
The Kings Curse

A life unknown caused by revenge. At the hands of a scorned sorceresses, Malik was punished by a life as an outsider. Will Malik fight to know where he came from or will he suffer in the shadows. Raven was the human leaders daughter. Beautiful and strong, she knows what she wants and she gets it. She dreamed of traveling the world until meeting Malik and discovering her Mothers secret, changes her journey.

Raven_St0ne · Sci-fi
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21 Chs

Raven Steele

Raven's POV:

"Holy hell Raven, excuse my words but you are absolutely stunning today" Jane cooed. "I really have no words; you've grown into such an amazing young woman. I'm just not ready for this." I looked at her trying to hold back the tears "Jane please, you'll ruin this beautiful work of art you just painted on my face if you continue this sappy crap." I quickly embraced her tightly, "thank you for all of this, for everything" I whispered. Jane broke free from me and lightly patted under my eyes trying to fix the little bit I smudged on her shoulder. I turned to look in the full-length mirror again, studying myself, trying to find myself and what my wishes were. I know my parents are going to make some sort of toast to me and ask me what my wishes are for my birthday but they won't want to hear them. Especially not around hundreds of our guests from the Kingdom. The sparkle of my emerald earrings caught my eye. They dangled elegantly off my ears, complementing the green of my eyes. My long black hair hung to the middle of my back in large, bouncing curls. I'm not one to wear dresses often, I'm more into being comfortable than looking rich. This gown though, it was breath takingly beautiful. It fell off both shoulders and came low enough on my chest that my father is going to have a heart attack. It slimmed in the waist and softly flowed down to the floor. The fabric was light and moved effortlessly with me. The jeweled sewn in belt around my waist glimmered in the sunlight and fell down the back of my dress. Jane had brought me a pair of black heels, not too tall because I wasn't used to wearing them, but they felt perfect. There was a knock at the door and Jane quickly went to open the open. "Mom" I squeaked as saw her in the mirror. I could see the tears in her eyes as she looked me up and down. "Mom, don't. Don't come in here and cry and ruin my makeup." I said to her laughing. I had to laugh or else I'd be the one crying. She came to me and placed her fingers on my chin tilting my head up. "My darling daughter, there are no words for how proud I am of who you've become. You are infinitely beautiful inside and out. I just have the cherry on top." I looked at her shocked as she spun me around so I was facing the mirror again. "Jane, please come over here too" she motioned and Jane stood at my side. "You have been my greatest achievement in life. I have much to thank Jane for as she had a hand in raising you as well, but you must know how proud we are of you and how much we love you. We wanted to give you a little surprise, Jane's idea, but we both settled on this." I could see Jane bouncing on her heels beside me "You knew a secret and you kept it from me Jane, rude." I laughed "Oh hush child" she quickly replied. Looking back in the mirror I could see my mother raise her hands over my head and place the most beautiful necklace around my neck. My breath hitched for a moment and I couldn't speak. Mother locked the necklace and ran her hands down my shoulders "Now you truly are the princess of this party." I ran my fingers over the necklace. It was black with green jewels. They were small and delicate but contrasted perfectly with the black setting they laid in. Mother knew me well, I loved all things black, she always said it must have been fate that had them name me Raven. "It's gorgeous, thank you both so much." I said and turned to hug both women at the same time. "Are you both ready, I'm starving and I heard there's appetizers downstairs!" I exclaimed grabbing both their arms and pulling them to the door.

As we turned the corner towards the ballroom hallway, I looked up just in time to see my father grab onto the stair railing. I immediately went to run to him when mom held her arm out. "Silly girl, your father is just fine. I mean he's probably not fine knowing you'll be walking into that room full of boys looking like this" and her and Jane laughed. My face frowned at the thought of how I'll be single for life if he has anything to do with it. Finally making our way down the hall I stood in front of my father. "Are you going to say anything or should I just go because this is weird father." I smirked at him. "No Raven, I cannot let you out looking like a full-grown woman when you are just my baby girl. Nope, not today, turn around and head right back to your room. The party is done, I'll say you're sick." He spoke quiet convincingly and I was almost going to unhinge for a moment until Mom started laughing and pushed him away. "You're a menace Talon. Give it up, she's going to get married someday and it's not going to be when she's 50." I could see the gears moving in his head and I just wanted to run away. "That's a great idea my love. 50. Raven can move out and find a man at 50. Done deal" my father said. I didn't know what else to do besides hug him, so I did just that. He held me so tightly I thought my eyes would pop from their sockets. "I'm sorry love but, it's just, where did my little girl go. How do I let you do things in this world when I know how I was at this age" he looked at my mom and I could see the blush creep up her face. "GROSS" I huffed pushing my father away. Jane stood there finding this all to comical so I rolled my eyes at them all. "Just ewww to knowing what my parents were doing" I said as I shook my shoulders. My father let out a long sigh and held my hand as we walked towards the door. We would walk in this door, walk down these stairs and my whole life would begin to change. At some point I will tell them I want to find adventure in my life and not follow their path. For now, though, I'm starving so I need to get through this door and down those stairs quickly before being stopped by everyone.

We stepped through the door and onto the balcony that wrapped around the grand staircase. I had to stop and take in the beauty of this room. It was decorated perfectly, it was amazing. No one knew that we were up here and ready to walk so I was able to glance around at those here. I saw my family grouped together, most of the local teachers and business owners were conversing together. Against one of the large windows, I could see Maddox and Reed surrounded by some more of his pack, all of them laughing. He must have caught my scent because he snapped his head up and caught me staring at him. His eyes widened, mouth gaped open and then he smiled. I laughed and pointed at him while mouthing "You're a dirty dog." His hand went to his heart as he looked hurt and I could hear Reed laughing across the room. They are both such fools but I'm glad they're my friends. I glanced towards the tables with beautifully spread food and I couldn't wait to taste it all. I looked at my father and he nodded to me as if to say it's time, so I walked towards him and he offered me his arm to hold. My mother on one side and father on the other, we started towards the stairs and the ballroom went silent. One of the guards loudly announced "Your attention please. Please welcome, President and first-lady Steele along with the birthday girl, Raven. From all of us here at the mansion, we wish you the happiest of birthdays." Everyone started to clap as we started down the stairs, I held my head up high giving my best smile to everyone. Glancing around the room, I was hit with the most enticing, musky smell of something I couldn't place. It almost had me stumble but my mother caught me and I steadied quickly, nodding that I was okay and we could continue. Again, almost to the floor it hit me as if I were standing in a freshly cut field right after it rained. I felt my mouth moisten and I swallowed hard. I felt my father squeeze my hand gently as he helped me navigate the last couple stairs before stepping to the floor. I could hear everyone around me making comments about how beautiful I was, some saying happy birthday. I was surrounded by people and I felt like a robot going through the motions of saying thank you to everyone. My head was still clouded by that smell, I wonder if there was a window or door open and it was coming from there. "Let her breath for a moment" was all I heard as the large hand on my back ushered me out of the crowd of people snapping me out of my trance. Rushing to the side of the room where they stood before, Reed waving at me as Maddox was moving people out of the way. Reed grabbed me and hugged me tightly "Happy birthday princess, you look smoking hot. Like the kind of hot that deserves a whistling cat call." Maddox pushed him out of the way and stood in front of me, eyes locked on mine, "forget him Raven. Happy Birthday. Has it been good so far?" he said as he hugged me tightly as well. I was laughing as I tried to push his burly body back but while doing so, I snagged my heel on the tile and started to fall. Maddox quickly grabbed me and held me up, confusion in his face "Raven what's wrong? I can tell somethings not right, what happened." I didn't even know what to say. There was so much going on around me, people everywhere, that smell was suffocating me and I felt like I was fighting some unknown urge. I looked up at Maddox through my lashes and mumbled "I don't know, I don't know what's wrong with me. I was just fine, more than fine until I walked in here" Reed moved one of the chairs towards me and motioned for me to sit down. They both knelt in front of me, concern spread across their faces. "Oh my gosh guys, I'm not dying, quit looking so sappy" I shook my head and scoffed "It's really weird so if I tell you, promise you won't make fun of me because I'm starting to think I might be crazy." Neither of them said anything which was my cue to continue. "As I was walking down the stairs it hit me. This smell, it's this mouth-watering smell that I can't get out of my head. It's clouding my thoughts and it's not a smell of food, that's what's making me crazy." I suddenly jumped up and Maddox grabbed me "What, where are you going" he said holding me still. I tried to loosen his grip and move but I was losing this match. "Maddox, I just need to see if there's a window or a door open around here. The smell, it's almost like I'm in a freshly cut field right after it rained, except it hasn't rained lately, has it?" I asked them. Reed lifted his eyebrow and almost mockingly said "Princess, you're saying that a simple scent is driving you wild? Do you have an urge to find it, like right now?" I nodded frantically, I did, I needed to find it right now. I was starting to breath heavier, my pulse raced and my body was on fire. "Oh my god, am I having a panic attack? Maddox, I feel suffocated, like I'm on fire. What the hell is wrong with me" I nervously said. Reed was looking at Maddox with a look of sadness, almost as if he wanted to comfort Maddox. "what's going on, do you know what's wrong with me Maddox? Why are you looking at him like that Reed? I asked. Maddox let out a long breath, bowed his head some and whimpered, "I thought you were mine. I was so sure you'd be mine but I was mistaken. The moon goddess must have other plans for my pack and I, but you Raven, I think you have found your mate somewhere at this party." Reed looked at Maddox with his hand on his shoulder "Its ok man, your mate is still out there and all this means is the mood goddess must have trusted you to be a sibling figure for her. Don't worry princess, we are all still together, we'll always be here for you" he finished while looking at me. I was utterly confused, "But I'm human, I know it happens but it's not exactly super common" I tilted my head towards Maddox "You thought I was going to be your mate? Do you lovvveee me?" I teasingly said. Maddox rolled his eye and before he could move, I grabbed them both and hugged them. "Thank you both for everything, I will never stop loving either one of you. Even if you are just my brothers. Right now, though" I said as I stepped back and looked at them "Right now, will you please help me to figure out what the hell is happening. What do you have to do to find your mate?" Reed looked at me with his lips curled up "Oh princess, if your mate is here, he will find you. The moment his wolf gets your scent is the moment you will see him strut through this room moving anything in his way to get to you. The moment he touches you he will forever love and cherish you. We don't take this lightly Raven. Wolves mate for life, although some have been blessed with second chances. If I can give you any advice, don't run, don't fight, just open up and embrace it. For us, seeing our mate is an intense love at first site. You are human, I'm curious what you'll feel, but him, he will want all of you, he will need all of you. The urge will take over so stand your ground if it's not what you want and we will be right here. Now go, enjoy your party, walk around, and find your man." Reed nudged me forward and Maddox gave me a wink. I stood there stunned "So I'm basically just being thrown to the wolves, literally. Throwing me towards a love hungry wolf ready to pounce. You both are dead to me, move along" I said sarcastically as I turned and headed towards the food. Maddox laughed and I turned to give him a quick death stare before I heard it. Staring towards the buffet station I could see a man yelling at the catering staff. I quickly grabbed both Maddox's and Reed's arm and rushed towards the sound. I don't know why but I felt compelled to get that immediately. I stopped at the edge of the ballroom floor looking at the scene in front of me trying to comprehend why I was fuming inside. "Princess, you're on fire" Reed whispered next to me. Maddox looked towards me and started to say "That's him" but I was already four steps ahead as the bald man pushed the person on the side of the table. I let out a deep throaty sound as my body began to tingle and could people around me gasp. A deep growl came from the man behind the table and it had prompted Maddox and Reed to move to my side. People started to step back from the three of us, even Reed moved instinctively with a look of confusion. As the bald man turned to me, I locked eyes with him in a blinding rage and sternly said "If you EVER lay your hands on him again, I'll have your goddamn head." My gaze never faltered from his and I could sense his fear and confusion as to why I would defend the worker. I could see from the corner of my eye, the man behind the table quickly bowed his head and that mere act made me furious. I couldn't figure out where this was coming from, it's like it wasn't me, I wasn't in control. "Who are you and why are you here?" I yelled, inching closer to this disgusting fool. The moment I was toe-to-toe with him and he looked down at me there was a low, threating growl that came from the worker but I wasn't going to back down that easy. In a flash the guards had the man in their grip as my father ran to us in a panic and wide eyed. "What is the problem here Gerard?" he asked. The look I gave the man was enough to tell him to shut his mouth or there would be consequences. My fists were clenched and my body was radiating heat as I spit out "Gerard here thinks it's appropriate to put hands on what's mine and I don't appreciate it much." I could see that man behind the table uncomfortably move back and forth so I turned to him and smiled. He was gorgeous, I swallowed hard and turned to my father. "Please get him out of here, he disgusts me. I'm alright, I just need to talk to this man and make sure he's okay" I commanded. I could see the confusion on my father's face but he quickly motioned for the guards to follow him out of the ballroom. That musky smell invaded my senses again and I looked at that gorgeous man again, my head clouded and eyes hazed I whispered "mine."

Malik's POV:

It all happened so fast; I had no time to even understand what was going on. The man in front of me kept yelling but I ignored him as all I could focus on was the sweet smell of vanilla and strawberries. I had to find out where it was coming from once the man in front of me settled down. That smell was getting stronger and I was starting to lose my mind. My heart raced, my palms were sweaty and I felt like I was suffocating. It felt like my skin was crawling and the pressure in my head would explode. "Oh no, please don't start to shift here" was all I kept thinking. It felt just like it did every night.

"Mate. Mate. Mate" Ares repeated and my eyes sprung open scanning the room. I didn't believe it, there was no way I deserved to have a mate. Not in this life, was the moon goddess messing with me.

I was still scanning the room when the man in front of my leaned over the table and pushed me. It felt as if it was slow motion. I stepped back so I didn't fall and felt the pain of my past bubble inside me. I closed my eyes and took a breath remembering that I would never again let anyone see how being pushed around affected me. I was just the servant here, amongst royalty, I knew my place. Something went through me with such force that my head snapped up and my breath hitched. Looking around I couldn't see anything, looking down I saw that nothing touched me but it hit me again. I could feel so much anger that it was physically painful to me. I felt a strong urge to ensure this man in front of me wasn't a threat so I let out a deep growl. "If you EVER lay your hands on him again, I'll have your goddamn head" was all I heard and as the man in front of me turned I saw her. I tried to avert my eyes and not stare but she was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen and something stirred in me that confused yet angered me. Her long black hair swayed as she glided towards us, her emerald-green dress flowing as she moved. I couldn't control my breathing and my body tingled; I needed her right now. As she continued to scold that man I felt a sense of embarrassment, why was she doing this for me. I bowed my head as the President came over and helped escort the man out of the ballroom. My eyes were closed but I heard her whisper clear as day, her whisper that said "mine." I could sense her coming towards me slowly and when she stopped in front of me, I tried to move my face to hide the scar. She reached up towards me with her delicately beautiful hands and by habit I flinched. She continued and cupped my face carefully saying "what have they done to you" as she stared to run her finger down my scar. I was frozen. Part of me was urging to touch her, to make her mine and the part was saying run, you're nothing compared to her. "Please, I'm not worthy of your sympathy your highness. I'm nothing but an orphaned, disfigured wolf and everyone is staring" I breathed out. She raised her voice louder intentionally so others could hear "I don't care WHO is looking at us, this is NONE of their business." She continued to run her fingers across my cheeks making my eyes fall to hers and more softly said "I don't know what the hell is going on right now or where this part of me came from but I have never had such a strong feeling about someone as I do now. You are beautiful and you are mine." The entire room was silent, everyone on pins and needles wondering what was happening yet our eyes never left one another. Before I could even think I growled "mine" but quickly averted me eyes in shock. She grabbed my hand, barely a whisper but more of a desperate plea falling from her lips "Please. Please come sit and just talk with me. Help me understand what is happening. It's now my only birthday wish."