
The Kings Curse

A life unknown caused by revenge. At the hands of a scorned sorceresses, Malik was punished by a life as an outsider. Will Malik fight to know where he came from or will he suffer in the shadows. Raven was the human leaders daughter. Beautiful and strong, she knows what she wants and she gets it. She dreamed of traveling the world until meeting Malik and discovering her Mothers secret, changes her journey.

Raven_St0ne · Sci-fi
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21 Chs

Night Moves

After the two found Miss Dupree and expressed the need for her to ready some rooms, Raven drug him through the elaborate mansion while showing him every nook and cranny she knew about. Malik's eye sparkled as he took in the grandiose of it all. "I have so many questions for you," Raven exclaimed as she continued to pull him along, "I can't wait to share our stories." Malik focused on what was around him and smiled and thought that maybe his life was going to turn around and be better. Through his smile he let out a laugh as Raven continued to drag him through hallways and corridors. Malik was amazed at the power Raven possessed as she tugged him along. He was a larger man standing around 6"4' with a naturally stocky build. After years of being the pack army's training bait, he had become quite strong, although he would never show that to the pack army. He had to play along and let the warriors believe they won each time. Malik started getting angry just thinking about how he had to play the weakling of the pack when he knew he could take them all if needed. Malik stopped which pulled Raven back almost making her lose her balance. He couldn't help but wonder why he was even angry about that now. He never cared what anyone thought of him or how he was made a servant for his entire life. He always just lived one day at a time making sure he made it through alive. He could feel the intensity of his frustration and anger building, setting his body on fire. He quickly looked around and began to panic not knowing where this feeling was coming from or why he couldn't calm himself down. "Woa, oh my god Malik, are you ok?" Raven gasped as she yanked her hand out of his grip. "What the hell was that your hand felt like it was on fire. Not just hot but on literal fire." Malik stood there paralyzed staring at her hand in complete confusion before his eyes snapped up and he pulled her into his arms, engulfing her body with his. "I am so sorry my sun, I, I don't know what just happened. Please, let me see your hand, are you hurt? I'll never forgive myself if you are" Malik panicked and quickly grabbed her hand to assess it. Once he confirmed that she was ok he backed up to the wall and sunk down to the floor, putting his head between his knees. Ravens heart shattered and she rushed to kneel beside him, "Look at me please" she whispered as she cupped his face and tilted upwards so she could see him, "I'm just fine, you've done nothing wrong." He scrunched his eyes shut and tried to steady his breathing. "I've never done that before, ever. I couldn't control it, it just happened. I don't want to ever hurt you but if I can't control what's happening to me then we shouldn't be around each other." Raven furrowed her brow and titled her head at him, "do you think that being together will be easy? This is what a relationship is, being there for each other, going through whatever obstacle blocks our way, together. I will never leave you to do this alone, this is as much of my journey now as it is yours, and I will fight right beside you. If you don't think you can control what's happening that's fine. I don't think you'll ever hurt me, even if what happens is out of your control. I know this will sound completely cliché, I almost rolled my eyes at myself, but you make me feel some type of way and it's the best feeling I've ever felt."

Malik wasoverwhelmed with emotions he had never experienced before and it caused hischest to tighten. The look in Ravens eyes confirmed to him that she was tellingthe truth, that she would be with him through everything he would encounterfrom now on. He thought to himself how crazy the mate bond was because thefeelings he had for this stranger overwhelmed him in the best ways. Ravenraised her brow, looking as if she was waiting for a response. Malik sighed andin a matter-of-fact tone told her, "You will be by my side through everythingand anything until you'll no longer have me." Raven smiled at him butinternally she was terrified. Terrified of her blatant aggressive actionstowards him, terrified at how easily she melted at his touch or his look, butshe was mostly terrified that he would become tired of her if they weren't tofind any answers about him, and leave her. Raven was pulled from her thoughtsas she felt the tingle run across her chin where his hand held her. "I can feelyour indecisiveness and anxiety my sun. What has you feeling this way? I hopeit's not me." Raven's eyes sprang open and she immediately tensed up, "Howcould you tell, what did you feel?" she gasped. "I mean, I'm not indecisiveabout us, just at how I'm acting. It's just so weird being pulled to someoneyou've just met and having such feelings that should not be there. I guess it'sjust new to me and will take me a while to fully understand. I don't evenunderstand why I'm being so forceful, that's not me. I'm all for being a leaderwhen doing things but I would never find myself in the lap of someone I justmet fantasizing about ripping their clothes off." Malik continued to stare intoher eyes as they commanded his attention. "From what I know, not to scare youbecause I would never forcefully do anything to you, but maybe it's because I'ma wolf. I could feel your emotions the moment I met you, it's like they flowthrough you to me and I know whether you're happy or scared or nervous. Ibelieve the same will happen to you once we, umm, once we, you know" Maliklooked at her sheepishly, "once we finalize the last step in mating. We'll beone then, and you'll be able to feel my emotions just as I can yours. It helpsto know that your mate is safe and if not by you, I'll know instantly whetheryour hurt or in trouble."

Raven's POV:

I stood up and held my hand out to Malik once he finished talking but when his words finally hit me, I froze. Malik stood up asking what was wrong and I just stared at him. Finally able to speak I asked, "you said finalize mating, what exactly does that all entail." I could see the blush creep up Malik's face quickly and he turned his head. I poked my finger to his chest and raised my eyebrow, "I'm not even going to lie, this sounds like it will be fun and I need to know all about it. Don't be shy, I get the jest, I just need the details so we can figure out when it should happen." He lowered his head, held my chin up with his hand while the other hand slid to hold the back of my neck. His gaze pierced through me causing my body to heat from head to toe. I unintentionally crossed my legs to try and relieve the pressure but he never turned away. Something happened and he changed. He was commanding and dominant, it radiated off him. My heart was racing and the anticipation of what could happen next had me on edge. All I heard was a deep, sultry voice pulling me out of my trance, "Little bird, I can smell your arousal and it's becoming hard to not make you scream my name right here in this hallway." He ran his hand from chin across my jawline and down my neck. My lips were quivering, my breath stolen from my lungs as I was melting into a puddle for him. As his fingers gently slid over my collarbone, moving the fabric of my shirt towards my shoulder I gasped. My body was reacting in ways I never knew possible and I needed to know everything he could do to me. My mouth was dry as I swallowed loudly, "Wha-, what else would you make me do." I breathed out in a barely audible whisper. His grip on my neck tightened as he entwined his fingers through my hair and he let out a throaty growl as he lowered his mouth to my ear. His musky smell surrounded me and I could barely hold on. I impulsively grabbed on to his shirt to steady my shaking knees and closed my eyes. "The moment my lips touch yours, you're mine. Are you ready for that Raven? Are you ready to scream my name as I find every single pleasure spot on this beautiful body? Will you be ready for me to sink my fangs into you, marking you as mine for everyone to know?" He whispered as he peppered light kisses down my neck to where he'd put his mark. He had backed me up against the wall, yearning for more of him as I bared my neck so he had better access. "You're so wet for me aren't you little bird? I can smell it, but will you let me feel it?" The moment he said that as his hand trailed down my side, was the moment I broke. Without hesitation I arched my back and leaned into him letting out a moan I didn't know I was holding back. I started to run my hand up his torso trying to explore him, to feel him but he tensed up and pulled back so I quickly I almost fell. He took a couple steps back and stared at me with the most terrifying look in his face. I tried to compose myself but my body was failing me. I could see his heavy breathing and the panic in his face, I knew I had to help him. Shaking my head telling myself to get it together, I rushed to him and held his hands. Looking up towards his face, I quietly said, "Malik, what's wrong? Are you okay? Look at me, I'm here and everything is going to be ok." He was shaking so I motioned for him to sit down. Kneeling beside him I rubbed his back trying to calm his breathing. Minutes passed before he was out of his panic but he continued to rest his head on his knees. "Malik, please talk to me. I'm not mad at what happened. Do you regret it? Is that why you panicked?" I asked him. He shot his head up with a look of surprise, "No, no not at all. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I would never pressure or force you to do anything" he quickly said. "It's just, it wasn't me. I didn't have control, I fought it and I couldn't win. I think it was Ares, I mean it had to be." I let out a sigh, thankful he didn't regret what was almost about to happen and narrowed my eyes, "So it's Ares that wants to mate me and not you?" I never was one for serious situations, they were awkward, so if I could lighten it with a joke I would always try. It worked because Malik started laughing, louder and louder as pulled me to him. I giggled at the way his chest vibrated against me with each laugh. "There are things I want to do to you that even I am shocked at my sun. I'm just not dominant like that, but apparently I should be after seeing your reaction. So, I guess I could ask you the same question, do you want Ares more than me?"

Was that really Ares that took over and he's using it as an excuse? I didn't know, but what I did know is that my body reacted without my control. I couldn't have stopped and I didn't want him to stop either, although best we did seeing as we were in the hallway for all to see. Thank the lord no one was around at that moment, that would have been embarrassing. I stood up with Malik and softly punched his chest, "I don't care who that just was, you or Ares or both, but know this, that will happen again. I was a second away from begging you keep going." I started laughing but stopped once I saw the color of Malik's eye changing. It was swirling with greens and reds and it was beautiful. I could see him clench his fists and his eyes went back to green while he grunted out and adjusted his pants, "everything in me is saying to throw you over my shoulder and take you to bed Raven. I want it to be special for you but if you keep playing the vixen here it'll happen in a guest bathroom if necessary." I gave him a look of surprise and put a hand to my chest, "do you mean like in the shower or like a bubble bath?" I asked, I loved seeing him break out of his shell slowly, even if it were just something he'd say here or there. He was still opening up to me and I was here for it. I smiled at him, grabbed his hand and continued walking. "It's getting late Malik; we should get downstairs before the moon comes out."

Malik's POV:

We continued to walk throughout the mansion heading for the stairs to the lower level. I listened to Raven the entire walk as she told me stories about the history of the décor and paintings on the wall. I don't know what got into me or where any of that dominance came from earlier, but I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy all of it. I kept thinking back to what happened and how I acted trying to figure out if that was me or if she just sent me over the edge and my need for her took her over.

"Please, you talk as if you'd know how to handle a woman let alone HER. You hung your head just trying to tell her about the mating. Grow a pair Malik, and soon. I feel different, something is going to change and It's because of our little bird."

"I knew it was you, how did you do that? You just took over and I had no control. I thought we worked together, not just you do what you want" I replied while trying to focus on not falling down the long set of stairs we were on.

"You weren't getting anything done and don't try to tell me you didn't enjoy it. You may not feel it but something in you changed, something in me changed. I feel more ready than ever before, like this wall is crumbling and allowing us to finally merge. I think it's her, finding our mate may have just saved our lives. Now get ready."

Raven continued to pull me along the dusty hallway, I don't think this wing is occupied often. "I'm sorry Malik, I know this isn't much of a first night here in this old room we'll be in, but soon we will figure all of this out and move on with our lives" she said as she stopped at a door. Turning the knob, she swung the door open to large room that looked to be cleaned and prepared by the staff. The bed was made and a tray of snacks and tea set on the table. There was an open area with only a large rug draped on the floor, I could only assume that was so I had room to move during my episode. Raven walked through the room towards the bathroom, "Settle in, I'm going to take a quick shower and change. There should be clothes in the dresser over there that you can put on." Looking to the corner she was pointing at I saw the large dresser next to a tall bookshelf. I wondered what types of books were just left here collecting dust. I ran my hand over multiple book spines not knowing what any of the titles said as they were in another language. Once I was standing in front of the dresser I opened the drawer to find it full of men's clothing, I grabbed white tee-shirt and sweatpants and set them on the bed. Peeking into the bathroom I could see that Raven was still in the shower, her silhouette clearly shown through the tempered glass. I could feel Ares stir in my mind and I knew what he wanted to do. "Don't you dare Ares; don't you ruin this for me because you're impulsive and impatient" I directed towards him but got no response. "Malik, I'm just about to get out if you want to jump in" Raven shouted from the shower and before I could think twice I was already walking into the bathroom. The humidity in the room intensified her scent and I was mesmerized by it. I'm not sure how long I was in the hypnotic trance until my arm was grabbed. "Malik, where were you?" Raven asked standing right in front of me in nothing but a towel. Water droplets falling from her gorgeous hair, running down her delicate skin had me lost for words. Her laugh brought me out of my fantasy, I could feel the fire in my face grow as she stared at me. "You know Malik, fated by the moon goddess means that I am yours, does it not?" She said seductively as she ran her nails down my arm light enough to give me goosebumps. All I could do was stare blankly at her, Ares was right, how am I going to handle this woman. She knows what she wants and doesn't care who knows it, and here I am sulking like a lost puppy. "It's ok Malik, all I'm trying to say is it's okay to look" Raven said as her towel dropped. My breathed hitched and I looked away unintentionally but snapped my head right back to her. I could see the look on her face change, she looked hurt, why is she upset.

"Boy, you are trying me today aren't you? You basically just averted your eyes as if she disgusted you enough that you couldn't bear to look. Listen to me carefully Malik, if you push our little bird away I will personally destroy you. Don't tempt me"

He was right, why would I do that to her. I heard her sigh as she went to turn away and I quickly grabbed her turning her to face me. "That was not at all meant to hurt you my sun. I'm learning what's appropriate and what's not, and at first glance I didn't think you'd want me staring at you as if you were the prey I was hunting." My eyes slowly trailed down her body and every inch of me came alive with a burning desire of primal need. She knew exactly what she was doing to me as if it was a game to her. My eyes made their way back to her face only to see where she was looking. I closed my eyes trying to slow my heart rate and keep control of Ares but it was killing me. I had to do something, I had to show her that I wanted her just as much as she appeared to want me and I was going to. Before I could do anything she had her hand on stomach, slowly tracing downwards, intently staring at how rock hard she made me. The second she wrapped her hand around me I gave in, pushing her towards the counter, lifting her up and setting her down next to the sink. The gasp she let out once she hit the cold surface was cut short as my lips covered hers. Her hands molded around my neck; fingers tangled through my hair. I wanted to drown in the feeling she gave me as I wrapped my arms around her, indenting her skin with my fingertips. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me closer letting out a moan as she felt my desire. I pulled away, resting my forehead on hers trying to catch my breath, "if you keep moving like this I don't think I'll be able to stop" was all I could get out before she pulled me in and kissed me like it would be her last. Her tongue parted my lips and she explored every inch of my mouth until she forcefully pushed me away. "Oh my god Malik, I'm so sorry but, ouch, you were burning me." The panic in my chest rose and I quickly grabbed her to see what happened only to find red marks where my hands had been. "Ares" I breathed out before falling to my knees in intense pain. I could see that Raven was shouting at me but I couldn't hear anything. This can't be happening right now, right before I could make her mine.

"Her touch stirred something inside of me that I've never felt and I want out right now Malik. MAKE IT HAPPEN" Ares growled at me.

Then the sharp pains started and I could feel my body trying to tear apart and transform. This time was the worst, this pain was unbearable and I wasn't sure I could even handle it. I could see Raven run out to put her robe on and she brought in a pillow to lay on the ground. She quickly turned the shower off that had still be running and knelt down by me adjusting the pillow under my head. I couldn't lay still though, the rush of searing fire spread throughout my body. I could feel Raven next to me trying to hold my head but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I could feel the hair start to sprout from my skin while my body contorted in unimaginable ways.

"Malik, let go and let me shift. I can feel it, were closer than we've ever been before. Just LET GO." Ares was howling with every painful jolt.

I couldn't respond to him as each rush of pain hit me harder than the last until there was nothing. My entire body relaxed and my heart rate slowed allowing me that moment of relief. I opened my eyes to see Raven bent down crying over me while kissing my forehead. I couldn't understand what was happening. Tonight, the pain was short lived versus every other night. After I caught my breath I reached up and stroke Raven's cheek. She had been so focused that she didn't even realize I had calmed down. "It's over now my sun, I'm ok," I whispered to her and started to sit up. She quickly opened her eyes and began to help me up. "Oh, my goddess Malik, I was so scared for you. I see what you mean about starting the transformation but not being able to finish," she said as she curled up next to me against the wall.

"It's her Malik, it's our mate. She can help us; she can break this wall that I can't get through. We need to make her ours now. I don't want to force her into anything but this could be life or death. We NEED to do this now. MARK HER OR I WILL," Ares demanded.

I was both physically and mentally exhausted so I wasn't in the mood for his demands. The more I tried to shut him out, the stronger he came on. I wasn't going to let him take control and do anything that we could regret. I could feel my hands shaking and my jaw clenched as I rocked back and forth trying to kick Ares out of my head. "Malik, what can I do to help? Anything, just tell me how I can help you," I heard Raven say as she held my shoulder while resting her other hand on my cheek. Without hesitation I tilted my head while staring into her beautiful eyes. I could feel myself slipping away and Ares taking control and I fought to stop him. "Little bird, you are the key to our healing, I can feel it. We need you; we need to mark you and make you ours and we need to do it right now. Now, you'll be a good little bird won't you and let me make you scream as your body melts around my shaft and my fangs sink into your skin," Ares temptingly said as he turned to Raven. She sat there wide eyed looking at me before the smallest smirk came over her face while I was wrestling to push Ares back. I shot up shaking my head, "NO, NO Ares. You will NOT do this. No pressure, no forcing, NOTHING. Now GO AWAY," I screamed while pulling at my hair. I turned and left the room heading to the window. I felt like I was being suffocated and I needed air. By the time I was able to open the window and feel the cool breeze against my face, Raven was behind me, arms wrapped around my waist as she trailed her fingertips back and forth against my skin. She turned me around, holding her hands against my chest sporting a sly smile. Once again the burning desire for her had me wanting to rip the robe she was wearing right off of her body. "I can feel your heart racing Malik, you don't need to be shy," she said as her hands trailed down my chest again. "Open your eyes and look at me, I want to see how I make you feel. I want to help you, please let me." By now she was to my waist, teasing me bit by bit. I had never been in a situation like this so I didn't know what I was doing or what I should be doing. Hell, I didn't even know if this was appropriate right now. "I said open your eyes Malik," she demanded as she ran her hand up my chest pinching my nipple. The shock of pleasure I felt had my eyes snap open and look down at her. Her hand continued up my neck to my jaw as she stood tip-toed trying to reach my face. My body was frozen, my cock throbbed and I was lost in the moment. Raven's face fell and she immediately pushed me to the side and down into the chair. I was trying to comprehend what happened and she was straddling my lap, undoing her robe. The smell of her excitement was overpowering everything in my head and it was the only thing I could focus on.

"MAKE HER OURS" Ares growled.