
The Kings Blood: High Dragon

WARNING: Story may contain violence & sexual violence. This story is a bit evil. It involves a dominate man and a powerful female. It is a romance novel but this relationship is built throughout the chapters. Do not expect love at first sight. ----------------Excerpt----------------- Alora felt a wave of intense heat radiate from Eldon's body. The drumming in her ears became overwhelming. With the sword still at her throat, she turned to look at him. Pieces of his black hair fell just above his orange-red eyes, his face was unreadable. He placed his other hand on the back of Alora’s head, she stiffened. A small smile flashed on Eldon's face but quickly faded. Never letting the sword drop from Alora’s neck, he stared into her pure black eyes. He gripped her pinned hair, pulling gently to tilt her head further back and moved his face closer to hers. She could feel his warm breath on her lips as he whispered, “You’ve kept me waiting Alora” He paused, tightening his hold on her hair before continuing, “and you will learn not to do that”. His fire eyes flickered with the demand then suddenly his lips were on hers. ------------------------------------------------------------- Eldon is a king who inherited the high dragons blood from his ancestors and their magic abilities. He has a taste for killing and conquering lands. He is strong, ruthless, powerful, and bares no weaknesses. Alora, a newly noble woman who appears to be educated, elegant and refined, is not what she seems. She harbors magic abilities. Such abilities threaten the royals, and causes one to be hunted and killed. She has spent years gaining control over her abilities to hide them so no one ever finds out. But her emotions can tip her over the edge, to a darker side. A side she craves to be.

TimelessxDiamond · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Not a Lady: Part 2

Alora stares at the men who are paralyzed with fear. They deserve a slow draining death, she thinks to herself as she lifts her bloody hand up into the air and swings her arm in the direction of the bearded man. A black circle begins to form at the man's feet, a gray transparent wall rises from the lines of the circle ensuring that the man cannot leave where he stands. Right before everyone's eyes the man began to grow older, his face shriveling up, body becoming thin and gray. He cries out in pain before he is turned to dust. His life source draining and making Alora stronger. The kill brings on a feeling of joy she hasn't felt in a while, the joy she tries to recreate when she is hunting in the forest.

Alora turns to the other men, two of them cower in fear while one of them looks as if he has found a rare prize. Alora looks at the men and decides to savor the fearless man, and attack him last. With quick steps, she starts to walk to the two scared men, she has a smile so big she looks malicious. One attempts to draw his sword while the other tries to run back to the hallway. Alora takes the knife she used to cut her hand and throws it at the man who tried to flee, catching him in the tender spot where the neck and head meet. The man dropped like a rice sack to the floor, dead.

Continuing towards the other man, Alora kicks him in the chest using a burst of her arcane magic which causes him to stagger back and drop his sword. Alora quickly grabs his sword and with one stroke she disconnects his head from his body. His blood drained on the kitchen floor. She makes a quick turn to where she left the confident man but was displeased not to see him there. Dropping the sword she goes to grab the knife from the dead man's body. She looks to Ayla who is still unconscious on the floor, and moves her body to a small pantry in the kitchen and hides her there. Alora puts her choker back on her neck and feels the heat inside of her mellow out. She then takes a few steps out the door of the kitchen, the one that leads outside.

She feels her muted dark magic pull at her, telling her to go somewhere. She is too caught up looking for her prey that she ignores its calls, it is not as strong and persuasive when the magic choker is placed. She closes her eyes and sends out her arcana to locate the energy of the escaped man. It sends back a strong signal, one of great power. Without thinking or looking Alora throws the knife in that direction, sending some arcana with it to make sure it hits its mark. She senses nothing. No response. She opens her eyes to see the man with the black hair. Her knife in his hands. He was wearing very expensive armor made of a dark gray borderline black metal.

Fear took over her. This was not a castle intruder. This was not one of the dirty men who tried to abduct her and her sister. This was not her prey. This was someone who was at the banquet, who belonged to a noble family, someone her father may know.

Eldon looked at the girl, her face was cold, serious, there was something dark dancing in her eyes but as soon as she saw him her face looked like she saw a ghost. She was scared. A realization came to him, this was the woman he met outside the main hall, Alora, the bright blue eyes and black hair gave it away. He remembered they showed fear earlier, like she knew to run away. Those eyes are like nothing he has ever seen before. When she first stepped out of the kitchen he swore he saw a bright blue light that looked much like the color of her eyes flicker in the air around her. Curious, he thought.

Eldon got off of his horse and signaled to his right hand, Edward, who was stationed behind the scared girl. She remained still, unmoving. Eldon began walking toward her, holding the knife she threw at him. He had seen a man run in fear from the kitchen. Was she why he was so fearful? He knew that man was who the knife was meant for. Eldon had never experienced anything like this. He was who people ran in fear from. She was becoming more and more of a mystery. When this woman threw the knife she didn't even have her eyes open, yet it came straight for him. This made him smirk. This woman was unlike the rest, he could tell.

Alora watches as the man approaches but stops two feet in front of her. He tilts his head to the side and gives her a mischievous smile. Alora felt everything that normally rages inside of her become tranquil at this man's presence. Like her inner flame was blown out.

In a deep voice he hums, "Well that was not very ladylike, was it?" Alora felt a strong thump on the back of her head, and then everything went dark.

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