


The Guild Recognition Process was anticlimactic. There was no announcement to the players nor did the Harbingers get special perks for becoming the first Guild to be recognized by the Rajni City. 

It would be a lie to say Samar was not disappointed but he knew the name of the Harbingers would be on everyone's lips pretty soon. Not just because they were the first Recognized Guild of Rajni City but also for the benefits offered. 

The moment the Guild was formed, RedQueen, Nidar and Zamir invited the rest of the members officially to the Harbingers. Quickly, the number of registered members of the Harbingers burgeoned from 52 to nearly 200. 

Excited, they could not help but brag about becoming a member of a Recognized Guild to their friends and acquaintances. Soon, the word spread through the City and each and every Guild became aware of this fact.