
chapter 1.

Rain fell down covering the small wails of a baby outside a church. A small little girl weak and frail crying in a small basket with a pink blanket. A preist noticed her and picked up the. basket bringing her inside. Then on the other side of the small kingdom a queen is crying as her new daughter passed from small pox. They burried her and put pink roses upon her grave, as they wept for their loss.

The orphaned baby is fed and rocked to sooth her wails of hunger. The nuns take her as their own to care for. The children look the same but were brought into this world to lead different lives. If the princess didnt get sick the orphaned baby would be a beggar to get money. If the princess lived she would become royal and marry a prince to gain her mother's title.

lives have changed worlds are combined all because of one change. Could the sick newborn be the reincarnated princess no one knows but they love her anyway.

The king learns of the baby alone and frail. He asks his wife if she would want to take her in as their own. She says yes with hope in her eyes and knowing that this could be their last chance for an heir. The king calls for a knight dressed in gold to go get the little girl from the nuns. She is carried in the basket she was brought to the church in to the palace. A three day journey with many feeding breaks. The knight showed up with a less frail baby with a smile on her face. The king gazed at her and tried to not sob knowing that this little girl reminded him of the baby he and his wife tried so hard for and lost.