
The Kismet

In a world of predestined heroes and villains. Cass, an unwilling antagonist, seeks to rewrite her fate when a prophecy threatens her mother's life. If things could not get worse, she has to team up with Nyla, a princess bound by tradition, they defy destiny's grip. striving to reshape their own futures.

Kara_Han · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Once upon a Villain

Once upon a time, there was a little princess living in a big beautiful forest. She was happy and loved by everyone. One day a little witch came into the forest and looked at the princess sleeping in her house. At first she didn't think much. But then she saw the princess's dresses and gold and started to get mad. While she was born to have a lucky and happy life, the witch was born poor and lonely. So, she used her magic to burn down the house of the princess while she was sleeping. The end.

My mother finished her story and closed the fairytail book. "I hate that story. It's so sad!" I whined while lying in my bed. My mother laughed and put her hand on my cheek. "Did the princess die?" I asked with a sad voice. My mother smiled softly at me and replied "Cassandra, you have to become more tough." I looked at her confused. What does that mean? She picked me up from the bed and carried me outside while continuing her thoughts "You are just five and already such a good person…That's something you have to work on." I started to hide in her neck and replied "But, I don't want to be evil" My mother sighed at my words and patted my shoulder. I looked up and saw her pointing at a giant tree full of glowing balls. My eyes widened and I couldn't stop my amazement "What is that?" I asked in adoration. The lights were glowing blue and pink, moving around the tree connected by a black thread. My mother smiled still looking at the lights "It's the kismet." I looked at her in confusion "Kismet? What is that?" I asked tilting my head innocently. "It's fate. Our destiny." She touched one of the light balls and continued "Hundreds of years ago the world was in chaos. People were fighting for power. They were confused about good and bad,right or wrong…But that changed with the kismet. The power of a big magician who turn a possible future into a set fate. Now everyone had a spot and you, my little angel, are meant to become a powerful evil witch." My mother hugged me proudly and turned around again to walk me inside. To her this was a small exchange. It is normal for parents to tell their children about how life works when they are young. But to me, this was the day I realized I can never live the life I wanted. Since I am living in a world where everything is predetermined. There are heroes and there are villains. You are born as either one. While as a hero you know for certain that your life will be successful, as a villain you know that…your life will be a living hell until death. Which is why I want to become a hero.