

"Have you been to the Emberleaf Trading Firm?"

A little more than an hour had passed since the store opened for business but this had become the most popular question asked by the players of Rajni to their friends. 

The news that the Store sold Sacred Threads and the Runic Arrows quickly spread and many players visited the shop. Soon, all four batches of Rune Arrows had been sold out. 

The sale of Sacred Threads, the main reason behind the store's popularity, was a little slow. Even in Rajni City, not many players could accept the seemingly exorbitant price of 3 Gold Leafs for 3% increase in Holy Power. Those that could, disdained purchasing the lowest value goods and preferred the Sacred Threads that offered a boost of 5% or above. 

After an hour of sales, the shop had sold out all 8% and 10% Holy Power Damage Sacred Threads and only the 5% and 3% Sacred Threads remained in stock. However, Samar had earned 136 Gold Leafs from the Sacred Threads sold!