
The Kings Mate: Vivienne

Vivienne just wanted a mate and maybe some active life after high school. Instead she gets a little more than she bargained for.

Mahayla_Bainter_0237 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

The end of the week couldn't have come fast enough after my crap show of a birthday. By the time Saturday rolled around I was just glad it was the weekend. High school kids are absolutely rude and don't leave shit alone. It is like if something happens they must harp on it until something new comes around. I had shown no change to how I acted or went about my day but that didn't stop them. Thankfully the Court Ball was coming up in the next couple of weekends. People would be getting into the disussion of that.

I got dressed in some black highwaisted shorts with a tucked in with some black high top converse. I leave my house to go pick up Violet. I started up my songs on my phone with Disturbia by Rihanna with shuffle on. Its around ten in the morning so I know she will be a little grumpy but when you have to travel to get to anything other than woods getting up early is necessary. With our lands near Black Mountain we had an hour to get to Missoula to a decent dress shop. We could have headed towards Helena but I didn't like it as much.

Rolling up to Violets Counting Stars by OneRepublic came on. They were such a good band and had some really upbeat songs. Honking my horn to let Violet know I was there I sat in the truck jamming to the music. Almost towards the end of the song Violet came out looking a little rumpled with a messy bun, t-shirt that said Not Today Satan, jean shorts, and some tennis shoes. She gets in the truck with a huff and grumbles out 'morning.' I grin and put the truck in drive. Looked like coffee was going to be necessary on the way in.

An hour later we pull onto the main strip of Missoula. Violet is more alert looking around with her almost finished iced coffee in hand. She had to have the biggest size available. How she hasn't asked for a bathroom yet is beyond me along with how the hell is she not bouncing off the sides of my truck. I could never.

Parking in front of the dress shop I cut the truck off right as Violet hops out. That might be the caffeine finally hitting. I step out the truck more reserved and dreading a caffeinated Violet while shopping. I maybe should have forced a smaller size on her but not much I could do now. I had sealed my fate. "Vi! After dresses we need to check out the rest of the clothing shops. We haven't been in a while."

"We came like two months ago!" I trail after her into the store.

"That is way too long between trips. We should make it monthly or something sooner. I might need to change my nails or my style up in a hurry. You never know." She flipped her braids over her shoulder dramatically. The gold accents in them sparkled under the lights. She would probably have some new hairstyle for the ball. I was actually excited to see what she got done. We were not old enough to attend last time because they only allowed wolves that could mate. Even the royal family kept to the tradition. The prince was only five years older than us, unmated, and according to rumor taking over the crown this year. His parents wanted to travel before they got too old. They were about 400 years old since we could live to be about 500. Our aging process really slowed down after we hit 18.

"I can't keep up with you anymore." I laugh. "Let's see what we can find to wear." We split up to look through the dress options. It helps that we know each other's size so if we find something we know the other will like we will pick it up. About thirty minutes later we meet at the dressing room with arms full of dresses. There are an array of colors for us to choose from. I pick a black one first.

"Can you please choose color for this event? You stay in darker colors. Lets spruce it up some!"

"I can choose what I want. Let me enjoy the black dress first." I stick my tongue out before going into the changing room.

"If you choose color I will help you get ready!" She calls over the curtain. Makeup is a weak spot for me and she knows it.

"Will you just try on some dresses woman?" I laugh. I hear her huff and close the dressing room curtain next to me.

A few hours later we both haven't really found what we are looking for and are running out of options. She had a golden dress left and I was down to two dresses one in green and one in golden yellow. "You try on the green while I try this one on?" She said looking at our options.

"Sounds good to me." I grab the dress and we nod to each other like we are ready for battle. Entering the dressing room I take a deep breath. I hope this works out otherwise we just killed hours of time in this store for nothing.

"Well I can say its soft. What about you?"

"It fits and it matches my hair really well. I guess we need to step out to give each other a good look. Ready?"

"One…two…three!" We step out at the same time. I take in her dress that looks too short to cover her butt with a deep v between her breasts. "Girl! That is it."

"Really?" I look down at my floor length dress. Its a double v neck chiffon formal dress. There is a split one one side to show some leg when I walk.

"Yes. I can see you with hair up and some gold accents. It is really coming together." She claps in excitement.

"I honestly like your dress but don't you feel exposed? I couldn't handle that short."

"Actually I would like to inform you that it is a romper but looks like a dress with the layering and setting of the fabric." She grins with her hands on her hips.

"Holy shit. Really? That is amazing. Do a little spin please." I watch as she does a twirl. It really is a romper. If she doesn't move a certain way while you are looking you wouldn't be able to tell. The fabric hits this v almost down her legs making it higher up on her thighs to give it a risky look.

"Oh look who it is. Boyfriend snatcher and her well trained dog." A very familiar voice says behind me. I roll my eyes and turn around.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snap. "I don't care about your boyfriend. I don't care about your false rumors. I just want to keep going with my life. Yet here you stand like some insecure piece of trash with nothing better to do."

"You tried to take my boyfriend from me. I have every right to be pissed off. Really I should teach you a lesson." She puts her hands on her hips.

"I didn't try to steal anyone's boyfriend. If he can't see what the goddess gave him then that is on him. I accepted and wish you both luck on this little relationship of yours." I motion to Violet to get our stuff so we can leave. One of us should keep her in our sights just in case. "I don't really care what else you have to say. Keep away from me and keep my name out of your mouth. I wasn't born to live rent free in your head or life."

Violet steps up next to me with our dresses. "I am ready to leave the trash."

"Let's go." I bump shoulders with the crew to make a point as I head to pay and leave.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!

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