
The Kismet Conflict

In a dark world, two men stand in conflict. Ethan, a skilled fighter, escapes with Evelia and Raelin from a cruel captivity. On the run, Ethan discovers a powerful artifact enabling soul cultivation, unaware of its origin, he delves into this forbidden art. Within, he senses a trapped soul pleading for freedom. With newfound power and dangerous knowledge of soul cultivation, they face a mob mistaking them for ghost hunters in an abandoned mine, challenging their fate. Choosing to blend in with street children, they seek refuge in the city of Rada. As they journey through the desert, Ethan becomes a leader and protective friend to Evelia and Raelin. But with growing strength comes increased external threats. In Rada, they must hide their identities as cultivators to avoid slavery. "Threads of Destiny" weaves a dark fantasy adventure where fate, conflicts, and forbidden power take the protagonists on a perilous journey. Unraveling the artifact's mystery, they must decide whether to confront their enemies or embrace their own destinies.

united_imagination · Fantasy
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8 Chs


A year had passed since Evelia, Raelin, and Ethan settled in the bustling city. During this time, they made incredible progress in their cultivation, reaching the Essential Flow stage and advancing towards the Radiant Soul stage. Their abilities had expanded and became refined, transforming them into formidable fighters.

Within the city, they demonstrated their adaptability, seamlessly integrating into the lives of the street children. They formed a close bond with the group of 30 children, aged 6 to 17. The street children had become like a family to them, and together, they aided each other in surviving the harsh world of the streets.

The street children admired Evelia, Raelin, and Ethan for their skills, seeking their protection and guidance. They had become role models for the young adventurers, teaching them how to move discreetly through the city and skillfully steal valuable items for survival.

Yet, Evelia still felt unfulfilled. She firmly believed she could teach the other street children Qi cultivation, offering them a better future. Despite Ethan's warnings about the risks, she secretly instructed some older street children in the basics of cultivation.

As days passed, the street children made remarkable progress in their cultivation. Evelia was proud of their achievements, but her decision would soon prove to be fatal.

On a gloomy evening, Ethan's warning became a reality: one of the street boys Evelia had been teaching was caught attempting a theft. In his desperation, he refused to surrender and used his newly acquired cultivation skills to escape. In his uncontrolled state, he accidentally killed a city guard.

Chaos engulfed the city. The guards were furious and fearful, launching a massive manhunt for the fugitive street boy. Security measures were intensified, and the street children had to be even more discreet to evade detection.

Meanwhile, Ethan, who was in a different part of the city, suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of fear. He knew that something terrible had happened and would happen. The lives of his friends and his own were in danger.

He rushed to Evelia and Raelin, and the news hit him like a blow. The fugitive street boy had been captured but at a high cost. Several city guards were injured, and the city was in turmoil. The incident was perceived as a grave threat to security.

Ethan sensed that the situation was escalating, and the feeling of foreboding intensified. The city was no longer safe for them. They had to act immediately before it was too late.

In a nighttime meeting, they resolved to free the boy and leave the city to find a safe place. Evelia, Raelin, and Ethan would set out to rescue the boy, while the others would use the cover of night to depart from the city. They would meet up outside the city, 10 kilometers away.

In a daring operation, they managed to stealthily navigate through the prison and locate the boy. However, the scene that awaited them was heart-wrenching. The boy was already dead, apparently tortured during an interrogation. Evelia swallowed hard, tears welling up in her eyes. "We need to go and meet the others. I have a bad feeling about this," Ethan whispered.

The three hurried to the designated meeting point, but no one was there. They waited for hours as the sun slowly rose on the horizon. Passing farmers brought them the dreadful truth: the city guards had engaged in a great battle and defeated a criminal street gang led by cultivators.

Ethan was bewildered and overwhelmed with guilt. Had his ability failed him? Had it separated him from his friends to preserve his life? Was he responsible for the fate of his friends? He felt more powerless than ever before in his life.