
The Kingmaker System

"The masterminds are cooler than heroes," I mutter as I stare at the chess pieces before me. It is easier to be the one who sits in the shadows and moves the pieces, likewise deciding the flow of the game. Heroes will foolishly sacrifice their lives for the good cause and villains will sacrifice the world for their own gain, but masterminds will use both the heroes and villains to their own benefit. Why, you ask? Well, that's because I've lost my life once while trying to be a hero so, I don't want that anymore. I'd rather be a mastermind who molds the world as per my convenience and live peacefully. Because, why not? *** [Defender of Divine Glory says you are the hope of this world.] What? [Goddess of Wisdom believes that you will be the one to save the world.] Wait, what?! [Propose the Grand Duke the idea of a fake marriage.] And, why would I do that?! [Stop the assassination of Prince Eric.] Why would I save him?! [The candidates for the throne are:... Who will you choose?] Ah! I give up... It seems like a curse that anyone who wishes for a slacker life in Isekai will have to go through the most troublesome things. In my past life, I died because of one rookie mistake but after being transmigrated in the world of fantasy I've gotten an opportunity to start afresh, but unlike the protagonists who look for their love and glory, I'd rather make money and live a life of a slacker. I have magic, I have power and I have money, what else do I need? Well, that was the plan but this damn system is getting on my nerves. I mean who in their sane mind would want to mess with the complicated royal family and political affairs? But that's not all though. I've also become the saviour of this world. Things just can't be anymore worse! Besides, the penalty of failing this quest is... [Failure: Destruction of the World.] It seems like if I screw up in selecting the right person then the destruction that is going to befall the world won't be stopped. If I speak of my reward then it's this vague thing. [Reward: Fulfillment of any wish.] "If that's the case then, I'd rather choose the person who would be the best fit for the throne." And that's how I decided that I would become the Kingmaker.

AnimeVerseGirl · Fantasy
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196 Chs

Prologue. Not the kind of death I pictured.

Russian Roulette is an interesting game.

This game is based on luck, if you were lucky you would live to tell the tale if not then well, good luck with your funeral.

Besides, dying by a bullet causes a lot of pain. I mean it. I have experienced it that's why it's always better to make sure that you're in a safe spot if you're doing something dangerous.

But while I find this game interesting, I prefer chess. Because making plans and executing them is my speciality. It's safe and it's not like I'm on the field to take care of the hard work, all I have to do is move the pieces and they'll do the work. Simple and safe.

But then again, I had no idea that this technique would lead me to trouble. How? Well, let me start from the beginning.


The bullet whizzed just a few inches from my head and I scowled as I shot the one who had aimed at me.

Damn, terrorists!

I shot again taking down another terrorist and took cover to load my gun again. This was my last magazine now. We weren't prepared for a shootout, this was supposed to be a cautious follow-up on a suspect then how on earth did it turn out like this?!

"Chief, I'm losing ammo." I heard the voice of my subordinate through my earpiece.

"So am I, hold on."

I shot another militant and checked to see if any of the guns from the dead were lying around.


"If you're out of bullets stay covered." I ordered.

It was risky, we didn't have enough ammo, we couldn't even grab the bulletproof vests for God's sake.

"I need a damn vacation after this." I muttered.

"Same here."

"I'm going to Goa."

I heard two consecutive replies and rolled my eyes.


It was a troublesome situation, not because I had to be in this shootout but because it was the weekend and the weekend for me was Anime Day.

After working weeklong in the Intelligence Organization to prevent threats over the country there was one day for me to enjoy my time when I would watch the marathon of my favourite anime for the entire day while lounging on my sofa. But because of these bastards, it got ruined.

I shot another terrorist in the head and took cover again as the gunshots from my subordinates and the other terrorists resounded in this rundown mill. I had called for back-up but it might take some time.

It might seem strange that someone who was supposed to be dedicated to the country's protection was an Otaku, so, let me make one clarification. I chose this job because of its pay and also this action, I mean who would say no to being the real-life James Bond?

Being born in a middle-class problematic family the only way for me to have a stable future with decent earnings was to grab a 9 to 5 corporate job or get a government job. I chose the latter.

"Chief, I think it's all clear!" I heard one of my subordinates' voice in my earpiece and I glanced around, waiting for any hidden terrorist before I could call it a day.

"Okay, all clear!" I called, relieved that it finally ended.

We counted the number of terrorists we had to take out and after getting them all. Everyone reported to me, a total of seven officers including me.

"Someone call the ambulance, I'll contact the HQ," I said as I pulled out my phone.

"I was so scared," Laila said as she curled her arms around herself and I patted her shoulder.

"You did great for your first time. Most of them shit their pants." I told her and she gave me a shaky smile.

She was a new recruit and it was her very first mission, I remembered my reaction from around six years ago when I had had my first mission. I was worse than her, the guilt of killing a person for the first time had plagued me with nightmares and fever for days.

If it weren't for my Chief from back then and my determination then I would have quit.

I reported the "Mission Complete" to my superior and we prepared to leave the scene when from the corner of my eye I noticed the subtle movement.

I turned and my eyes widened as I saw one of the injured terrorists moving and aiming his gun right at Laila.

My body reacted before my brain and I pushed Laila away just as the sound of the gunshot echoed in the surroundings followed by the shouts of my subordinates who shot down the terrorist.

My body stumbled back on the impact of the blow and I was slightly stunned as I steadied myself. I quickly turned to look at Laila hoping that she was fine but then noticed that she was looking at me with a horrified expression.

I felt warmth oozing from my chest and the wetness spreading over my shirt. Wait, did I get shot instead?

I looked down at my chest and touched the dark stain over my blue shirt and was shocked but didn't feel any pain. 

My subordinates hurried over to me in an instant as I felt my body slowly losing strength and Laila held me as I slowly sank to the ground.

My subordinates seemed to be going crazy as I was shot and I waved my hand trying to get them to calm down.

"Ca-Calm down, guys. I'll be-" I coughed and felt the blood splutter out.

"Chief! Oh, my God!"

It was then that the pain started and I couldn't compare it to any other pain that I felt in my life, physical at least.

Laila cried as she placed her hands over my wound trying to stop the bleeding but it was a waste, by the location of the wound I knew the bullet had either hit my lungs or my heart.

It hurt like hell, I couldn't even manage to utter a word as I felt the blood spilling out rapidly.

The pain was so much that I couldn't help it, I couldn't move. Was this how I would die?

Well, at least it would be called an honourable death, I'd be called a martyr.

And with that, for once in my life, I would be able to face myself and not avoid my eyes like I always used to.

It was an innate complex that I had about myself, that I would never be enough, I would never make anyone happy by having me in their life, and that I would always be a substitute for everyone, one that's easily replaceable.

"Chief! Chief!" My subordinates seemed to be going crazy around me.

I was conscious but I knew it was only for a few seconds. At this point, I wanted to just give in to the pain, usually, I would know if I would survive or not but this time it was as if I could see the dark figure of the grim reaper standing by my side.

"The ambulance is on the way, Chief please stay with us!"

"It'll take time, hurry and get her in the car!" I felt someone hauling me up and I felt the warm body hold me up.

"Chief, please don't leave us!"

"Chief, I'm so sorry!" Laila cried as she still was up to her futile attempt to stop my bleeding.

These were the young ones who were left in my care and I was glad that all of them were safe. At least I wouldn't die with the guilt of letting them die in my stead.

"Tha..." I croaked, feeling my lungs burning with just the amount of air I was using.

Suddenly, it felt as though I was watching a movie reel. The scenes of my life began flashing before my eyes, showing me everything from my family and friends to my workplace and all the happy and sad moments I'd experienced. It was all going by in fast-forward, yet I could recall each detail vividly.

"Chief, Chief, please hold on. We'll get you to the hospital real quick."

"Yeah, please Chief, be strong."

Be strong... that's what I have always done in my life.

At least now, I wouldn't have to put up my strong side and face the world while hiding my flaws.

I could feel my subordinates trying to rush me to the hospital but with each passing second, I was starting to lose my senses. My brain was a mess as all I could think of was the regrets of my life; and of all the other things, this was not the kind of death I pictured for myself.

My vision was starting to dwindle and I couldn't hear them properly, it just felt as if I was surrounded by the white noise and it was slowly eating away at the remnants of my senses.

Yet, their tears and their anguished voices were enough to touch my heart. At least I wasn't dying out in the cold like a few of the officers that I knew of. The people who cared for me and worried for me were around and I was dying in their arms.

"Tha..." I opened my lips again, feeling the blood fill my mouth.

"Thank... you... all." I whispered feeling my eyelids growing so heavy that I couldn't keep them up.

"Chief! Chief!"

"Chief no!"

My eyes slid closed and my ears rang with their cries for a moment before everything went silent. At least now, I could sleep for real now.

Before ending the mission, it was crucial to confirm the elimination of all enemies. But who could have thought that a Chief Intelligence Officer would die because of a rookie mistake?

Well, that's how I died, a thirty-year-old virgin Otaku.


[The soul that meets the necessary criteria has been selected. Commencing the transfer.]

[20% transfer complete...]

[50% transfer complete...]

[75% transfer complete...]

[99% transfer complete...]

[Transfer completed successfully 100%.]

[The new system is activating...]



This is my first ever book on Webnovel and the only Isekai book I wrote is a fanfic so, I'm still new to this. I hope I'll have some motivation from you all in any form that you wish.

Thank you.

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