!?!" Kuro had just realized what happened. While Aiko and Henry were even more confused and were wondering if they lost their son.

"Is Victor... dead?" Henry asked, with a horrified expression. He was wondering if he was the reason why Victor was possessed.

"I think I have a theory of what happened. When I saw three of you three show up in front of me, I thought I could finally escape my banishment. So I used my powers to make you release me, but it seems only the boy could feel it. When he touched the crystal, he absorbed all my powers and my own subconscious. He must be unconscious at the moment which is why I can use his body for now. So you can calm down, he is not dead. I can feel it, this body is not mine so when he wakes up, I will live in his mind." Kuro finished his lengthy explanation.

"Thank goodness. I almost had a heart attack." Henry sighed in relief. Henry and Aiko had been tense ever since they saw all the shadows being absorbed into Victor's bodies.

"So then, if I am going to be in this boy's body, then we should take him to his home. I'm guessing you two are his parents."

"Yes we are, and his name is Victor not 'boy'." Aiko said with a cold glare towards Kuro. Kuro was intimidated and looked away like a defeated little bitch boy. They left the cave and got into the truck. After 5 minutes of awkward silence, Henry finally opened his mouth.

"How come Victor hasn't woken up yet?"

"When you get the powers of an immortal being, you wouldn't just wake up like nothing happened. The booooo… I mean Victor, will probably wake up in 3 days."

"3 DAYS!!! We have to spend 3 days with some evil being of Darkness!" Aiko shouted in shock. They thought in a few minutes Victor would have woken up, but 3 days was far too long.

"Well I don't make the rules, if I did I would have been back to my body! And what the hell do you mean by evil?! If I was evil, I would have tried to kill both of you!"

"Well you were banished, and I doubt they did it because they were the evil ones. If you weren't banished because you were evil, then why were you banished?" Aiko asked. They were wondering why he was banished if he wasn't evil or did a serious crime. Kuro heard this and gave them an evil smirk.

"Fear. 'They' feared my power, 'they' couldn't kill me so 'they' had to seal me in that crystal for eternity."

"Who is 'they'?" Henry asked. He noticed that Kuro would always mention these people, and he wasn't sure what or who they were.

" 'They' are powerful immortal beings. I am one of these beings, and I was the weakest one. The other beings ignored and treated me like shit because of my weakness. Back then my darkness energy was nowhere near the strength of they're powers. Every single one of them had unique powerful abilities, they were born strong and I was born weak. After a million years of intense training, I had finally caught up to them, and they finally started to respect me."

"Unlike those pricks I could still get stronger, well I still wanted to get stronger. Those fools were so arrogant they thought there was no reason to get stronger, and even then they were almost at their limit. But my darkness has no limit, and after 2 billion years they finally wanted me dead. The reason was because I had killed another being."

"But it wasn't because they wanted revenge, those selfish bastards would have been happy because that particular being was one of the strongest. The problem was how easily I killed her, I didn't even use any of my darkness energy. I just punched her with my raw physical strength, it was like I was fighting an ant. When the others saw what happened, they were shitting their pants. They remembered how they treated me, and were afraid for when I would kill them all. So one of them sacrificed himself and turned into a crystal that could seal me for eternity. Most of them attacked me when I was taking a nap and succeeded in sealing me. I ended up killing 15 of them, but they still managed to seal me, and put me deep inside of that cave. And that is my life story." Kuro finished telling his lengthy backstory. Aiko and Henry realized that his story was similar to a main character who went from zero to hero.

When Kuro finished his explanation, they had already arrived in town. Henry went and sold all his rewards to the Guildhall. The Guildhall is where people go to become an adventurer and sell all the crystals. You can't sell the bodies, because you would need to sell them to a company or factory or laboratory, and Henry was going to do that tomorrow. While they were walking back home, Kuro asked them a question.

"So what race are you? I never saw your race before I was banished."

"Oh… I'm a white person." Henry answered with an awkward expression.

"You're telling me the name of your species is 'white people'?"

"Oh! You meant species! We're human beings." Henry answered, realizing that by race he meant species. They thought that he was in a time before some humans became white but he meant humans in general.

"Humans? Never heard of you. Now can you tell me the history of your entire race?" Kuro wanted to know more about the people who saved him.

"Well my name is Henry Zolomon, and I-" Before Henry could finish his sentence, Kuro interrupted him.

"Zolomon? Before I was banished, there was a being who had that same name, and she was one of the few beings who didn't try to banish me. Do you know her?"

"No, I don't."

"Ok then, you may continue."

But after hearing the lengthy explanation of the history of the human race, Kuro was wondering what the hell he just heard.

"I see… so the human race has separated themselves into groups of people because of their color of skin. And with how you talk about the people who look like me, it seems your son will have a bad time. And this Jesus man sounds like a big inspiration and amazing person.

"Well actually, around the 21st century is when black people were treated far better. And also, isn't Victor just going to go back to how he looks? Isn't that how you look and when Victor takes control he goes back to his looks. And yes, Jesus is a big inspiration." Aiko responded.

"No, I was far taller and way more muscular than this wimpy body. And as long as he has my darkness powers inside him, he will always look like this. Now let's cut his hair, it's way too long."

"Wait a minute, is Victor going to be as powerful as you?" Henry just realised that Victor was getting an ancient being's powers who refers to himself as the King of darkness and was bragging about how strong he is for 30 minutes.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! HELL NOOO!!! With his weak body? Not a chance! I said he has the quality of my darkness powers but he doesn't have the quantity of my darkness energy." Kuro laughed like a madman. He laughed as if it was the funniest joke he ever heard in his life.

"What do you mean by 'darkness energy' and 'darkness powers'?" Henry couldn't help but ask. They had never heard of darkness magic before.

"Well, there are two types of people. Those who use the mana within them, and those who use the mana around them. Mana is the life force energy that even you humans have. The way someone uses the mana around them, is by using the mana within them to gather more than 10 times the mana they have and can use it to do spells. Just like you, Aiko."

"And then there are those who use the mana within, but they cannot use it to cast spells. From what you have told me, this Qi is the same thing as mana. A human must have learned how to use it and named it Qi, because they were not aware of mana."

"Ok, but what does that have to do with your dark magic?" Henry asked, wondering what the hell it had to do with anything.

"Well, when I was created, the mana inside of me was imbued with darkness. The mana inside of me is dark. That is what I mean by the darkness energy. It is the amount of dark mana that I possess. While your son has only had his mana convert to dark mana. Which is why we have different darkness energy but the same darkness power."

"Even though I cannot gather mana like you, Aiko. I can still do spells. It took me around 5 million years to figure it out, and because of that, your son can also do shadow magic. The problem is that he doesn't have enough dark mana to cast any of my spells, so he will have to increase it."

"Judging by what you've told me, I can tell he will enjoy my powers. And for freeing me, I will help your son for as long as he lives. My time with you two, is far greater than my time with the other beings. Thank you for freeing me." Kuro finished speaking and had a genuine nice and soft smile that made them forget he was the king of darkness, even though it was more through power and not that he was an actual king.

"You should thank Victor. He was the one who freed y-" But before Aiko could even finish her sentence, Kuro had gone on 1 knee and looked in pain.

"Kuro, what's wrong?!" Henry asked the moment he saw Kuro go down.

"It's Victor, he's about to wake up."

"What? But it hasn't been 3 days yet." Aiko exclaimed out in shock.

"I know. But I should have known it wouldn't apply to him if he could sense my power. I'm glad he has my powers now." Kuro then fell to the floor and after 15 seconds, he got back up again.

"Mom, dad. Why are we home, weren't we in the cave with that huge crystal? Why am I taller? And why am I black, now. Wait a minute does that mean I can say the N word now?"

"NO!" Henry and Aiko shouted both at the same time the moment they heard him ask that.

Victor had just woken up and was about to get a whole chapter's worth of information.