
The Kishen War

Following up from the previous fanfic DTK’s Sister. This is a Soul Eater Short Fanfic. Disclaimer. Soul Eater (Japanese: ソウルイーター, Hepburn: Sōru Ītā) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Atsushi Ohkubo. Set at the "Death Weapon Meister Academy", the series revolves around three teams, each consisting of a weapon meister and (at least one) weapon that can transform into a humanoid. Trying to make the latter a "death scythe" and thus fit for use by the academy's headmaster Shinigami, the personification of death, they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and one witch, in that order; otherwise, they will have to start all over again. For more information please visit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soul_Eater_(manga) I do not own Soul Eater. This is a fanfic. Fan-fiction is fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc. I do however own my original characters featured in this Novel. I mean for this to be in the genre of action, dark fantasy, and as a dark comedy.

JaySkylar · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Noire's p.o.v.

I woke up worn out from all that changing in my soul that had me passing out on Fade throughout the night and winced as the pain in my shoulder throbbed. Ow! That kid really got me! Damn it, can't let Fade know or she won't let me fight him again. I slowly eased myself out of bed and went to the bathroom that was attached to this guest bedroom and went inside shutting the door. I fell against the door and slid down it as my hand went to my shoulder as it got worse. Owie! Maybe I should change the bandages? I winced again as I crawled over to the cabinet under the sink and searched for gauze. When I found it, I pulled it out along with peroxide and moved my collar to the side and cut away the bandages Fade had given me and dumped the peroxide on it, biting the inside of my shirt to keep from screaming. After it subsided, I rinsed it off and bandaged it up and went out there to Fade with the gauze and inspected the sides of her shirt. I was so worn out I forgot to check her last night....Poor Fade. I felt sick as I saw the blood from where the witch got her and lifted up her shirt to bandage her up to. Fade stirred then opened her eyes and sat up quickly grabbing me by the throat and hissed. She let go immediately seeing it was me and laid back down. "What are you doing?"

"I was just bandaging your sides up sweetie," I rubbed the back of my neck and set the gauze down on the bed. "Sorry Fade...I should have woken you up first."

"That would've been the bright idea." Fade smiled at me and looked down at her wounds. "Don't look to bad.."

"It's bad enough to me to rank my list of worst days ever." I mumbled as I poured a little bit of peroxide on it.

"AHHHHH!" She yelled and gripped the sheets. "WHY!"

"WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?" Kendal asked walking in rubbing his eyes. "Are you murdering someone- WHOA! She looked pissed off." I bit my bottom lip and didn't look at Fade, not wanting to see one of her legendary death glares and started bandaging up her side.

"You know that you should have taken care of that BEFORE you went to sleep Fade..." I mumbled, glancing at her eyes. Her eyes were almost rolled into the back of her head as she looked up trying not to glare at me. "You know you love me." I smiled a little and finished up. "Now....pain killers." I went into the bathroom and came out with some pain killers and a glass of water, handing it to Fade. She smiled and reached out for them and took them quickly washing them down with the water.

"I do love you Noire! Yet I hate it when your right about this stuff..." She sat up and held her stomach.

"Nope, you're on bed rest. Text Black Star for the rest of the day while I go investigate." I pushed her back down and grabbed her phone off of the nightstand and put it in her hand. "I'm sure he would love it."

"I don't think so! I am coming with you. I am perfectly fine, it's nothing but a few scratches. I can handle it."

"No, I don't think so either. Now lay down or I'll go find something to knock you out with." I stared her down.

"Nope, I'm coming with you because if I stay here alone I will go insane. What if the ringing comes back? You need to be by me to tell me it's ok." She climbed out of bed and stood up. "I am not laying in bed all day."

"Ugh, fiiiiine." I turned away from her and walked off into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and turned on the water in the bathtub and grabbed a towel off of the counter. Closing my eyes, I put my face in the towel and screamed into it. Why are you so stubborn!!!!! 

"Noire! Don't take so long! Kendal said breakfast will be served down in his study. I'm leaving the map on the bed for you. Bye!" I heard Fade leave and I looked at the door.

"Why? Why are you stubborn?" I muttered and took a shower quickly, keeping my wounds out of the water to the best of my ability. When I got done, I got dressed and dried my hair then walked out and grabbed the map. "Ok....the study.....this way? Really?" I frowned and walked out into the hallway and followed the map to the study, getting there after 10 minutes of being lost. "Hey guys! Morning!" I smiled as I walked in and went over to Fade. "Hey there little miss stubborn."

"Hi! So I called Stein and he is running the blood tests. Oh and Medusa is being investigated by him as we speak. Crona is in the newspaper." She tossed it to me.

"How is Stein supposed to do a blood test without the blood?" I mumbled.

"He said he has blood from before when he stitched you up..." Fade shrugged.

"Creepy." I smiled and looked down at the paper only to see Crona on the front page. Mysterious Murder of DWMA Pilot. I shook my head and set it down on the table. "Poor guy. Can we go after Crona? I've got some questions."

"After you eat and I get my shower and little honey wakes up." Fade told me and stood up. Sighing, I sat down and grabbed a plate of food and started eating.

"Fine. I'll eat."

"Be back." Fade left me here and Kendal turned around as he grabbed a book of the shelves.

"So....You're Kendal then." I looked at him as I took a bite of my eggs.

"Yep, I'm Kendal." He smiled and sat down across from me.

"I didn't think Adrian had a triplet....Kind of weird...."

"I didn't know either." He gave me a smile.

"So...how's....umm....your morning? How's your morning?" I gave him a smile as well.

"Besides getting a rude wake up call, perfectly fine. If your wondering about why Charles didn't wake up from it, it's because he sleeps through everything like a rock. You can't wake him up, he wakes himself up."

"Reminds me of this guy named Black Star back home." I giggled and watched him.

"Black Star... hmm.. Oh I've heard about him."

"Fade is engaged to him." I smiled.

"She's engaged to him? Wow..."

"Yup, she's engaged to a guy who sleeps like a rock and has the smartness of a rock. Basically, she's marrying a huge rock that took a human shape." I giggled as I insulted him.

"I have a feeling you don't like this... rock."

"No, he's pretty cool actually. It's just I don't like it when he steals my Fade." I mumbled looking down at my plate.

"He steals her? Some guy he is.."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I looked back up at him. Are you going to insult him to?

"Well he don't sound like a very good gentlemen. Stealing girls. That's not the way to get them."

"I meant it loosely. He technically just steals a kiss from her or picks her up taking her to his room to snuggle or something. That's all I've ever seen him do."

"So what about you? Who's the lucky guy?" He pointed to my hand. Huh? I looked down at my hand and saw Kid's engagement ring he gave me.

"Oh yeah....Forgot about that....It happened recently really." I looked up at him. "Death the Kid, Fade's twin brother."

"Really? Charles is going to be very fond of you then." What?

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"Charles' hero is Death the Kid. Kind of odd since how he definitely made a good impression last night...Throwing cake at him..."

"Oh really? Well I can help with an impression if that's what Charles wants." I giggled. "Kid likes little children I think anyways....Not sure....He called them weird once when we were at the top of the Eiffel Tower...."

"I think I rather let Charles do what he wants, he has a weird way of thinking and impressions. Knowing him he will be an angel in person to Death the Kid."

"Maybe.....You never know with people. Kid actually is a little more scary in person." I joked.

"GOOD MORNING!" I heard an adorable little boy's voice yell as he came in carrying a plate of cake. "Oh hi Noire, I'm Charles." He smiled at me as he came into my vision more clearly. "Where is Fade?"

"She wanted to play hide and seek this morning. How about you run along and go find her?" I smiled sweetly. Maybe you can make her faint or something so I can make her stay behind.

"Mkay! FADE! WHERE ARE YOU!" He yelled as he handed Kendal the plate of cake and then he stormed out the room. I looked over at Kendal and put a finger to my lips.


"Uh." He put the plate down watching Charles run out the room. "Fade might kill you?"

"She might kill me, yes. Depends on how much she likes that kid." I smiled.

"Oh ok." He stood up and walked over to the door looking out into the hall. "Hm... He runs fast."

"Little kids usually do." I giggled as I stood up and went over to him and looked out into the hall not seeing a trace of Charles.

"Three....Two....ONE." Charles ran back down the hall to us and stopped as Fade calmly was walking down the hall.

"I FOUND HER!" Charles yelled. Fade got to us and crossed her arms.

"He was only seconds from running in at the wrong time." She shivered.

"Hahahahahaha, you should see your face!" I giggled and pulled her into a hug. She hugged me and Kendal clapped his hands.

"Wow that was pretty impressively fast this time Charles. Hey let's go out now and search for Crona and anything else we might find." He walked down the hall and Charles grabbed Fade and my hand pulling us with him after Kendal.

"Yeah, I've got a rep to save." I mumbled.

"Yeah. HEY CAN WE GET ICE CREAM LATER?" Charles asked us.

"Sure." Kendal said quickly. I gasped.

"Ice cream? Really? Is there an ice cream shop in town or something?"

"Yeah! We know this amazing ice cream shop at town."

"Awesome, there is one back at Death City too." I looked at Fade. "It's been a while since we went there Fade...."

"We should go with the whole gang as soon as we get back!" Fade suggested.

"That's what I was thinking!" I laughed and Charles stopped as Kendal opened the front door and held it open for us as we went outside to the car and got in.

"We forgot to tell mommy we are leaving." Charles said quickly in a worried tone.

"I told her already." Kendal said and drove off. "I told her before she could make her morning coffee."

"Awe you have a mom- well of course you should.. How about a father? Oh! CAN I MEET THEM????" Fade asked quickly.


"Let me explain. You see, Fade only knows her dad and he's a little weird," I told the two boys. "She's curious."

"Well, yeah I guess you could meet them. Don't act so crazy though when you do." Kendal said and chuckled.

"Wow! I get to meet his parents Noire."

"Alright calm down Fade." I smiled at her excitement and pulled her to me, petting her head. "You've been excited since the moment you woke u- Oh yeah, what the hell was up with trying to kill me this morning?" I kept petting her hair calmly.

"Uh... I was having a strange dream?"

"Oh? A strange dream? Why don't you tell me about this strange dream?" I got very interested.

"It's nothing important just seen James and he had that look that I seen when I died the first time and then he moved in to take his kill again and that's when I felt you touching me." He what?!

"Oh? I'm sorry Fade....Do you think he was really there or do you think it was just a memory repeat?" I frowned. James, are you acting up again?

"It was just a dream Noire. Just a nightmare, just a memory." She shrugged.

"I'm not going to let that happen to you again ok? Why do you think I blocked last night when I knew it was going to hurt me the second time?" I rested my hand on the side of her head as I had her lean on me.

"I'm not too worried over it honest." She shrugged again and then grabbed my hand placing it over her ear. "There it is again." I frowned and kissed the top of her head.

"It's going to pass. It keeps passing. You'll be ok Fade." This is bad....If we get into a fight today and the ringing comes midbattle.....Shit.

"Hey what's bothering Fade? Her ear? My mom just happens to be a doctor. I can have her take a look."

"That would be great if you don't mind. Just don't let Fade hear the word doctor." I looked at Kendal and nodded.

"What? What did you just say? Are you two talking about me? Ugh. I can't hear much over this ringing." I kept my hand over her ear thinking it made her feel better and had her rest her head on my chest.

"Shhhhh, you'll be ok. Don't worry about what I just said to Kendal." I took my other hand and started digging in my pocket and took out my pocket mirror and called Lord Death on it. I need to tell him about the injury count.

"Should we take her now?" Kendal asked as he stopped at a stop sign. "To see my mom?"

"That would be nice thank you." I glanced up at him and then looked back at the mirror.

"Hey! OH HI Noire. How's it going?" Lord Death asked.

"It's going ok. Not as well as I would have hoped. I'm reporting the current injuries for this mission, don't panic when I tell you."

"Oh? Ok. What are they?"

"Fade hears ringing in her ears every once in a while and can't really hear anything else when it happens due to being hit badly with magic and being slammed into the ground. We are taking her to see Kendal's mom who is a doctor and she's going to look at her ears. Fade also has been grazed and stabbed by some of the witches magical whiskers and I've been injured by Crona and Ragnorok, but other than that, we are fine."

"Hmmm, interesting. I want to hear about what his mom says. Oh and anything else?"

"Traumatic dreams and I got choked by Fade this morning." I added on.

"Yes, I see some bruises on your neck. You look a bit pale. Report back to me soon. I need to go ask Stein some things. Tell Fade I hope she get's well soon. Oh and you to Noire. Get well."

"We will. Bye Lord Death." I smiled at him and put the mirror up and looked at Fade worried. Is she going to be alright?  She looked up at me and gave me a smile.

"Hey it's going away."

"That's good." Charles said looking at us.

"Yeah, Lord Death say he hopes you get better soon." I smiled at her and went back to petting her head.

"Fade can you hear well now?" Kendal asked.

"I can hear you."

"I'm taking you to see my mom, she's going to have a look at your ears."

"Uh... ok."

"I hope it's nothing serious." I looked at her and sighed.

"Don't be so worried Noire." Fade told me and smiled.

"I bet it'll go away soon." Charles said and pulled out his brother's phone from in Kendal's jacket. "I'll tell mom we are on our way for a visit." He started typing away on it.

"How can I not be worried? It was my fault." I looked down at her and frowned.

"Don't you dare blame it on yourself. It was my own fault." Fade told me sitting up. "I got what I deserved for playing with your food."

"But still...." I pulled her back to me and made her lay her head in my lap and went back to petting her.

"It wasn't your fault. Don't beat yourself up over it." She muttered.

"It's easier said than done," I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Just know it was not your fault." I froze and looked at her.

"Y-you said that when you died the first time," I felt tears well up. I'm such a wretched weapon....I let her get hurt again! I wiped at my eyes to keep her from seeing them.

"We're almost there." Kendal told us and gave another smile.

"Hmm, thanks Kendal," I said as I gave him a weak smile. "Thank you for everything."

"No problem! You guys were so worth it."

"T-thanks," I blushed and looked down at Fade. "Prepare yourself for the worst experience of your life."

"What?" She looked confused and sat up looking around as Kendal locked the doors and pulled up to the gates of the hospital.

"OH hi Kendal, go right on in." The gate keeper said and opened the gate for us and Kendal drove in giving a nod.

"Noire..." Fade said and tensed up. "Why. Are. We. At. A. Hospital?"

"We need to get those ears looked at and that side wound maybe too." I pulled her back to me and held her to me. "Calm down Fade. I'll be here every step of the way."

"I don't think I want to meet Kendal's mom anymore." Fade muttered as Kendal parked.

"Well, you are going to because I'm worried about you." I smiled at her and unlocked the door, getting out with Fade in my arms and swept her off her feet to make sure she didn't run away.

"Uh." Fade shivered.

"Ha! Even I'm not afraid of a doctor." Charles said as he got out and Kendal picked him up putting him on his shoulders.

"You will be when you meet the doctor back home," I smirked and looked at Charles. "He's my adopted dad."

"Cool!" Charles said and Kendal lead the way.

"Follow me."

"Ok Kendal." I started to follow him and looked down at Fade to check on her. "You're gonna be ok right?"

"Yeah..." She was breathing heavily and looking around.

"Shhhh, think about ponies and unicorns and rainbows and souls. Fun right?" I tried to get her mind off of her surroundings.

"Ok Noire." She said quietly and Kendal lead us to an elevator and up to the sixth floor and walked up to the desks.

"Hey, we are here to see-"

"HI KENDAL AND CHARLES! Oh you want to see your mom? Sure she is in her office go right on back. Who's the pretty ladies?" A girl asked from behind the desk.

"They are friends of ours." Kendal said and lead us off down the hall quickly. When we got down the hall and entered a room, I saw a lady preparing some tools and looked down at Fade/

"Don't freak." I told her.

"Uh huh." Fade said quickly and the lady turned to us and sure enough Charles looked ken to her.

"Hi! My name is Victoria Baker. You can call me Tori. You two girls must be Kendal's friends? Charles said he was bringing you. So the young lady being carried must be who I will be looking at?" Tori asked.

"Yeah mom." Kendal said sitting Charles down.

"Hi Tori, I'm Noire and this is Fade." I smiled at her. "I'm sorry if she bites. She hates being at hospitals." I set her down on the table/bed thingy and shut the door.

"That's fine. Fade I promise I will not hurt you. I get young boys and girls all the time afraid of doctors. They walk out with a slight change of mind afterwards." Tori gave a sweet smile. "So what's the story? Your ears is bothering you?"

"Yeah, she's been having a ringing in her ears and she got hurt last night by a witch we were fighting. I bandaged it up, but I don't know if that will be fine either." I smiled at Tori and petted Fade's head, keeping her down.

"Pttf, please. You got hurt to Noire." Fade muttered.

"Ok, I'll take a look in her ears and run a few tests. I'll check on the two of your wounds and see what I can do." I froze. N-no, I don't want to be checked!!!!

"No, I'll be fine miss. Really, it's just Fade." I smiled at her and put a hand over Fade's mouth.

"Ok." Tori turned around and grabbed a utensil to look down Fade's ears and walked over to Fade. Fade tensed up and widened her eyes.



"Sure." He walked over and held Fade down as Tori checked Fade's ears.

"Hm..." She pulled away.

"What is it? Is it bad?!" I started to panic inside.

"No actually her ears look just fine... That means only one other thing I can think of."

"What?!" I clenched my fists. If Fade's ears are fine! Then what is it! 

"Actually I can think of more then one theory. It is either 1) This is all just in her head and she is just tramatized and it'll go away within the next month or 2) The witch cast a brilliant spell on her and the ringing could last for a very looooong time. Causing Fade to go crazy." Tori sat down quickly. I slowly looked at Fade. Which one is it then?

"Fade? Did she....cast a spell on you that was off from the rest?"

"I don't read che che language." Fade looked frustrated.

"Well which one do you think it is Fade?" I walked over to her and tilted her head up to look at me.

"I'm not mental." Fade said calmly.

"I know that. I just want that ringing to go away...." I frowned a little as I looked into her eyes.

"It makes since." Kendal said quickly.

"What?" I looked at him and watched him.

"The witch was hitting Fade with magic right? So it mustve been a spell for this? Right?"

"M-maybe....I'm going to get Dr. Stein to look at you too when we get back ok Fade? He might be able to find out more...." I sighed and looked at Tori. "Is there a mirror around here that I can use?"

"Through that door is a private bathroom with a mirror." She pointed at a door. I smiled at her and went in there and called up Lord Death again.

"Hey! What did you find out Noire?"

"Fade's ears are fine. It's a mental state. The doctor thinks that she either believes its there and its not or the witch cast a spell on Fade to make her slowly go mad." I sighed and leaned against the counter looking at him.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in." He turned around. "STEIN!!!!!!!"

"That's what I was thinking too." I brightened up as he called for him.


"Whoa...really? You are sending them all the way over here?" I straightened up.

"Hm?" Spirit dropped a tray of tea. "What? A mission?" Spirit asked as Stein walked in.

"Yes boys. Go to Italy and find Fade and Noire and assist them." Lord Death turned to me. "Meet them at the air port ok?"

"Yeah, yeah. Shhh, got to ask Stein something." I looked around Lord Death at Stein. "Did my results come back yet?"

"They came back, positive."

"But how in the world....Mom." I sighed. "Guess that's who her family was that she never knew."

"What are you guys talking about?" Lord Death looked curious.

"Oh I had a blood test done. One of the letters that we found raised some suspicion about the legitness of the letters, so we tested one of the things Medusa said. Apparently I'm related to Tsubaki in some way." I explained to him.

"Sir, I thought you wanted me to watch Medusa carefully." Stein said.

"Well, that can wait. I will put someone else to doing that." Lord Death rubbed it off.

"How about Sid?" I suggested helpfully.

"Great idea." Lord Death looked over at Spirit. "Go get Sid and then you two be on your way to Italy." I stopped the call and walked out into the room.

"Lord Death is sending them over to help out, Fade." I walked over to her and watched as Tori inspected her wounds.

"Ok." Fade mumbled as she glanced at me. "Wait, you were talking to Tori." Fade blushed.

"No I was talking to you silly." I giggled and ruffled Fade's hair. "Stein and Spirit are coming over and oh....the results came back on my blood. It's true apparently."

"Cool! One big happy family." Fade said as she gripped Kendal's arm in a death grip and she let out a yelp.

"All done." Tori said and Kendal let Fade go and she ran over to the other side of the room grabbing a box of gloves and pointed it at Kendal.

"Stay back!" She yelled and he busted out laughing.

"Well. You girls are good to go, you two boys." Tori said sweetly. "Be home for dinner around eight."

"Thank you ma'am for helping us." I bowed my head a little in thanks and smiled at her.

"Your welcome." Fade grabbed my hand and ran out the room quickly. Laughing, I let her pull me all the way down to the car and held the door open for her.

"You're so silly Fade."

"Uh-huh." Fade said and Kendal walked up with Charles. We climbed into the car and Kendal drove off.

"Where to my ladies?"

"Let's start with the airport. He might have it under surveillance." I suggested.

"That's a great idea." Kendal drove us to the airport. When we got there, I climbed out and looked around.

"CRONAAAAAAA! COME AND GET MEH!" I shouted as loud as I could.

"Hm?" Fade stepped out and looked around and the boys followed us.


"I don't know how to deal with girls shouting at me. I can't deal with it. I just can't deal with girls challenging me! I don't know what to do! What do I do?! I can't deal with girls! I don't know how!" I heard a familiar voice echo around the empty foggy parking lot and spun around, searching for Crona.

"Fade...." I glanced at her. "We should get Charles and Kendal out of here before we do anything."

"Hey boys, get in the car and stay down low." Fade said and grabbed my hand and they obeyed her. "Crona?! SHOW YOURSELF."

"If I show myself, we'll just fight again! You people never learn! I can't deal with this! I can't! Ragnorok! I tell you! I can't deal with this!"


"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Fade shouted and the held her hand up to her ear. "Ughmmnmn."

"Fade?" I pulled her closer to me. "Damn, you're hearing it again."

"Look Ragnorok, something is wrong with the shinigami. It looks like she can't deal with the spell. How do they expect to fight if the shinigami is paralyzed from the ringing in her head?"

"They can't. We just get to have easy dinner." Ragnorok said.

"YOU'VE GOT IT ALL WRONG! IF FADE CAN'T FIGHT! I STILL WILL! YOU OWE ME THAT FROM LAST NIGHT YOU PURPLE HEADED BASTARD/COWARD OR WHAT EVER WE CALL YOU!" I sat Fade down on the pavement and checked around for them, but I still didn't see them. Fade stood up and collected herself as she fixed her jacket.

"I'm ok, it was only for a second." She mumbled and looked around. "Crona! I will fight you this time, and I will get my chance to make an example out of you!"

"Crona?" I looked around and was shoved to the ground, scraping my hands and my cheek as I hit the pavement.

"Noire?" Fade panicked and ran over to me and tackled Crona. "DON'T TOUCH MY NOIRE!"

"WAAAAH! THERE'S A GIRL ON ME! RAGNOROK! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH CRAZY GIRLS ON ME! AHHHHHH! WHAT DO I DO!!!!!" I heard Crona shout from right next to me on the ground. I looked over to see Crona on the ground with Ragnorok a few feet away and Fade on top of him. She shot Crona a death glare.

"I'M NOT CRAZY!" Fade yelled at him and then glanced at me.

"Don't look at me for confirmation! I'll agree with Mr. Purple head." I warned her.

"I'M NOT." She grabbed Crona by the throat. "Since I have your attention, I would like to know what you know about this...spell."

"You can't possibly hurt me!" Crona didn't struggle and just looked up at Fade calmly.

"You can't possibly kill me. So spill the beans."

"I-It was a trap....from the very beginning! Medusa wanted Noire! The Kishin gang was formed by the Mizune sister under direct orders from Lady Med-" Fade was hit by black needles that seemed to come from the black sword that was now a black puddle, turning into bloody needles to hit Fade with.

"YOU WEAKLING! SHUT UP CRONA OR I'LL PUT TACKS IN YOUR BED!" Ragnorok shouted. My eyes widened as I watched Fade. She looked a bit surprised as the tacks hit her then her face turned to anger.

"OH? You want to play hard Rag-doll." Fade stood up and stepped all into the puddle and then onto Crona's face. "Five seconds. You have five seconds."


"Then carry on with what you were saying." Fade smirked seeing she found his weakness, feet!

"Joshua and Antonio, they were only pawns! They were told to form a Kishin gang and that they would receive protection from the witches if they killed people and got their names at the top of Lord Death's list! Medusa wanted Lord Death to send you two out here to separate you from help and have them kidnap you! We were going to wipe them out after they got you, but everything didn't go according to plan. You got away, and there was a big mess that could have gotten us in trouble earlier! Lord Death wasn't supposed to know about the witch yet! It was supposed to be a transfer with the Kishin gang. Protection for Noire and you, but we were going to kill them anyways because we didn't need loose ends! L-lady Medusa ordered me to come here and help the Mizune clean up her mess and see to it that it didn't happen again, but you two were sent here to fight her and Medusa found out about it! She warned the witch about you two and ordered her to get Noire and kill you if possible because having the two of you together is dangerous. If we could have separated you long enough, we would have had Noire for the rest of her life! The Mizune sister sent me to go burn the warehouse when you two showed up and killed her. She put the spell on you to send you on your way to madness and so that way her death wouldn't be a complete loss! It's so perfect of a plan! Send you on your way to madness and trick you into turning Noire into a kishin and joining us on our side. A lot better than just killing you momentarily and stealing Noire and doing the dirty work of turning her into a kishin ourselves and we get a shinigami out of it!" Crona curled up into a ball after he got it all out. "Please don't do that again!" He shivered.

"Why- Why do you want Noire?" Fade asked and leaned down to Crona.

"She's a death scythe and she's related to the Nakatsukasa family. She's not near as complicated as a pure member of their family but she'll do! She's easier to catch than a weapon that can turn into ninja tools like smoke bombs! Turning her into a Kishin would be one of the best things we could do for our side!"

"You loose, you don't get Noire." Fade muttered. "We got advantages over you. Go tell Medusa that."

"Y-you're letting me go?" Crona sat up and looked up at my meister. What just happened? I was too confused at the time to really do anything about what was going on.

"Yes. I'm letting you go. Go catch a plane, go home, and tell her you failed." Crona shivered.

"I can't go home! I only told you all this because I was about to kill you anyways!"

"Well to bad, watch me. I am walking away. See you at DWMA." Fade walked over to me and reached out for my hand. I was too busy watching Crona crawl over to Ragnorok and pick him up as he turned into a sword.

"You aren't going anywhere!" Ragnorok shouted at us. I quickly turned into a weapon for Fade.

"Oh?" Fade turned around slowly. "You still want that butt kicking? I was gonna let you go free and make an example out of you later...Oh well, if you insist." Fade pointed me at them.

"I can't let you go after telling you all that!  Medusa would hurt me again!" Crona trembled as he raised his sword.

"You'll end up in that position anyways." Fade shrugged and stretched.

"I would rather have tried than not tried at all!" Crona stared at us with determination in his gaze, a new sight for us.

"Let me take my coat off real quick." Fade held up a finger. She slipped off her coat and then got into her famous position before she would go in for an attack.

"Why would you do that? I don't see the point in taking off the jacket. You look better with it on! Wouldn't you want to die looking nice?" Crona asked Fade.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to." Fade shook her head.

"Ragnorok, screech alpha." Crona narrowed his eyes at Fade. Oh god....not again. I watched them intently as they came at us. Fade used her jacket and threw it at the boy blinding him as she stabbed Crona in the throat. I clanged against him, but nothing happened.

"Feel grateful Crona! I just saved your life! Where's my thanks for hardening your blood?!" I heard Ragnorok shout as Crona brought him up to meet me and pushed me away from his neck.

"Ghaaa! What a waist. I will need to go visit Taylor now." Fade muttered and stepped back then ran back into another position to stab Crona again this time for his shoulder. Crona blocked and went to stab Fade as he knocked me out of the way.

"FADE!" I saw that as a weapon, I wasn't going to make it, so I did the blonde thing. I turned human and took the blow, falling to my knees.

"Noire." Fade looked down at me and held me close. "Not again!" I winced and turned back into a weapon quickly as Crona stepped back in surprise. Fade stood up and pointed me at him. "What?"

"W-why would she do that? Why would she t-take a b-blow like that?" Crona stared at me in confusion.

"Weapons will give up their lives to save their meisters Crona." Fade muttered softly.

"Uh huh, and don't you dare lecture me for that later Fade!" I shouted at her as I bit my bottom lip from groaning in pain.

"Soul resonance Noire." Fade said quickly.

"Yes ma'am." I obeyed and started performing soul resonance on a much higher level than the last time we used it....way higher. Awesome! Is this what it means to be a Death Scythe?  Then I felt a creepy feeling go through me, and I swear I heard laughter.

"Crona? Are you ready!" Fade attacked Crona then before he could respond and threw me into Crona's stomach hard. I felt Ragnorok rushing to harden the blood, but he was a little too late and I actually made a wound with Fade, but I didn't get to far before I couldn't move anymore.

"Gah!" Crona spat out blood and fell to his knees. "R-Ragnorok...."

"Shit!" Ragnorok cursed.

"Get out of here Crona, I don't want to kill you tonight." Fade said quickly. Ragnorok turned back into that hulking thing out of Crona's back and then took the form of a dragon looking creature and flew off with Crona before he could say anything back. "Mmmn." Fade dropped to her knees and dropped me. "What the hell..." She fell over and face planted the ground. I quickly untransformed and pulled her head into my lap.

"Fade? Are you ok? What's wrong?" I brushed her hair out of her face and looked down at her worriedly.

"I don't feel to well." The car doors opened and Kendal ran over to us.

"You two ok?" He asked dropping to his knees by me.

"I don't know! She's not ok!" I looked up at him in panic then back at Fade. "I'm so sorry! What happened?!"

"Noire.." Fade grabbed her belly and then curled up. "Oh my gawd..." She hopped to her feet and ran away to the trashcan laying around in the parking lot and puked.

"F-Fade?" I stood up and put a hand over my stomach where Crona had gotten me and walked over to her. "Why are you throwing up? Do you have the flu or something?"

"I don't kn- Oh no it's the ringing again." I frowned and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Fade? You can fight the spell." I gave her a soft smile. "I know you can."

"Right." She nodded and then her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell to the ground.

"FADE!" I fell to my knees to catch her. A hand fell down on my shoulders and someone took Fade from me. "NO! DON'T TOUCH MY FADE! I'LL TEAR YOU TO PIE- Oh hey Stein." I looked up at him as he stood over me with Fade in his arms.

"She doesn't look too good. I need to get started right away. Spirit, come get your daughter!" He looked over his shoulder then walked away.

"Yeah!" Spirit ran up and helped me to my feet and walked me over to the car and Kendal got into the front seat as we climbed into the car.

"My mom has everything you should need in our basement at home sir." Kendal told Stein. He drove off at a high speed.