
Batchelor Party

"Get up boy!" I am yelled at and I jerk up in my bead ready to fight.

"You were right Hunt he is a bit jumpy."

"Told ya, Levi."

"Come on guys lay off were not here to rag on him."

"Shut it, Anders! I'm still not convinced he's good enough."

"You shut it, Brent! Give the guy a chance!"

"Why don't you all shut it!"

"Who made you the boss here, Grant! I'm the oldest."

"Really Brenton? Because you're the one acting like a pup!"

I watch all my mate's cousins argue like I'm not even here. What the crap is going on?!

"Umm... guys?" As soon as I speak all five guys turn to face me. "Why are you in my room?"

"We have been instructed to get you away for the day then have you dressed and smiling for Willow's ceremony tonight." Brenton tells me.

"It's his ceremony too donkey breath." Anders says.

"It's cute how you won't curse. You're just a little puppy ain't ya?" Hunt chuckles pinching his cheek and Anders growls.

"Paws off!"

"As fun as this is can I get dressed?" I ask noticing I am in only my boxers.

Once I am clothed we head downstairs to get breakfast.

"So what are we doing?" I ask.

"It's your Batchelor party dude! We're going to a bar of course!" Levi yells.

"I can't go to a bar. I'm only 17." Anders whines.

"We can't get him drunk anyway. Uncle Ash said he'd run us to death if we tried." Grant interjects.

"Alright what do you suggest, pup?" Levi asks Anders.

"Laser Tag?" He asks and Brenton groans.

"I'm not six Anders. I'm not gonna run around shooting toy guns like a pup." He says.

"Come on man it's fun and would be approved by the family." Hunt says.

"Umm... what's Laser tag?" I ask.

"Okay now we have to go! How can you not know what Laser tag is?" Levi yells and I just shrug.

"Fine." Brenton groans. "You all owe me."


We spent hours running around the dimly lit, fog filled, obstacle course light show. I have to admit this is fun. The human kids are no match for us. I mean you can't expect them to stand up against a team of six werewolves ranging in age from 17 to 22.

"Alright I'm done." Brenton says sitting down in our booth and grabbing a piece of pizza.

"This is awesome and you know it!" Levi says.

"Bar would be better." He grumbles in response.

"Come on. He's probably a light weight anyway. We wouldn't be there long." Hunt chuckles looking me over.

"You ever drink Faolan?" Grant asks.

"Yea..." I answer.

Drinking isn't a big deal. It's legal at 18 most werewolves start at 16. I started drinking at 10... the Beta gave it to me so I'd "Loosen up". That thought sends a shiver down my spine. At 13 I was nearly an alcoholic. My dad found me drinking and dried me out. After a beating and close restriction I was sober a few years. When I became a rogue whiskey helped numb the pain then I got the good stuff specifically for werewolves and I was gone again. When Callon found me he helped me realize that alcohol is not a good coping mechanism.

"You're probably right Grant. It ain't worth it if he's a mess after two beers." Brenton agrees.

Something in me wants to prove myself to these guys. They will be my family soon and I can handle my liquor.

"Let's do it." I say standing up. "Unless you're afraid I can out drink you?" I direct my taunt to Brenton considering he is the one that so desperately wants to drink.

"Oh yea! The pups a partier!" Levi cheers as they all jump up.

"I'm not about to get my butt toasted for this. I'll catch you guys at home." Anders says and he leaves.

"There goes our designed driver." Levi pouts.

"The last one standing drives?" Hunt suggests.

"If we all get pissed we run home. No drinking and driving." I put a stop to this argument. I won't let them be that reckless. Everyone here is 18 or older so drinking is their choice but I won't let them hurt themselves or others.

"Alright Dad." Levi groans at my stern tone.

"I know just where to go." Brenton smirks and we head out.

"Let's get this party started!" Levi cheers going straight to the bar.

Gamma Asher POV

I have been helping get ready for the ceremony sence sun up. We sent Willow off with our Beta female Ruby and my nephews took Faolan out. I threatened those boys with a day of intense training with me if they get him drunk. The last thing we need is a plastered groom.

"Anders what are you doing here?" I ask the youngest boy as he walks in.

"Ummm... I got tired and decided to come home." He says giving a big stretch and an over exaggerated, obviously fake, yawn. "Well I'm gonna nap before tonight!" He says quickly trying to run upstairs.

"Hold it pup!" I stop him. He turns to face me looking scared. No one likes when I'm the one punishing them and he knows by my tone a storm is coming. "You have two options Anders. You can tell me what's going on and go up to your room unscathed or you can wait for me to find out on my own and take the punishment alongside your brother and cousins." He gulps before spilling his guts.


I get to the bar ticked off. I specifically told the boys not to go off drinking! Faolan has had a rough life. With all that training and everything I doubt the boy has ever even drank. He's a good kid! If he is too out of it for tonight my nephews are dead!

When I walk in the sight is more than surprising.

"Thank God you're here." Faolan sighs.

"What happened here pup?" I ask seeing all four boys passed out in a booth with Faolan trying to get them to drink some water and eat pretzels.

"They wanted to drink." He shrugs.

"Okay, only two of you are old enough to drink. What made you agree to this?" I scold him considering he is the only one coherent enough to.

"We're all 18. The pup went home." He argues.

"21. You have to be 21 to drink here." I inform him.

"Oh... I'm sorry Gamma. With all their talk I figured they could hold up." He tells me as he props Levi up.

"You didn't drink?" I ask surprised at how alert he is compared to the rest.

"More than any of them." He chuckles. "And they called me a light weight."

"How are you not out cold?" I ask and he sighs.

"I was basically a functioning alcoholic for a little over a year until a friend of mine realized what was going on. I don't drink much now but I developed a high tolerance... this isn't even the werewolf stuff." He laughs.

"You know the "werewolf stuff" as you put it is pure alcohol and would kill a human right?" I ask stunned by this  development about my new son.

"It makes you numb if you drink enough... that's why I won't drink it any more. The numbness, the escape... it's addictive ya know?" He stares off into space but is brought back as a barley concious Brenton tries to grab a glass of whiskey off the table. Faolan stops him and downs the liquid. "This human stuff is like juice when you're used to the real stuff."

"Okay..." I say not knowing how to address the pain behind his words. A 19 year old who has already overcome an alcohol addiction. Not to mention the pain he was using the alcohol to numb... I'm just glad he seems alright. "We need to get these fools back home and you need to get ready for tonight... are you sure you're good? You drank alot." He waves me off.

"Hardly even a buzz. I am thankful for werewolf healing. I'm really surprised they are so far gone." He says lifting Levi out of the booth and putting his arm over his shoulder.

"When exactly did you start drinking?" I ask as I pull Hunt out of the booth carrying him to the car as Faolan carries Levi. We'll come back for the other two.

"10." He sighs. "I don't want to talk about it."

I nod as we put the boys in and go back for the other two.

"I'm sorry to bring it up. Today is supposed to be happy for you." I tell him.

"It's no problem." He assures me with a small smile. "I won't let my past ruin today." He chuckles as he pulls Grant out of the booth and I get Brenton. "I'd hate to be them when Willow finds out that they got pissed on the day of  her mate's Ceremony." I laugh with him.

"Don't think you'll get off Scott free, son. You didn't stop them." I tell him and he sighs.

"I guess you're right." He pauses and looks at the barley concious Grant he is helping out the door. "I really wanted them to like me."