
Vampiric Blood Ent

Samar led the team on a spiral path, killing as many Ents as possible before they reached the center. He had a simple goal; Leveling up to improve the collective combat power of the team.

When the team stopped to rest before entering the central area, the average level of the team had already risen to Lv 21 and Samar had reached Lv22. They had also collected 29 Spirit Essences and 22 Timbers. 

While the others rested, Samar who had only used up 10% of his Stamina decided to keep a watch from one of the still intact buildings. It was then he noticed the activities of the Ents behind them. 

Malformed Ent Saplings, Malevolent Ents, Blood Ents… All types of Ents were assembled in one place. They were far from Samar, making their activities hard to notice at first. They neither approached the team nor did they make any threatening moves; it was easier to dismiss them as a threat.