
Chapter 5:  The Valley of Battle

Approximately 4 hours have passed and Hennri has indeed reached the opening of Valley of battle.

 It looks like thats the entrance to the forrest. He says. Alright lets do this he says. Now Wings of the demon sin of WRAITH your aide is now done! Now obey, and away till called upon!" Hennri then falls from the sky landing in front of the entrance. Lets see what the Demon Lion Rath thinks of the Sin of Wrath Henri says as he enters the Valley of Battle.

 Its Night time in the Valley, but Henri is capable of seeing in the dark. He looks arounds at his surroundings. The earth is dusty with little grass and many small pebbles covering the ground like gravel. He sees many treees scattered throughout the land, some bearing fruits and others not. As he continues to look he notices a slight path in the ground.

Seems like this must be a path. Hmmm i wonder if i follow it, will it take me to Rath. He says as he begins to walk the path.

20 min have pasted since has been walking. He grabs his groud and begins to drink. As he drinks he begins to hear noises behind him. He ignores them and continues walking. Behind him are 2 lion men they have been tracking Hennri

So it seems they've noticed that I am here he says to himself in his head as he drinks from his gourd. If I were to turn around, then they would know that im on to them and it could cause problems. For now im just simply going to ignore, and wait till they approach me. After all i am trespassing he says to himself as he grins and begins drinking from his gourd.

It then cuts to the 2 lion-men stalking the Dark Knight.

You think he knows were on to him? One of the lion men asks.

Yea, but its nothing he can do about it. For now lets just continue to monitor him from a distance.

Dont be foolish, its just 1 knight and hes  a human at that. Maybe ye is getting weak. Im going for it he says.

FOOL Dont you know who that is? For that is the man bonded with the sin of Wrath for thats Dark knight Hennri knight of demons. He tells him

The Knight of DEMONS! I thought he was only a legend. 

No for he is very real. 

For this changes things, for if that is truly him. Then we, as strong as we are, are not as skilled as him. Quickly Lets go and inform lord Rath. He will be pleased to hear this and he will know what to do.

Yes good idea

And the two lion-men scouts leave the area to return back to their ruler. The Demon Lion Rath.

Lord Rath for we are reporting to you to inform you that we have a visitor in our territory.

Yes my lord and its just no mere human either. For its the Knight of demons Dark knight Hennri.

The sleeping lion opens one eye. Yey dont say he says as he stares at his solider. Now this sounds interesting. The Lion lets out a loud yawn…. So the human knight bonded to the Sin of Wrath has entered my domain eh. He say as he awakes and stands up on all four legs. I wonder what he wants. 

Possibly your head me Lord a soldier says to Rath.

Its a possible, but i doubt it. Either way, this could be fun. He says with a smile.

This is why we came to you wit the news me lord one lion man says 

Yey, for we knew you would know what to do.

...… where is the Dark Knights location? Lord Rath asks

For he is near the watering hole.

Perfect. Lets play a game with the dark knight shall we. Rath says with a sinister grin, lets send 4 waves of lion men at him in pairs. I want to see the strength of the Dark Knight .

Yes my lord i will go and get the soldiers ready a lion man says aa they both exit.

 It then cuts back to the Dark Knight.

Just how much farther do i have to walk before i encounter something, or reach the exit. Whichever comes first. He says walking.

Suddenly 2 lion men jump out and ambush Hennri. 

Look at what we have here

Yes looks like we were given the honor to kill the Knight of Demons. How lucky we are. You know knight of Demons I always believed you to be a myth, a fable. No mere human could have such a boastful reputation. But for here ye is right here in front of me.

Hennri grins. You know ive heard of the lion men. For ye is renowned for your might and speed. As fast and strong as a lion with the mind and body of a Man.

So knight of demons have ye ever slayed a lion man before? He asks the dark knight.

No but its a first time for everything he says as he draws his sword. Except killing, and thats what i intend to do to you two he says.

Its that right, the lion man says as he quickly darts towards Hennri, hennri is easily able to block the attack. Giving Henri no time to catch his breath the second lion man lunges at Henri attempting to bite his neck. Hennri gives the lion man a strong back kick. He the jumps high in to sky the lion me look up and he smiles at the fire blast he says then suddenly he blasts a huge burst of fire outta his mouth incinerating the two lion men. Lion and brimstone he says as he walks off.

It isnt long before Henri is ambushed yet again by two lion men.

2 more eh, i guess thats how you guys hunt? Or do i just get special treatment Henri asks

The lion men roar at him and attack they begin to circle him. And increase their speed creating after images on themselves.

So you two know the after image technique eh. So that means he goes to say but hes stopped due to a slash on his back. He goes to jump back to gather himself, but he's again gets attacked by a lion man this time its a slash across his upper chest. Henri then takes a huge leap back creating much distance between him and his opponents.

I hate speedsters. He says as he just stares at the two lion men. I didn't expect them to be this fast.

The lion men laugh and begin to mock Henri.

Well well well this cant be the same knight of demons of legend one says.

Hahaha i dont know it maybe true. Maybe the legends were fabricated. Maybe The stories about his skills were fabricated as well.

Or maybe the lion man says as he quickly dashes towards Henri and begins to run in circles around him creating after images once again. Henri begins to swing his sword but is hitting the after images. The lion man laughs. Or maybe brother its just were too fast. The second lion man join in an the two take turns attacking henri slashing him across his back as chest. 

Haha it looks like this is your end Knight of Demons. A lion man says

Dont boast just yet monster! Henri says as he tightens the grip on his sword. You see, i was just getting my timing right he says to the two lion men.

Beother finish him now! Be he swings his sword. Hes been studing our movements timing his swings.

The two lion men jump in and attack heni at the same time slashing him all over with their claws

Now demon cyclone he says as he does a 360 spin cutting both lion men clean in half.

Pheww henri says as he plunges his sword into the grond and takes a knew. Those two were a tad stronger than i though he says as he reaches into a sack on his lower back and grabs a small 7oz glass veil filled half way with a red liquid.

Ben a while snice i had to use a health potion Henri says as he pops the cork and begins to sip the potin. Suddenly just after a couple of sips all his wonds heal. He puts the cork back on the veil and puts the remainder in back in his sack. He then stands up and dusts himself off. I guess its safe to say that they know im here. Henri says as continues on the path.